This is a ghidra extension which is actually loader for the STM32F0 series of microcontrollers
- Labels memory regions
- Labels IVT and entry point (assuming normal boot mode)
You can install the loader via a zip on the releases page, or build the module yourself following instructions from the blog post
You just need Java, gradle and ghidra for building. Position in source dir and issue gradle command:
gradle -PGHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/ghidra_9.1.2_PUBLIC
You can check what tasks you can also call with gradle with standard tasks options:
gradle tasks -PGHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/ghidra_9.1.2_PUBLIC
Note: you can also put path to the ghidra in file:
stm32f0 ghidra loader extension is written by kost.
stm32f0 ghidra loader extension is based on @wrongbaud stm32f2 loader available here: (used initial commit: 6ca4f282d6aa678fe71e6c89c97ee1d4989a932f)