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Merge pull request #99 from DrChainsaw/Flux0.15
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Updates for Flux 0.15
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DrChainsaw authored Dec 12, 2024
2 parents 4a3f464 + 9034ab5 commit 61b026b
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Showing 14 changed files with 753 additions and 282 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

ChainRulesCore = "1"
Flux = "0.13, 0.14"
Functors = "0.4"
Flux = "0.15.2"
Functors = "0.4, 0.5"
JuMP = "0.21, 0.22, 0.23, 1"
NaiveNASflux = "2.0.10"
NaiveNASlib = "2.0.11"
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/ONNXNaiveNASflux.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ include("baseonnx/BaseOnnx.jl")
import .BaseOnnx: array
const ONNX = BaseOnnx
using Flux
using Flux: params
import Functors
using NaiveNASflux
using NaiveNASflux: weights, bias
using NaiveNASflux: indim, outdim, actdim, actrank, layertype, wrapped
using NaiveNASflux: FluxLayer, FluxParLayer, FluxNoParLayer, FluxDense, FluxConvolutional, FluxConv, FluxConvTranspose,
FluxBatchNorm, FluxInstanceNorm, FluxRecurrent, FluxRnn, FluxLstm, FluxGru, FluxTransparentLayer,
FluxPoolLayer, FluxDropOut, Flux2D, GenericFluxConvolutional, GenericFlux2D, GenericFluxRecurrent
FluxBatchNorm, FluxInstanceNorm, FluxRecurrent, FluxRecurrentCell, FluxRnn, FluxRnnCell, FluxLstm,
FluxLstmCell, FluxGru, FluxGruCell, FluxTransparentLayer, FluxPoolLayer, FluxDropOut, Flux2D,
GenericFluxConvolutional, GenericFlux2D, GenericFluxRecurrent
using Setfield
using Statistics
import Pkg
Expand All @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ include("deserialize/graphbuilder.jl")


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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/deserialize/combine.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ check_squeeze(nsqueeze::OnnxNode, gb::CompGraphBuilder, innode::OnnxNode, ::Val{

function check_squeeze(nsqueeze::OnnxNode, gb::CompGraphBuilder, innode::OnnxNode, ::RecurrentLayer)
@debug "Remove squeeze after $innode"
innode.attribute[SQUEEZED_RECURRENT_KEY] = true
return retnode(innode, gb)

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31 changes: 20 additions & 11 deletions src/deserialize/deserialize.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,12 +21,19 @@ load(m::ONNX.ModelProto, insizes...; kwargs...) = load(m.graph, insizes...; kwar
load(g::ONNX.GraphProto, insizes...; kwargs...) = CompGraph(g, insizes...; kwargs...)
NaiveNASlib.CompGraph(g::ONNX.GraphProto, insizes...; kwargs...) = CompGraph(CompGraphBuilder(g, insizes...); kwargs...)
function NaiveNASlib.CompGraph(gb::CompGraphBuilder; vfun = create_vertex_default, infer_shapes=true)
outputs::Vector{AbstractVertex} = vertex.(gb, node.(name.(gb.g.output), gb), vfun)
graph = CompGraph(gb.inputs, outputs)
if infer_shapes
try_infer_sizes!(graph, (get(gb.sizes, n, (missing,)) for n in name.(inputs(graph)))...)
return graph
# unique here is abit of a hack for LSTM testcase where an LSTM is the last layer
# Flux LSTM outputs a tuple which is translated to having two outputs in serialize
# However, the end result is that gb.g.output has one entry for each output and this means
# that we will put the same LSTM vertex twice as the output layer.
# This type of ambiguity (i.e do I want the output from vertex X twice, or does it actually
# output a tuple?) is why adding support for multi-output vertices seems quite painful
# at least with the current state of this package.
outputs::Vector{AbstractVertex} = unique(vertex.(gb, node.(name.(gb.g.output), gb), vfun))
graph = CompGraph(gb.inputs, outputs)
if infer_shapes
try_infer_sizes!(graph, (get(gb.sizes, n, (missing,)) for n in name.(inputs(graph)))...)
return graph

