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george edited this page Mar 9, 2014 · 32 revisions

Though we'll mostly be using the GitHub contributors list and issue comments for the game's credits, I'd still like to get a list of people who're interested in contributing and cobble together forum/IRC/github identities to make make communication a little easier.

If anybody is keen on working on a particular aspect, please look through the issue list and comment on the relevant ticket. If there's not one, make one! :D

jasondesante has also made an introductions thread in addition to our main thread over on the DF forums, so feel free to say hi there too!


  • Cheeseness (also known as ValiantCheese)
  • aaronscientiae
  • bobsayshilol (also known as bobsayshilol)
  • ErikBehar (also known as invadererik)
  • Lassi Vapaakallio (also known as Lasd, also known as Vaakapallo)
  • Goldenheaven
  • gsm (thegsm in github)
  • Takeon (also known as Wavingpeople)
  • TimBales (also known as BidiotBales and Bales)
  • Meepasaurus (also known as Meeps)
  • MattGingerich (also known as majugi)
  • jasondesante (also known as jason_d)
  • keozeo
  • ChrAfonso (also known as XeXano)
  • Slimline (also known as Slimliner)
  • lightsoda (I use this name on github, irc, forums, ...)
  • Jennifer McMurray (known on forums as JenniBee, Jenni and Jennifer)
  • MaritalWheat (also known as cachemonet)
  • bc5389 (also known as Brian or BC)
  • osse101 (also known as Osse)
  • nulian
  • HuitreMagique
  • Jonathan Decker (also known as Lokno)
  • Fatmandu
  • RestingCoder
  • StudioKraze (also known as Zark Kohime on forums)
  • GitMusic (also known as Rick)
  • AgentTom
  • TheAppleseed
  • DMann3D (DavidMann3D on DF forums)
  • elneilios
  • Josh_S (also known as RestingCoder)
  • OrbitalBliss
  • klamp

If you're not on here, feel free to add yourself!