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Code for experiments conducted in the paper 'TNT-KID: Transformer-based Neural Tagger for Keyword Identification' submitted to Natural Language Engineering journal

Please cite the following paper [bib] if you use this code:

Martinc, M., Škrlj, B., & Pollak, S. (2021). TNT-KID: Transformer-based neural tagger for keyword identification. Natural Language Engineering, 1-40. doi:10.1017/S1351324921000127

Installation, documentation

Published results were produced in Python 3 programming environment on Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon operating system. Instructions for installation assume the usage of PyPI package manager.
To get the source code and the train and test data, clone the project from the repository with 'git clone'
To only get the source code, clone the repository from github with 'git clone'

Install dependencies if needed: pip install -r requirements.txt

To extract keywords with the model trained on scientific texts (KP20k dataset):

python --data_path data/example.json --bpe_model_path bpe/bpe_science.model --dict_path dictionaries/5_lm+bpe+rnn_science_adaptive_lm_bpe_nopos_rnn_nocrf.ptb --trained_classification_model trained_classification_models/ --adaptive --rnn --bpe --cuda

To extract keywords with the model trained on news (KPTimes dataset):

python --data_path data/example_news.json --bpe_model_path bpe/bpe_news.model --dict_path dictionaries/5_lm+bpe+rnn_news_adaptive_lm_bpe_nopos_rnn_nocrf.ptb --trained_classification_model trained_classification_models/ --adaptive --rnn --bpe --cuda

To reproduce the results published in the paper run the code in the command line using following commands:

Generate news and science datasets for language model training:

python data/ --datasets data --data_path data

Train language model on the computer science domain articles:

python --config_id 5_lm+bpe+rnn_science --lm_corpus_file data_science.json --bpe_model_path bpe/bpe_science.model --adaptive --rnn --bpe --cuda

Train language model on the news articles:

python --config_id 5_lm+bpe+rnn_news --lm_corpus_file data_news.json --bpe_model_path bpe/bpe_news.model --adaptive --rnn --bpe --cuda

Train and test the keyword tagger on the datasets from the computer science domain:

python --config_id 5_lm+bpe+rnn_science --bpe_model_path bpe/bpe_science.model --datasets 'kp20k;inspec;krapivin;nus;semeval' --classification --transfer_learning --rnn --bpe --cuda

Train and test the keyword tagger on the datasets from the news domain:

python --config_id 5_lm+bpe+rnn_news --bpe_model_path bpe/bpe_news.model --datasets 'kptimes;jptimes;duc' --classification --transfer_learning --rnn --bpe --cuda

Instructions for training the model on a new dataset:

The dataset needs to be in the json line format, where each document in the dataset is a json file containing the keys "title", "abstract", and "keywords" (containing keywords separated by semi-column). Example:

{"title": "Title of the text", "abstract": "abstract of the scientific paper or text of the news article ", "keywords": "kw1;kw2;kw2"}

For bpe tokenizer training and language model training, the name of the dataset is arbitrary, but it should be put in the "data" folder. For example, if you named it as "new_dataset.json" then you can run the following commands:

To train bpe tokenizer:

python bpe/ --input new_dataset.json --output new_dataset

To train language model:

python --config_id lm+bpe+rnn_new_dataset --lm_corpus_file new_dataset.json --bpe_model_path bpe/new_dataset.model --adaptive --rnn --bpe --cuda

For training of the keyword tagger, the dataset needs to be split into the train and test set and here the naming matters. An example that works would be to create a folder "new_dataset" in the "data" folder. Name the train dataset as "new_dataset_valid.json" and the test dataset as "new_dataset_test.json" and put them in the folder "new_dataset". Note that there should be a match between the folder name and train and test datasets names (without the suffixes). The suffix "_valid.json" tells the script that this is a train set and the suffix "_test.json" tells the script that this is the test set.

Train and test the keyword tagger on the new dataset:

python --config_id lm+bpe+rnn_new_dataset --bpe_model_path bpe/new_dataset.model --datasets 'new_dataset' --classification --transfer_learning --rnn --bpe --cuda

Contributors to the code

Matej Martinc


TNT-KID: Transformer-based Neural Tagger for Keyword Identification







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