this script only replaces line to line, hence this won't work with entire paragraph, only 1 line at a time.
- user friendliness
- popularity
- type
- hp = time supported(in days) * 10
- card type
- NTDP number of things that it depends on = number of items * multiplying factor lib = 0.5 os = 0.3
- perk
- perk = I use Arch, btw
- user friendliness = 40%
- popularity = S
- type = OS
- hp = 7601 * 10 = 76010
- card type = PLATINUM
- NTDP = 0
- perk = When used, Arch users have to disclose themselves.
- user friendliness = 100%
- popularity = S
- type = CLI UTIL
- hp = 28400
- card type = SILVER
- NTDP = 10.2
- perk = SPECIAL ATTACT - "-f" Ability to delete, Forcefully. Combined with root privileges, You can delete any card from your opponent.
- user friendliness = 85%
- popularity = S
- type = COREUTIL
- hp = 113840
- card type = GOLD
- NTDP = 0