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This is a single repo from https://liukay.github.io/KaybeeNotes/#/docs/the-way-to-level-up
- Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
- The Key To Accelerating Your Coding Skills
- What are some of the most basic things every programmer should know?
- 英文能力
- 问问题的能力
- 写代码的修养
- Code Review
- 安全防范
- 软件工程和上线
- C程序设计语言
- C语言程序设计现代方法
- C++ Primer 中文版(第 5 版)
- Effective C++
- More Effective C++(中文版
- 深度探索C++对象模型
- Bjarne Stroustrup's FAQ(中文版)
- 算法
- 算法图解
- 算法导论
- 编程珠玑
- LeetCode
- Data Structure Visualizations
- 数据结构与算法分析
- 数据库系统概念
- 现代操作系统
- 计算机网络(第4版)
- 计算机程序的构造和解释
- 编译原理
- 深入理解计算机系统
- UNIX环境高级编程
- UNIX网络编程
- TCP/IP详解 卷1:协议
- Linux C编程一站式学习
- TCP/IP网络编程
- 图解TCP/IP(第5版)
- The TCP/IP Guide
- 编程范式
- Six programming paradigms that will change how you think about coding
- Programming Paradigms forDummies: What EveryProgrammer Should Know
- 领域驱动设计
- UNIX编程艺术
- The Clean Architecture
- The Twelve-Factor App
- 避免过度设计
- Instagram Engineering’s 3 rules to a scalable cloud application architecture
- How to Design a Good API & Why it Matters
- The Problem With Logging
- Concurrent Programming for Scalable Web Architectures
x86-TSO: A Rigorous and Usable Programmer’s Model for x86 Multiprocessors
Decreasing RAM Usage by 40% Using jemalloc with Python & Celery
Monitoring and Tuning the Linux Networking Stack: Receiving Data
网络协议相关 RFC
Fast portable non-blocking network programming with Libevent
Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It?
Simple, Fast, and Practical Non-Blocking and Blocking Concurrent Queue Algorithms
字节码lib:asmtools, Byte Buddy, jitescript, bitescript
Java Code Geeks: Java Agents, https://github.com/toptal/jvm-monitoring-agent
JSR 133: JavaTM Memory Model and Thread Specification Revision
Java Platform, Standard Edition HotSpot Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning Guide
- Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems
- Scalability, Availability & Stability Patterns
- The System Design Primer
- An Introduction to Distributed Systems
- 拜占庭将军问题 Byzantine fault
- A Brief Tour of FLP Impossibility
- 8 条荒谬的分布式假设
- CAP Twelve Years Later: How the "Rules" Have Changed
- Base: An Acid Alternative
- Eventually Consistent - Revisited
另一份清单: coding-interview-university