Expand All @@ -39,12 +46,14 @@ Inputs to the returned vertex are created recursively based on state in `gb`.
function vertex(gb::CompGraphBuilder, n::OnnxNode, vfun = create_vertex_default)
return get!(gb.created, n) do
n_create, ins = check_combine(gb, n)
invertices = map(ni -> vertex(gb, ni, vfun), ins)
v = vfun(n_create, invertices)
if is_input(v)
push!(gb.inputs, v)
get!(gb.created, n_create) do
invertices = map(ni -> vertex(gb, ni, vfun), ins)
v = vfun(n_create, invertices)
if is_input(v)
push!(gb.inputs, v)
return v
return v

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16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions src/deserialize/graphbuilder.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@


OnnxNode(proto::ONNX.NodeProto, params::Vector{ONNX.TensorProto}, attribs::Dict)
Expand All @@ -9,7 +11,11 @@ struct OnnxNode
attribute::Dict{Symbol, Any} # Must be Any or else we might overspecialize, preventing that stuff is added later
OnnxNode(proto, ps) = OnnxNode(proto, ps, Dict{Symbol, Any}(Dict(proto.attribute)))
function OnnxNode(proto, ps)
attribute = Dict{Symbol, Any}(Dict(proto.attribute))
attribute[ACTIVE_OUTPUTS_ATTRIBUTE_KEY] = findall(!isempty, output(proto))
OnnxNode(proto, ps, attribute)

CompGraphBuilder(g::ONNX.Types.Graph, sizes::Dict{String, <:Tuple})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,6 +66,8 @@ function output_to_node(nodes, initdict)
ps = params(nodeproto, initdict)
node = OnnxNode(nodeproto, ps)
for outname in output(node)
# TODO: Custom error type for this
@assert outname keys(allnodes) "Duplicate output name found: $(outname)!"
allnodes[outname] = node
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,6 +194,6 @@ end
optype(n::ONNX.NodeProto) = Symbol(n.op_type)
optype(n::OnnxNode) = optype(n.proto)

Flux.params(n::ONNX.NodeProto, initdict) = params(Val(optype(n)), n, initdict)
Flux.params(::Val, n::ONNX.NodeProto, initdict) = map(pname -> initdict[pname], setdiff(input(n), innames(n))) # Inputs which are not other vertices
Flux.params(n::OnnxNode) = n.params .|> array
params(n::ONNX.NodeProto, initdict) = params(Val(optype(n)), n, initdict)
params(::Val, n::ONNX.NodeProto, initdict) = map(pname -> initdict[pname], setdiff(input(n), innames(n))) # Inputs which are not other vertices
params(n::OnnxNode) = n.params .|> array
144 changes: 131 additions & 13 deletions src/deserialize/ops.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ const pseudotransparentops = Dict{Symbol, Any}()
const verts = Dict{Symbol, Any}()
const fluxlayertypes = Dict{Symbol, Any}()

layerfuns = Dict{Symbol, Any}()

# Rundown of the basic idea here:

# Aspect 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,13 +40,60 @@ const fluxlayertypes = Dict{Symbol, Any}()

# Functions which have dedicated vertex construction methods, such as Concat and Add end up in verts.

OutputSelection(selection, wrapped)
Selects outputs from `wrapped` using `selection`.
Typically used when `wrapped` outputs a `Tuple` from which other nodes in the computation graph
only wants a subset.
Can also be used to transform Flux output to ONNX output. One example is recurrent layers where
Flux outputs all time steps of the hidden state while some ONNX outputs are only the last step.
Note that the more useful and generic InputSelection (which would allow a node to pick a subset)
of some other nodes output as its input is not yet implemented. OutputSelection only works when
1) all nodes which take input from `wrapped` want the exact same outputs and 2) on output nodes
(which is the reason why I bothered to implement it to begin with).
struct OutputSelection{FS, L} <: NaiveNASflux.AbstractMutableComp
NaiveNASflux.wrapped(o::OutputSelection) = o.wrapped
(o::OutputSelection)(x...) = _apply_selection(o.selection, wrapped(o)(x...))

