Installs and configures the Sensu server, client, API and dashboard components, installs and configures RabbitMQ and Redis for Sensu. Sensu is a monitoring framework that aims to be simple, malleable, and scalable (
- apt (available @
- yum (available @
- rabbitmq (available @
- redis (available @
- iptables - If using firewall options (available @
A data bag with SSL configuration for RabbitMQ is required, details on creating the data bag can be found at
Installs and configures Sensu and dependencies, but doesn't enable or start any Sensu services.
Configures and enables the Sensu server service, "sensu-server".
Configures and enables the Sensu Client service, "sensu-client".
Configures and enables the Sensu API service, "sensu-api", optionally configures local firewall rules if the firewall attribute is set.
Configures and enables the Sensu dashboard service, "sensu-dashboard", optionally configures local firewall rules if the firewall attribute is set.
Installs and configures RabbitMQ with the Sensu vhost, adds SSL support by default and optionally configures local firewall rules if the firewall attribute is set.
Installs and configures Redis and optionally configures local firewall rules if the firewall attribute is set.
Example roles are provided within the examples directory and provide a good overview of a standard Sensu setup. A vagrantfile is also provided for setting up a local test instance using this cookbook. A Cheffile example is also provided for use with Librarian-chef.
- Version of Sensu to installdefault.sensu.plugin.version
- Version of Sensu Plugin gem to
- Directory to store Sensu configs (defaults to "/etc/sensu")
- Directory to store Sensu logs (defaults to "/var/log/sensu")default.sensu.ssl
- If true, Sensu and RabbitMQ will use SSL encryption (defaults to true)default.sensu.sudoers
- If true, adds Sensu sudoers config to /etc/sudoers.d/sensu (defaults to false)default.sensu.firewall
- If true, will configure iptables for each sensu component - requires the iptables cookbook to be available (defaults to false)default.sensu.package.unstable
- If true, will allow for the installation of unstable packages (defaults to false)
- Host for RabbitMQ service (defaults to "localhost")default.sensu.rabbitmq.port
- Port for RabbitMQ (defaults to 5671)default.sensu.rabbitmq.vhost
- Vhost for RabbitMQ (defaults to "/sensu")default.sensu.rabbitmq.user
- User for RabbitMQ vhost authentication (defaults to "sensu")default.sensu.rabbitmq.password
- Password for RabbitMQ vhost authentication (defaults to "password")
- Host for Redis service (defaults to "localhost")default.sensu.redis.port
- Port for Redis to listen on (defaults to 6379)
- Host to locate Sensu API (defaults to "localhost")default.sensu.api.port
- Port for Sensu API to listen on (defaults to 4567)
- Host to locate Sensu Dashboard (defaults to "localhost")default.sensu.dashboard.port
- Port for Sensu Dashboard to listen on (defaults to 8080)default.sensu.dashboard.user
- User for Sensu Dashboard HTTP basic authentication (defaults to "admin")default.sensu.dashboard.password
- Password for Sensu Dashboard HTTP basic authentication (defaults to "secret")
Please visit #sensu on and we will be more than happy to help.