Collection of dot files for my Hyprland setup, full setup including a customised top and bottom waybar, wlogout with suspend & hibernate, wofi, an swww script to change wallpaper every 5 minutes, auto locking and screen power off and more.
Also has a lock/DPMS inhitibor running with a nice indicator in waybay. Whenever anything is playing audio, lock/screen-off is disabled automatically.
Everything is themed to look as coherent as possible.
Drop everything into ~/.config and reboot.
hyprland, swww, mako, terminator, swaylock, swayidle, nwg-bar, wofi, cliphist, slurp, swappy, wl-paste, polkit-gnome-authentication-agent, sway-audio-idle-inhibit-git.
liberation-mono, nerd-font-symbol.
easy-effects, blueman-applet, nm-applet, btop, rog-control-center (because I have an Asus laptop)
Since I have an Asus laptop I have added some specific software and binds to suit this weird POS.
The profile module for waybay requires asusctl to find and change power profiles, rog-control-center runs on launch and I have added some funky media key binds to make OSD work for brightnessctl. While these things won't hurt a non asus device they also won't work either, if you clone this repo and don't have an ASUS ROG or TUF machine then expect to have to make changes.
Based on SolDoesTechs HyprV setup -
Waybar is based on Igaboury's styling -