_apply_selection(fs::Tuple, x) = map(f -> f(x), fs)
_apply_selection(f, x) = f(x)

# Use for Recurrent layers since ONNX specifies on extra dimension for the number of directions
# which Flux does not have
struct AddSingletonDim{L} <: NaiveNASflux.AbstractMutableComp
NaiveNASflux.wrapped(a::AddSingletonDim) = a.wrapped
function (a::AddSingletonDim)(x)
y = wrapped(a)(x)
_apply_add_singleton_dim(y, a.dim)

_apply_add_singleton_dim(x, dim) = reshape(x, size(x)[1:dim-1]..., 1, size(x)[dim:end]...)
_apply_add_singleton_dim(xt::Tuple, dim) = map(x -> _apply_add_singleton_dim(x, dim), xt)

struct OpNotSupportedError <: Exception
OpNotSupportedError(op_type::Symbol) = OpNotSupportedError(string("Operation type ", op_type, " not supported!"))
Base.showerror(io::IO, e::OpNotSupportedError) = print(io, "OpNotSupportedError: ", e.msg)

sources[:Constant] = params -> constant(Val.(keys(params))..., values(params)...)
sources[:Constant] = function(params)
params = if ACTIVE_OUTPUTS_ATTRIBUTE_KEY in keys(params)
delete!(copy(params), ACTIVE_OUTPUTS_ATTRIBUTE_KEY)
constant(Val.(keys(params))..., values(params)...)
constant(::Val{:value}, val::ONNX.TensorProto) = val |> array
constant(::Val{:value}, val) = val

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,21 +198,55 @@ actlayers[:InstanceNormalization] = function(params, γ, β)
fluxlayertypes[:InstanceNormalization] = (pars...) -> FluxInstanceNorm()

fluxrecurrentlayers[:RNN] = function(params, Wi_WBi, Wh_WBh, Wb_Rb=default_Wb_Rb(Wh_WBh), seqlen=[], h3d = default_init_h(Wb_Rb, 2))
@assert size(Wi_WBi, 3) == 1 "Num directions must be 1! Bidirectional (num directions = 2) not supported!" # TODO: Add...

Wi,Wh,b,h = recurrent_arrays(FluxRnn(), Wi_WBi, Wh_WBh, Wb_Rb, h3d)
fluxrecurrentlayers[:RNN] = function(params, Wi_WBi, Wh_WBh, Wb_Rb=default_Wb_Rb(Wh_WBh), seqlen=[], h3d = nothing)
@assert size(Wi_WBi, 3) == 1 "Num directions must be 1! Bidirectional (num directions = 2) not supported!" # TODO: Add...
if !isnothing(h3d)
# We could probably create some wrapper struct for this if anyone ever needs it...
@warn "Got initial hidden state for RNN. This can't be stored in Flux > 0.15 and will be ignored."
Wi,Wh,b = recurrent_arrays(FluxRnnCell(), Wi_WBi, Wh_WBh, Wb_Rb)
act = rnnactfuns[Symbol(get(params, :activations, ["Tanh"])[])](1, params)
cell = Flux.RNNCell(act, Wi, Wh, b, fill!(similar(h), 0))
return Flux.Recur(cell, h)
cell = Flux.RNNCell(act, Wi, Wh, b)
return Flux.RNN(cell)
fluxlayertypes[:RNN] = (pars...) -> FluxRnn()

_onnx_rnn_output1(h) = h
# Select last timestep
_onnx_rnn_output2(h::AbstractArray) = selectdim(h, 2, lastindex(h, 2))

fluxrecurrentlayers[:LSTM] = function(params, Wi_WBi, Wh_WBh, Wb_Rb=default_Wb_Rb(Wh_WBh), seqlen=[1], h3d = default_init_h(Wb_Rb, 8), c3d=default_init_h(Wb_Rb,8), peep=nothing)
_rnn_output_selection(i) = i === 1 ? _onnx_rnn_output1 :
i === 2 ? _onnx_rnn_output2 :
throw(ArgumentError("Unsupported RNN output: $i"))

layerfuns[:RNN] = function(params, args...)
active_outputs = params[ACTIVE_OUTPUTS_ATTRIBUTE_KEY]
selection = if length(active_outputs) == 1
ntuple(i -> _rnn_output_selection(active_outputs[i]), length(active_outputs))
paddims = haskey(params, SQUEEZED_RECURRENT_KEY) ? identity : l -> AddSingletonDim(3, l)
layer -> paddims(OutputSelection(selection, layer))

fluxrecurrentlayers[:LSTM] = function(params, Wi_WBi, Wh_WBh, Wb_Rb=default_Wb_Rb(Wh_WBh), seqlen=[1], h3d = nothing, c3d = nothing, peep=nothing)
@assert size(Wi_WBi, 3) == 1 "Num directions must be 1! Bidirectional (num directions = 2) not supported!" # TODO: Add...
@assert isnothing(peep) "Peepholes not supported!" # Or?
Wi,Wh,b,h,c = recurrent_arrays(FluxLstm(), Wi_WBi, Wh_WBh, Wb_Rb, h3d, c3d)
if !isnothing(h3d)
# We could probably create some wrapper struct for this if anyone ever needs it...
@warn "Got initial hidden state for LSTM. This can't be stored in Flux > 0.15 and will be ignored."

