FOUND THIS SERVER: that seems to incorporate all I found and more in a clean library.
to enable OTA upload in myWebServer uncomment this line :: //#define ALLOW_IDEOTA //define this to allow IDE OTA, good while debugging.... here ::
The above server proving nice and useful - Participating in new work with Teensy here :: Working with IDE 1.6.12 and ESP_Arduino Rev 2.3. Current Update here:
Using Arduino on Teensy and ESP8266
Work in Progress: GOING WELL - multiple ESP units tested with OTA and now Serial program over Teensy USB to Serial
- NOTE: Arduino IDE 1.6.7 is the first release that provides support for ArduinoOTA library
This link to working with SPIFFS file system on ESP: [ newer 0.2.0 working for OTA SPIFFS upload: ]
Connected and powered by a PJRC Teensy 3.2.
ESP units are a 12E and a onehorse unit from Tindie :
A second onehorse unit with PCB to Serial2 used in latest update, can wire to ESP_generic the same way. Initial code (commented out) used a Serial3 PCB unit with wires from Rx/Tx to Teensy ALTERNATE Serial2 pins on a FrankB connectorboard.
Added: Example for Teensy 3.2 (will work on 3.1 with external ESP power) Proxy sketch that routes Serila# to Serial/USB for debug or programming. USB commands can be issues to: PROGRAM [P :: reset to pgm mode serial], RESET[R}, ESTOP [E=ON, e=off] [Command LETTERS preceded by ` (left apostrophe character). All other USB imput echoed to ESP.
Code functions well - is a mess to read - and poorly commented, some notes here on functionality.
First "HelloServerOTA" example for ESP8266 --- Started with HelloServer ESP example then merged added OTA code from BasicOTA example
- Edit the userssid.h file in the sketch folder to supply your network SSID and password
- The sketch cycles power to GPIO 12,13,15 where I stuck an RGB LED, it puts out serial data, presents web text.
- Incorporates Arduino OTA Port based uploading
- Use build for your ESP unit, I set mine to 1M ( 256K SPIFFS ) to allow OTA code to fit at 259K it is 33% code space
- [pending] Bad code crashing into wdt (watchdog timer)? - added setup() pin read to skip user code except OTA after WiFii
- Added Serial receive echo back our Seial, it seems SerialEvent not supported so added to loop()
- Any NEW code or code that can CRASH needs to be under 'if (!ESTOP)' - you can then set the declared pin high on Teensy (
E) and reset (
R) to preserve the OTA code ability to recover from crashing resets - I did thie ONCE with a SPIFFS edit, and implemented this failsafe. - OTA uploads are 3-6 times faster than Serial uploads, and actually seem more reliable
- Check your SPIFFS and other settings in tools as the IDE can reset them - in one case that trashed my OTA code as it shrunk the program area.
First AutoRefresh "FirstPage" Client side Web Page set: start index.htm ---Sample auto update browser script to monitor ESP8266
Edit menu.htm for starting IP if you have a fixed one to save editing it (include subpage if you make one like /t )
edit :: ESP IP:
Press LOAD to show the web page in lower frame
Press AUTO button for 2500ms auto refresh, edit menu.htm to adjust timing 500ms works, when no multi unit collisions
setInterval(loadeip, 2500)
Sample web output: Hello World! Reset setup() time:3497 Time to WiFi Start Millis:4514 *Current millis=1601225 *Free Heap Size= 37824[ 1st FHSz= 38144 @8013] *ESP8266 chip ID= 850894
ID = 1327343
sz= 1048576 bytes
speed = 40000000 Hz
supply voltage = 3410V *Sketch sz:262912 *Free sz:499712 *IP#: 1677830336 *Last SysInfo Update @1533898