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martin committed Mar 18, 2016
1 parent b6920d7 commit d9c5c14
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Showing 177 changed files with 23,881 additions and 23,684 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions .gitmodules
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
[submodule "gpml-sparse-deriv"]
path = gpml-sparse-deriv
url =
[submodule "gpml-sparse-deriv"]
path = gpml-sparse-deriv
url =
680 changes: 340 additions & 340 deletions LICENSE

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

600 changes: 300 additions & 300 deletions README.rst

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions gpdyn-doc/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
all: readme pdf

pandoc -s --mathjax -S -i manual.tex -o ../README.rst

pdflatex manual.tex
rm manual.log manual.aux
all: readme pdf

pandoc -s --mathjax -S -i manual.tex -o ../README.rst

pdflatex manual.tex
rm manual.log manual.aux
432 changes: 216 additions & 216 deletions gpdyn-gp-evaluation/gpx.m

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

250 changes: 125 additions & 125 deletions gpdyn-gp-evaluation/simulGPmc.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,125 +1,125 @@
function [mu, s2, MU, SIG2] = simulGPmc(hyp, inf, meanfunc, cov, lik, input, target, test, lag, Nsamples)
% simulGPmc - Simulation of the dynamic GP model, where the output variance is
% propagated using the Monte Carlo method
%% Syntax
% [mu, s2, MU, SIG2] = simulGPmc(hyp, inf, mean, cov, lik, input, target, test,
% lag, Nsamples)
%% Description
% Idea: at every time step the output of GP model is approximated with
% Nsamples samples, which are used as the future inputs of the GP model.
% Samples are re-used if necessary (ie. y(k-1) for y(k-2) if lag=2 etc.)
% Uses routines gpx and gmx_sample.
% Input:
% * hyp ... the structure of optimized hyperparameters
% * inf ... the function specifying the inference method
% * meanfunc ... the prior mean function
% * cov ... the specified covariance function, see help covFun for more info
% * lik ... the likelihood function
% * input ... the input part of the training data, NxD matrix
% * target ... the output part of the training data (ie. target), Nx1 vector
% * test ... the input matrix for simulation, kxD vector, see
% construct.m for more info
% * lag ... the order of the model (number of used lagged outputs)
% * Nsamples ... the number of samples used in algorithm (ie. runs of simulation)
% Output:
% * mu ... the mean predicted output
% * s2 ... the associated variances (with noise variances)
% * MU ... the matrix of all predicted means, kxNsamples
% * SIG2 ... the associated predicted variances
% See also:
% gpx, gmx_sample, simulGPnaive
% Examples:
% demo_example_gp_simulation
% * Written by J. Prikryl, November 2010
% * Based on the work of C.E. Rasmussen, A. Girard, K. Azman.

% meanfunc ... 'mean' is used as a matlab core function in this file

Ndx = 800;
DSig = 3;
num_iters = length(test);
sum_time = 0;

[N, D] = size(input);
PDF = zeros(Nsamples,lag);

% Preallocate mu and s2
mu = zeros ( num_iters, 1 );
s2 = zeros ( num_iters, 1 );

% 1st step - input is a point
test_ = test(1,:);
[mu(1), s2(1), post] = gpx(hyp, inf, meanfunc, cov, lik, input, target, test_);

MU(1,:) = mu(1)*ones(1,Nsamples);
SIG2(1,:) = s2(1)*ones(1,Nsamples);

pdf = gmx_sample(mu(1),s2(1),Nsamples);
PDF(:,lag) = pdf;
% instead of a cycle, create one monstrous test_ matrix
test_ = repmat( test(2,:), Nsamples, 1 );
test_(:,lag) = pdf;
[MU(2,:), SIG2(2,:), post] = gpx(hyp, inf, meanfunc, cov, lik, input, target, test_, post);
mu(2,1) = mean(MU(2,:));
s2(2,1) = mean(SIG2(2,:)) + mean((MU(2,:)-mu(2)).^2);

% steps from 3 on ...
for k=3:num_iters

if(mod(k,50)==0 || k==3)
disp(['simulGPmc, step: ',int2str(k),'/',int2str(length(test))]);

% samples of previous distributions
for jj=1:lag-1
PDF(:,jj) = PDF(:,jj+1);

else % k <= lag
% part after 'else' not yet tested for lag>=3
col0 = lag-(k-1);
PDF(:,1:col0) = repmat(test(k,1:col0),Nsamples,1);
for jj=col0+1:lag-1
PDF(:,jj) = PDF(:,jj+1);

pdf = gmx_sample(MU(k-1,:),SIG2(k-1,:),Nsamples);
PDF(:,lag) = pdf;

% simulate for all cases, again using the matrix version
t0 = tic;
test_ = repmat ( test(k,:), Nsamples, 1 );
test_(:,1:lag) = PDF;
[MU(k,:), SIG2(k,:), post] = gpx(hyp, inf, meanfunc, cov, lik, input, target, test_, post);
calltime = toc(t0);
% fprintf ( 'gpr_simul() ....... %f sec\n\n', calltime ); % uncomment
% if you wish
sum_time = sum_time + calltime;

