This repository contains the code for the data structures and algorithms that I have learned.
- 01 - What are data structures and algorithms?
- 02 - Stacks
- 03 - Queues
- 04 - Priority Queues
- 05 - Linked Lists
- 06 - Dynamic Arrays
- 07 - LinkedLists vs ArrayLists
- 08 - Big O notation
- 09 - Linear search
- 10 - Binary search
- 11 - Interpolation search
- 12 - Bubble sort
- 13 - Selection sort
- 14 - Insertion sort
- 15 - Recursion
- 16 - Merge sort
- 17 - Quick sort
- 18 - Hash Tables
- 19 - Graphs intro
- 20 - Adjacency matrix
- 21 - Adjacency list
- 22 - Depth First Search
- 23 - Breadth First Search
- 24 - Tree data structure intro
- 25 - Binary search tree
- 26 - Tree traversal
- 27 - Calculate execution time
- 01-introduction
- 02-array
- 03-Stacks
- 04-Linked Lists
- 05-Recursion
- 06-Trees
- 07-Searching and Sorting
- 08-Graphs
- 09-Riddles
Data Structures and Algorithms
Python for Data Structures Algorithms and Interviews
Additional Sorted Questions
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