A small package for (object) concurrency using C++11.
Several parts of this package are based on presentations from C++ and Beyond 2012, whereas some of them are available on Channel9 - MSDN.
The basic object concurrency (except the CoW-stuff) is based on Herb Sutter's presentation: http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Going+Deep/C-and-Beyond-2012-Herb-Sutter-Concurrency-and-Parallelism
The error handling is based on the behavior of std::future
and Andrei Alexandrescu's presentation:
I've considered synchronous object concurrency to be a nice spot to use this kind of error handling, since it eases up exception-handling in that use-case. Thus, it is also included.
Currently (2013/03/04), I've only tested it with VS2012, using the CTP from november 2012 (especially for variadic templates). But it should work with any compiler that supports the following features from C++11:
- type traits
- atomics
- uniform initialization (the {} thing)
- thread/future/mutex
- lambda functions
- memory for std::shared_ptr
- variadic templates
(including tests that rely on members of an object)
<===> A further description will follow up, when the package is more complete... and has past most of the test cases ;)