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Running github workflows locally

rtuck99 edited this page Apr 10, 2024 · 7 revisions

It is possible to run github workflows locally using a tool called Act

To do this you will need a local docker instance, and github cli

Rootless docker

If you are on a Diamond workstation without root, you can install rootless docker: (Click the installation tab "without packages")

curl -fsSL > rootless
SKIP_IPTABLES=1 sh ./rootless
systemctl --user status docker

You may also need to edit the daemon config to put the data dir on the scratch folder:

vim ~/.config/docker/daemon.json

  "data-root": "/scratch/ws/docker/docker-root"

Github cli

If you don't already have it, you can install prebuilt version with conda

module load mamba
mamba create --prefix /scratch/conda/conda-env
conda activate /scratch/conda/conda-env
conda install gh --channel conda-forge

Then install act into GH cli:

conda install gh --channel conda-forge
gh extension install


When running act, it will expect the current directory to be a checked-out repository, so it is best to run against a separate cloned repo so that your dev repo is the upstream. After that:

gh auth login

cd <path-to-hyperion-repo>

gh help act

For information on available workflow actions, consult github workflow documentation:

Changes are written to the overlay file system, to see the "live" working tree, you need to shell into the docker container:

docker container ls

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                            COMMAND               CREATED          STATUS          PORTS     NAMES
80af536078e4   catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest   "tail -f /dev/null"   21 minutes ago   Up 21 minutes             act-pre-release-workflow-pin-dependency-versions-c2252e748e6f7f7d9c295ad8eb1d5f2231befc8d042db1a7e4d623530c0f859b

docker container exec -t -i 80af536078e4 /bin/bash

If you want to test python workflow scripts inside of the container, the actions/setup-python action installs python in /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python

github actions

To perform github actions in the workflow pass your github token to act via the -s option, this will also get rid of rate-limit warnings when downloading.

Testing workflows that push commits

In order to push commits to a local repo instead of github, the origin reference of the repo in the docker container will need to be accessible.

To do this, you can make ssh keys available to the docker container via a bind mount and set the identity used by the ssh command called by git:

gh act \
        --container-options "-v /scratch/github-workflow-test/bind:/bind" \
        --env-file ../secrets \
        -s GITHUB_TOKEN=<my_github_token> \
        -P ubuntu-latest=catthehacker/ubuntu:full-latest \
        <workflow_name> [inputs...]

secrets contains an environment file with

GIT_SSH_COMMAND=ssh -i /bind/id_ed25519 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/bind/known_hosts

in the bind directory put ssh configuration files: populate with a .ssh private key id_ed25519 and add the origin server to the known_hosts

Github CLI

The default docker images used by act are small and don't contain all features. In order to run github cli in workflows (and possibly other things) you may need to specify a different docker image (see using the -P option.

-P ubuntu-latest=catthehacker/ubuntu:full-latest

If running rootless docker, the full-latest images will run into permission issues accessing your SSH private key as above as unlike the default images the workflow runs as the runner user instead of root, to fix this you can create your own docker image with the key chowned to the correct user with a Dockerfile similar to

FROM catthehacker/ubuntu:full-latest
ADD --chown=runner:runner bind /bind 

then build it with docker build .

you will also need to specify --pull=false to prevent act from trying to pull your image from dockerhub.