Archive Note: This repo has been moved to, although it's simple and feature complete so I don't know that anything will change.
This Neovim plugin provides a command :Denote note
that prompts for a title and keywords (tags), then creates a new file in a flat notes directory using the Emacs Denote package's file-naming scheme:
For example:
That's all this does: create and consistently rename text files using the above scheme. No frontmatter, links, etc. I have overcomplicated my notes too many times with fancy Org Mode and Zettelkasten systems and this is my minimalist endgame.
The file-naming should be 1:1 with denote.el, down to minor things like triming/combining excess whitespace, removing special characters, disallowing multi-word keywords, and separating signature terms with = (e.g. ==three=word=sig
Example config via lazy.nvim
opts = {
ext = "md", -- Note file extension (e.g. md, org, norg, txt)
dir = "~/notes", -- Notes directory (should already exist)
add_heading = true, -- Add a md/org heading to new notes
retitle_heading = true, -- Replace the first line heading when retitling
The heading options automatically support Markdown (#) and Org/Norg (*) headings.
Maybe you want to set keymaps for the commands as well
vim.keymap.set({'n','v'}, '<leader>nn', ":Denote note<cr>", { desc = "New note" })
vim.keymap.set({'n','v'}, '<leader>nt', ":Denote title<cr>", { desc = "Change title" })
vim.keymap.set({'n','v'}, '<leader>nk', ":Denote keywords<cr>", { desc = "Change keywords" })
vim.keymap.set({'n','v'}, '<leader>nz', ":Denote signature<cr>", { desc = "Change signature" })
To install without a package manager:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/simple-denote.nvim/start
cd ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/simple-denote.nvim/start
git clone
Add the following to ~/.config/nvim/init.lua
ext = "md",
dir = "~/notes",
add_heading = true,
retitle_heading = true,
cd ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/simple-denote.nvim/start/simple-denote.nvim
git pull
" Creates a new note in the `dir` directory with `ext` extension
" Keywords are space delimited. The title or keywords can be blank.
:Denote note
" Renames the current note with the new title
" If `retitle_heading` is true, overwrites the first line heading as well
:Denote title
" Renames the current note with the new list of keywords (space delimited)
:Denote keywords
" Rename the current note with a signature
" This has a user-defined meaning and no particular purpose
:Denote signature
- HumanEntity/denote.nvim - This project was based on denote.nvim and modified to suit my personal preference or closer adhere to the original Denote spec.
- denote.el - The original Emacs package