For our final project in CS105 - Computer Graphics, I propose to create a browser-based remake of the popular game "Crossy Road".
This project adapts the Voxel Graphics style, using MagicaVoxel, an open-source project, to create voxel-based models for characters and environment elements.
If you'd like to see someone else in the game or have any relevant ideas, please open an issue!
- Expo (ios, android, web)
- React Native for web (web)
- React Native (ios, android)
- THREE.js for rendering
- GSAP for animating
- Webpack
Clone this repository:
git clone
Next, install the dependencies:
npm i --legacy-peer-deps
To start the web version of the game, run:
npx expo start --web
If you wish to build the web version, use the following command:
npx expo export:web