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Release v5.000

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@github-actions github-actions released this 31 Jan 23:55

How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 5.000 - Major Atmo autopilot overhaul including bank turns, smoother autotakeoff, and improved braking features

  • Factor for low FPS situations to help mechanics perform better due to the high element ships losing FPS while flying.
  • Smooth takeoffs that only pitch up once you have momentum and aren't stalled
  • Better yawing to target to not stall when at low speeds and proceeding to waypoint
  • Will now roll to turn when at high speeds (>100m/s) and proceeding to waypoint, respecting stall limits
  • Improved waypoint accuracy with better yaw/roll convergence
  • Further improved BrakeLanding + Waypoint. If you entered the ship while it was in atmo with hovers/boosters touching the ground, and if you are going to a waypoint and
    it accurately gets within 100m of that waypoint, and that waypoint has a valid Altitude that's above 0, it will do an Extreme Brake Land.
    Since it knows the altitude it's landing at, it will descend in free-fall until just before it reaches the landing area
  • New User Variable: CalculateBrakeLandingSpeed = false --export: (Default: false) Whether BrakeLanding speed at non-waypoints should be Calculated or use the existing BrakeLandingRate user value
  • Orbit Height is now calculated rather than set. This allows better support for different planets and moons
  • New User Variable: TargetOrbitRadius = 1.4 -- export: (Default: 1.4) How tight you want to orbit the planet at end of autopilot. The smaller the value the tighter the orbit. 1.4 sets an Alioth orbit of 56699m.
    Formula is autopilotTargetPlanet.radius*(TargetOrbitRadius-1) + autopilotTargetPlanet.noAtmosphericDensityAltitude if atmo or
    autopilotTargetPlanet.radius*(TargetOrbitRadius-1) + autopilotTargetPlanet.surfaceMaxAltitude if no atmo on target planet.