This is a brief description howto setup the build environment for DuetWifiSocketServer
- create a folder for the eclipse workspace
- checkout the following repositories into workspace
- git clone [email protected]:Duet3D/DuetWifiSocketServer.git
- git clone [email protected]:Duet3D/LwipESP8266.git
- git clone [email protected]:Duet3D/CoreESP8266.git
- launch Eclipse
- open created workspace
- import projects
- setup build environment variabels
- Windows -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Build -> Build Variables
- add XtensaGccPath, i.e. /opt/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc/bin or C:\toolchains\xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc\bin
- add EspToolPath, i.e. /usr/bin/esptool or C:\toolchains\esptool\esptool.exe
- add EspBootFile, i.e. /path/to/eboot.elf or C:\path\to\esptool.elf
- set all projects to Release build configuration
- run build
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