git clone --depth=1
cd telegram-bot-pixiv-memories
echo YOUR_BOT_TOKEN > token
npm install
npm run build
npm start
/login_via_cookie <cookie>
- device_token and PHPSESSID are required/logout
- Erase my cookie from bot's storage
Pick an artwork for me from...
/random [tag]
- my public bookmarks/random_private [tag]
- my private bookmarks/random_from_user <userid> [tag]
- other's public bookmarks
Show the most used tags from...
/mytags [count = 20]
- my public bookmarks/mytags_private [count]
- my private bookmarks/theirtags <userid> [count]
- other's public bookmarks
Inline query...
In any chat, type:
@botName <"public"|"private"> <tagName|"all"> [type to re-roll artworks]