Matlab WVF File Plotter (for Yokogawa(R) Oscilloscope files). Requires utilityFunctions( and wvfread ( Check Matlab FileExchange
Make sure you add these three folders to you Matlab path (you can use the pathtool
command), and be sure to save your path after editing using the savepath
% Get the Folder containing the files
folder = strcat(uigetdir(),'\');
% Find all .HDR files in the folder
files = dir(strcat(folder,'\*.HDR'));
files = {};
% Create a structure for passing data into wvfPlotter
S = struct();
[S(1:length(files)).defPath] = deal(folder);
[S(1:length(files)).filename] = files{:};
% Below are the variable names you want to capture. This is somewhat
% "smart," so you can guess at variable names and it will try to find them
% for you. Read the info on varFind.m
[S.var_names] = deal({{'DC'},{'OUT'},{'IN'},{'TEMP'},{'PRESS'}});
S_out = wvfPlotter(S);