Mestrado Engenharia Informática e Multimédia - ISEL
In this project a computer application was developed, based on several techniques and software engineering fundamentals.
The developed application is a Web application for cataloging, searching and sharing books with friends.
The application has a set of functionalities such as reviews and comments, book collections and a buddy system.
- The folder visao contains a pdf file with the project vision.
- The folder analise_req contains a pdf file with the project requirements analysis.
- The folder arq_logica contains a pdf file with the project logical architecture.
- The folder arq_detalhada contains a pdf file with the project detailed architecture.
- The folder implementacao_teste contains python code with the tests developed in the project.
- The folder implementacao_final contains the final project code, developed in Django.
- The folder relatorio contains the final project report.