Play with HTML5 drag and drop in angular ui-grid.
View demo in codepen
Install through bower
bower install ui-grid-draggable-rows
Add plugin as dependency to your module
angular.module("app", ["ui.grid", "ui.grid.draggable-rows"]);
To add drag and drop functionality you have to insert ui-grid-draggable-rows
directive to your table.
<div ui-grid="gridOptions" class="grid" ui-grid-draggable-rows></div>
Now, you have to add draggable wrapper to your rowTemplate
. If you have your own template just replace the inner div.
$scope.gridOptions = {
rowTemplate: '<div grid="grid" class="ui-grid-draggable-row" draggable="true"><div ng-repeat="(colRenderIndex, col) in colContainer.renderedColumns track by" class="ui-grid-cell" ng-class="{ \'ui-grid-row-header-cell\': col.isRowHeader, \'custom\': true }" ui-grid-cell></div></div>'
To add action after dropping row register new listener on rowDropped
$scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {
gridApi.draggableRows.on.rowDropped($scope, function (info, dropTarget) {
console.log("Dropped", info);
When you drag a row over others they get additional css class ui-grid-draggable-row-over
. This plugin has default styling for these elements. If you are using less you could import styles into your application.
@import "/path/to/bower_components/ui-grid-draggable-rows/less/draggable-rows";
If you are using clear css just put these styles into your stylesheet.
.ui-grid-draggable-row {
height: 30px;
.ui-grid-draggable-row-over {
position: relative;
color: #AAA;
.ui-grid-draggable-row-over:before {
content: "";
display: block;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #AAA;
.ui-grid-draggable-row-over--above:before {
top: 0;
.ui-grid-draggable-row-over--below:before {
bottom: 0;
Event | Listener | Original event | Description |
rowDragged | function(info, rowElement) | onDragStart | Fired once during start dragging |
rowEnterRow | function(info, rowElement) | onDragEnter | Fired when draggable row enter on other row |
rowOverRow | function(info, rowElement) | onDragOver | Fired when draggable row is over other row |
rowLeavesRow | function(info, rowElement) | onDragLeave | Fired when draggable row leaves other row |
rowFinishDrag | function() | onDragEnd | Fired after finish dragging |
rowDropped | function(info, targetElement) | onDrop | Fired when row is dropping to other row |
To listen these events just register new listener via ui-grid API.
is an object with the following properties
draggedRow: domElement, // The dragged row element
draggedRowEntity: object, // The object the row represents in the grid data (`row.entity`)
position: string, // String that indicates whether the row was dropped
// above or below the drop target (determined by half row height)
// eg. 'above' or 'below'
fromIndex: int, // Original position of dragged row in sequence
toIndex: int, // New position of dragged row in the sequence
$scope.gridData.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {
gridApi.draggableRows.on.rowDragged($scope, function (info, rowElement) {
console.log("Start dragging...");
// do something
- automatically insert the required template row
- write test (better late than never)
- improve documentation
Project is currently maintained by
Plugin ui-grid-draggable-rows has been orginally developed by Szymon Krajewski.
The MIT License © 2015