tvalacarta is a program created for you to watch on demand videos from Spanish TV sites using your media center.
There are different versions of tvalacarta depending on the device it has been designed for. It works on XBMC / Kodi, Plex or Boxee.
Future planned devices include Android, iOS, Enigma2, Roku and an improved support for Smart TV devices.
## Why i do this?
I do it because I like it.
I don't know if a lot of users will use it, but even if I am the only user i still do the work.
And I publish it because this never would be possible without XBMC / Kodi, an incredible project totally open and free.
This way i return a fraction of what I have received.
My spanish blog about "Televisión a la carta"
Plugin home page
Support forum
Developer thread on forum
If you want to contact me you can do it using any of the links below, or directly using my e-mail [email protected]