% approximate output distribution with gauss - calculate m and v
mu(k,1) = mean(MU(k,:));
s2(k,1) = mean(SIG2(k,:)) + mean((MU(k,:)-mu(k)).^2);


% fprintf ( 'average time needed for gpr_simul() .... %f sec\n', sum_time/(num_iters-2) );
% uncomment if you wish

function [mu, s2, MU, SIG2] = simulGPmc(hyp, inf, meanfunc, cov, lik, input, target, test, lag, Nsamples)
% simulGPmc - Simulation of the dynamic GP model, where the output variance is
% propagated using the Monte Carlo method
%% Syntax
% [mu, s2, MU, SIG2] = simulGPmc(hyp, inf, mean, cov, lik, input, target, test,
% lag, Nsamples)
%% Description
% Idea: at every time step the output of GP model is approximated with
% Nsamples samples, which are used as the future inputs of the GP model.
% Samples are re-used if necessary (ie. y(k-1) for y(k-2) if lag=2 etc.)
% Uses routines gpx and gmx_sample.
% Input:
% * hyp ... the structure of optimized hyperparameters
% * inf ... the function specifying the inference method
% * meanfunc ... the prior mean function
% * cov ... the specified covariance function, see help covFun for more info
% * lik ... the likelihood function
% * input ... the input part of the training data, NxD matrix
% * target ... the output part of the training data (ie. target), Nx1 vector
% * test ... the input matrix for simulation, kxD vector, see
% construct.m for more info
% * lag ... the order of the model (number of used lagged outputs)
% * Nsamples ... the number of samples used in algorithm (ie. runs of simulation)
% Output:
% * mu ... the mean predicted output
% * s2 ... the associated variances (with noise variances)
% * MU ... the matrix of all predicted means, kxNsamples
% * SIG2 ... the associated predicted variances
% See also:
% gpx, gmx_sample, simulGPnaive
% Examples:
% demo_example_gp_simulation
% * Written by J. Prikryl, November 2010
% * Based on the work of C.E. Rasmussen, A. Girard, K. Azman.

% meanfunc ... 'mean' is used as a matlab core function in this file

Ndx = 800;
DSig = 3;
num_iters = length(test);
sum_time = 0;

[N, D] = size(input);
PDF = zeros(Nsamples,lag);

% Preallocate mu and s2
mu = zeros ( num_iters, 1 );
s2 = zeros ( num_iters, 1 );

% 1st step - input is a point
test_ = test(1,:);
[mu(1), s2(1), post] = gpx(hyp, inf, meanfunc, cov, lik, input, target, test_);

MU(1,:) = mu(1)*ones(1,Nsamples);
SIG2(1,:) = s2(1)*ones(1,Nsamples);

pdf = gmx_sample(mu(1),s2(1),Nsamples);
PDF(:,lag) = pdf;
% instead of a cycle, create one monstrous test_ matrix
test_ = repmat( test(2,:), Nsamples, 1 );
test_(:,lag) = pdf;
[MU(2,:), SIG2(2,:), post] = gpx(hyp, inf, meanfunc, cov, lik, input, target, test_, post);
mu(2,1) = mean(MU(2,:));
s2(2,1) = mean(SIG2(2,:)) + mean((MU(2,:)-mu(2)).^2);

% steps from 3 on ...
for k=3:num_iters

if(mod(k,50)==0 || k==3)
disp(['simulGPmc, step: ',int2str(k),'/',int2str(length(test))]);

% samples of previous distributions
for jj=1:lag-1
PDF(:,jj) = PDF(:,jj+1);

else % k <= lag
% part after 'else' not yet tested for lag>=3
col0 = lag-(k-1);
PDF(:,1:col0) = repmat(test(k,1:col0),Nsamples,1);
for jj=col0+1:lag-1
PDF(:,jj) = PDF(:,jj+1);

pdf = gmx_sample(MU(k-1,:),SIG2(k-1,:),Nsamples);
PDF(:,lag) = pdf;

% simulate for all cases, again using the matrix version
t0 = tic;
test_ = repmat ( test(k,:), Nsamples, 1 );
test_(:,1:lag) = PDF;
[MU(k,:), SIG2(k,:), post] = gpx(hyp, inf, meanfunc, cov, lik, input, target, test_, post);
calltime = toc(t0);
% fprintf ( 'gpr_simul() ....... %f sec\n\n', calltime ); % uncomment
% if you wish
sum_time = sum_time + calltime;

% approximate output distribution with gauss - calculate m and v
mu(k,1) = mean(MU(k,:));
s2(k,1) = mean(SIG2(k,:)) + mean((MU(k,:)-mu(k)).^2);


% fprintf ( 'average time needed for gpr_simul() .... %f sec\n', sum_time/(num_iters-2) );
% uncomment if you wish


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