if !isnothing(c3d)
# We could probably create some wrapper struct for this if anyone ever needs it...
@warn "Got initial cell state for LSTM. This can't be stored in Flux > 0.15 and will be ignored."

Wi,Wh,b = recurrent_arrays(FluxLstmCell(), Wi_WBi, Wh_WBh, Wb_Rb)
# Flux only supports default activation functions
# We can only check that given values doesn't deviate
supported = [:Sigmoid, :Tanh, :Tanh]
Expand All @@ -172,13 +255,40 @@ fluxrecurrentlayers[:LSTM] = function(params, Wi_WBi, Wh_WBh, Wb_Rb=default_Wb_R
e == a
end "Got unsupported activation function: $acts"

# b, h and c must all be of the same type when creating a cell, but
# it is actually Recur which has the state
cell = Flux.LSTMCell(Wi, Wh, b, (fill!(similar(h), 0), fill!(similar(c), 0)))
return Flux.Recur(cell, (h, c))
# Should not be a problem when/if Flux adds this back as an optional output
@assert 3 params[ACTIVE_OUTPUTS_ATTRIBUTE_KEY] "LSTM output 3 (the cell state) not implemnented!"

cell = Flux.LSTMCell(Wi, Wh, b)
return Flux.LSTM(cell)
fluxlayertypes[:LSTM] = (pars...) -> FluxLstm()

_onnx_lstm_output1(h::AbstractArray) = h
_onnx_lstm_output2(h::AbstractArray) = selectdim(h, 2, lastindex(h, 2))
_onnx_lstm_output3(::AbstractArray) = throw(ArgumentError("LSTM output nr 3 (cell state) requires Flux.LSTM to output state. Please check you layer configuration!"))

_onnx_lstm_output1((h, c)::NTuple{2, AbstractArray}) = h
_onnx_lstm_output2((h, c)::NTuple{2, AbstractArray}) = selectdim(h, 2, lastindex(h, 2))
_onnx_lstm_output3((h, c)::NTuple{2, AbstractArray}) = selectdim(c, 2, lastindex(c, 2))

_lstm_output_selection(i) = i === 1 ? _onnx_lstm_output1 :
i === 2 ? _onnx_lstm_output2 :
i === 3 ? _onnx_lstm_output3 :
throw(ArgumentError("Unsupported LSTM output: $i"))

layerfuns[:LSTM] = function(params, args...)
active_outputs = params[ACTIVE_OUTPUTS_ATTRIBUTE_KEY]
selection = if length(active_outputs) == 1
# Can we be sure receiver does not want a single-element tuple here? No we can't :( :( :(
ntuple(i -> _lstm_output_selection(active_outputs[i]), length(active_outputs))
paddims = haskey(params, SQUEEZED_RECURRENT_KEY) ? identity : l -> AddSingletonDim(3, l)
layer -> paddims(OutputSelection(selection, layer))

function recurrent_arrays(lt, Wi_WBi, Wh_WBh, Wb_Rb, h3ds...)
# ONNX weights are on the form [num_directions, hidden_size, input_size] (where num_directions is 2 for bidirectional else 1)
# Flux weights are of shape [hidden_size, input_size]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -416,7 +526,15 @@ function refresh()

for (s, f) in fluxlayers
verts[s] = (name, inputs, args...;kwargs...) -> fluxvertex(name, f(args...), inputs...; kwargs...)
verts[s] = function(name, inputs, args...; kwargs...)
# This is typically to select outputs, e.g. from recurrent layers
kwargsnew = if s in keys(layerfuns)
mergewith(, Dict(:layerfun => layerfuns[s](args...)), Dict(kwargs))
fluxvertex(name, f(args...), inputs...; kwargsnew...)

for (s, f) in invariantops
Expand Down

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