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CircleCI CircleCI

This library for the Dark Sky API provides access to detailed weather information from around the globe.


pip3 install darksky_weather

Get started

Before you start using this library, you need to get your API key here.

All classes are fully annotated, source code it's your best doc : )

from darksky.api import DarkSky, DarkSkyAsync
from darksky.types import languages, units, weather

API_KEY = '0123456789abcdef9876543210fedcba'

# Synchronous way
darksky = DarkSky(API_KEY)

latitude = 42.3601
longitude = -71.0589
forecast = darksky.get_forecast(
    latitude, longitude,
    extend=False, # default `False`
    lang=languages.ENGLISH, # default `ENGLISH`
    values_units=units.AUTO, # default `auto`
    exclude=[weather.MINUTELY, weather.ALERTS], # default `[]`,
    timezone='UTC' # default None - will be set by DarkSky API automatically

# Synchronous way Time Machine 

from datetime import datetime as dt

darksky = DarkSky(API_KEY)
t = dt(2018, 5, 6, 12)

latitude = 42.3601
longitude = -71.0589
forecast = darksky.get_time_machine_forecast(
    latitude, longitude,
    extend=False, # default `False`
    lang=languages.ENGLISH, # default `ENGLISH`
    values_units=units.AUTO, # default `auto`
    exclude=[weather.MINUTELY, weather.ALERTS], # default `[]`,
    timezone='UTC', # default None - will be set by DarkSky API automatically

# Asynchronous way
# NOTE! On Mac os you will have problem with ssl checking
# So you need to create your own session with disabled ssl verify and pass it into the get_forecast
# session = aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=False))
# darksky = DarkSkyAsync(API_KEY)
# forecast = await darksky.get_forecast(
#     *arguments*,
#     client_session=session
# )

darksky = DarkSkyAsync(API_KEY)

latitude = 42.3601
longitude = -71.0589
forecast = await darksky.get_forecast(
    latitude, longitude,
    extend=False, # default `False`
    lang=languages.ENGLISH, # default `ENGLISH`
    values_units=units.AUTO, # default `auto`
    exclude=[weather.MINUTELY, weather.ALERTS], # default `[]`
    timezone='UTC' # default None - will be set by DarkSky API automatically,
    client_session=aiohttp.ClientSession() # default aiohttp.ClientSession()

# Final wrapper identical for both ways
forecast.latitude # 42.3601
forecast.longitude # -71.0589
forecast.timezone # timezone for coordinates. For exmaple: `America/New_York`

forecast.currently # CurrentlyForecast. Can be found at darksky/
forecast.minutely # MinutelyForecast. Can be found at darksky/
forecast.hourly # HourlyForecast. Can be found at darksky/
forecast.daily # DailyForecast. Can be found at darksky/
forecast.alerts # [Alert]. Can be found at darksky/

Contact us.

If you have any issues or questions regarding the library, you are welcome to create an issue, or You can write an Email to [email protected]


Library is released under the MIT License.