Test Coverage Report
API documentation
This repository contains the source code for the Home efficiency calculator, a FastAPI application designed to provide insights into household energy costs and CO2 emissions.
It is used to serve the numbers behind EECA's public-facing Home energy savings calculator web app.
We would like to thank the team behind the Powerswitch tool for their generosity in sharing a national tariff dataset, which has allowed us to build regional energy pricing into our model.
Users of the Home energy savings calculator are likely to also be interested in the Electrification calculator, developed by Rewiring Aotearoa, which helps users calculate how much they could save by electrifying their household.
This is a prototype for an approach to deploying our models that aims to make it easy:
to deploy them as a Dockerized backend for our public tools, and
to use locally as a library for research.
In either case the same codebase is used, providing a single source of truth, and allowing EECA teams to manage the model in a single place.
Before running the application, ensure you have Python and Docker installed on your system. Python 3.12 or higher is recommended.
It is assumed that the user is working in a powershell environment on a Windows machine.
Create and activate a virtual environment:
python -m venv .venv .\.venv\Scripts\activate
Upgrade pip and install dependencies:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt python -m pip install .
Install the pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
This installs the Git hooks specified in
and ensures that code formatting and linting checks run before each commit. -
Run the test suite:
python -m pytest --verbose
Run the test suite with coverage:
python -m coverage run -m pytest python -m coverage report python -m coverage html
Run pylint:
python -m pylint --disable=R0801 $(git ls-files '*.py')
Run the application locally: Use Uvicorn to run the application with live reloading to restart the server after code changes:
python -m uvicorn app.main:app --reload
Access the application: Point your browser at
to see the Swagger UI. -
Post a request to the API:
curl -Method 'POST' ` -Uri 'http://localhost:8000/cooktop/savings' ` -Headers @{ "Accept"="application/json" "Content-Type"="application/json" } ` -Body '{ "cooktop_answers": { "cooktop": "Piped gas", "alternative_cooktop": "Electric induction" }, "your_home": { "people_in_house": 4, "postcode": "9016", "disconnect_gas": true } }' ` -OutFile 'response.json'
For the time being we are using lookup tables (rather than the API) to configure the web tool.
To generate the lookup tables, having created and configured your virtual environment as described above,
enter the scripts
directory and run the scripts as described in scripts/readme.md.
The lookup tables will be placed as CSV files within the lookup directory and can be provided to the web team for ingestion into the web tool.
Build the Docker image:
docker build -t home-efficiency-calculator .
Run the Docker container:
docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 home-efficiency-calculator
Local web URL: Point your browser at
to view the application. -
Swagger UI: Access the Swagger UI by navigating to
where you can see and interact with the API's resources.
- The Docker setup runs the application on port 8000, make sure this port is available on your machine.
- The API uses FastAPI, which provides automatic interactive API documentation (Swagger UI).
This section provides step-by-step instructions for building, pushing, and deploying the home-efficiency-calculator
Docker container to Azure.
Login to Azure:
az login --scope https://management.core.windows.net//.default
Define necessary environment variables:
$resourceGroup = "eeca-rg-DWBI-dev-aue"
$acrName = "eecaacrdwbidevaue"
$location = "australiaeast"
$containerGroupName = "aci-home-efficiency-calculator"
$acrPassword = az acr credential show -n $acrName --query "passwords[0].value" -o tsv
$loginServer = az acr show -n $acrName --query loginServer --output tsv
$image = "home-efficiency-calculator:0.1.0"
$imageTag = "$loginServer/$image"
Login to Docker, build the Docker image, tag it, and push it to Azure Container Registry:
docker login -u $acrName -p $acrPassword $loginServer
docker build -t $image .
docker tag $image $imageTag
docker push $imageTag
Create the Azure Container Instance:
az container create -g $resourceGroup -n $containerGroupName --registry-username $acrName --registry-password $acrPassword --image $imageTag --cpu 1 --memory 1 --dns-name-label "home-efficiency-calculator" --ports 8000 --restart-policy Always
Verify the container and view its logs:
az container show -g $resourceGroup -n $containerGroupName
az container logs -g $resourceGroup -n $containerGroupName
Restart the container (after pushing updates to the registry) to pull the latest version:
az container restart -g $resourceGroup -n $containerGroupName
Point your browser at:
curl -Method 'POST' `
-Uri 'http://home-efficiency-calculator.australiaeast.azurecontainer.io:8000/household-energy-profile/' `
-Headers @{
} `
-Body '{
"your_home": {
"people_in_house": 4,
"postcode": "6012",
"disconnect_gas": true,
"heating": {
"main_heating_source": "Piped gas heater",
"alternative_main_heating_source": "Heat pump",
"heating_during_day": "Never",
"insulation_quality": "Not well insulated",
"hot_water": {
"hot_water_usage": "High",
"hot_water_heating_source": "Electric hot water cylinder",
"alternative_hot_water_heating_source": "Hot water heat pump",
"cooktop": {
"cooktop": "Piped gas",
"alternative_cooktop": "Electric induction",
"driving": {
"vehicle_type": "Petrol",
"alternative_vehicle_type": "Electric",
"vehicle_size": "Small",
"km_per_week": "200",
"solar": {
"hasSolar": true,
}' `
-OutFile 'response.json'
Delete the container when done:
az container delete -g $resourceGroup -n $containerGroupName