Some time in June 2016 the hosting ran out on and the site ceased to function. Creator Matt MacPherson could not be contacted over this period (via known email channels) and even the official subreddit fell into disarray. As an affionado of futurist ideas and futurist humour, I decided the church of google should preserved for historical reasons.
Because this not an officially sanctioned clone of the original Church of Google I am being transparent about how I created it based off the origonal.
I took over the official subreddit via RedditRequest
I purchased the domain
I used this 3rd party downloader tool
I then pointed it at the last live version of the site on which was this one from April 6th 2016.
Finally I removed the /forum/ content which captured the contents of the old forum and came to 364 megs of denormalised content across 8,236 file.
All subsequent changes to the site you will be able to track here in Git in the interests of transparancy, also allowing potential collaboration. If Matt wants to revive the origonal site and request this one be shut down, he needs only ask.
-- Deku-shrub