Cross platform mobile app for simulating 2D N-body gravitational systems.
iOS -
Create the Android and iOS projects
pnpm exec cap add android
pnpm exec cap add ios
Sync the app with the native projects
pnpm exec cap sync
Open the Android project in Android Studio
pnpm exec cap open android
Open the iOS project in Xcode
pnpm exec cap open ios
Run the app on Android
pnpm exec cap run android
Run the app on iOS
pnpm exec cap run ios
Live reloading using ionic
ionic cap run android -l --external
ionic cap run ios -l --external
For generating the splash screen and icon assets, use the following command:
npx @capacitor/assets generate
Sync project
pnpm run build
pnpm exec cap sync
Open in Android Studio
pnpm exec cap open android
Select Build
-> Generate Signed App Bundle / APK
Fill out the information
Then continue and build the release bundle This will produce a
Sync project
pnpm run build
pnpm exec cap sync
Open in Xcode
pnpm exec cap open ios
In Signing & Capabilities
make sure Team is selected In the top bar make sure
Any iOS Device
is selected
Then select Product
-> Archive
Once the archive is complete, select Distribute App
and follow the steps to
upload to the App Store or to TestFlight
can be used to easily set the version of the app in the
iOS and Android projects.
npx capacitor-set-version -v 1.0.0 -b 1 # Set version to 1.0.0 and build number to 1
# Current version: 1.2.10, build number: 28
# Command:
npx capacitor-set-version -v 1.2.10 -b 28