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Explainable Reinforcement Learning via Causal World Models

by Zhongwei Yu

This repository implements Explainable Causal Reinforcement Learning with attention.

1. Requirement

The requirement file of the python environment is provided in requirement.txt.

To create the required conda environment, use

conda create --name <env> --file requirement.txt

Our experiments involve StarCraftII Learning Enviroment. The StarCraftII program and maps can be downloaded from Make sure you have installed StartCraftII and pysc2 correctly!

2. Usages

The main usages of this code is provided by It executes experiment commands:

python <command> <arguments>

The supported commands are:

  • model-based: train a policy using environment models.
  • model-free: train a policy using a model-free algorithm (PPO).
  • fitting: fit a model for a policy (deprecated)
  • train-explain: train explainatory models for a policy.
  • test-explain: present explanation examples.

Type this in your console to see the arguments of the commands:

python <command> -h

For example, to train a policy for the Build-Marine environment using models:

python model-based buildmarine --seed=1 --run-id=run-1

The results and log files are saved in the experiments\ directory.

2.1. Supported Environments

We support 4 environments:

  • lunarlander for Lunarlander environment with discrete action space
  • lunarlander with argument --continuous for Lunarlander environment with continuous action space
  • buildmarine for Build-Mrine environment
  • cartpole for Cartpole environment

2.2. Hyper-parameters

Most hyper-parameters are managed by the Config object defined in learning\ Default config is specified in alg\

we may also use specified config file for each experiment simply using the argument --config=xxx.json. the config files used for our main experiments are in the configs directory.

3. Work Flow

  1. Execute the model-based or model-free command with to learn a policy on a given environment. This will create an experiment directory in experiments\. Mostlikely, it will be experiments\<env_id>\<model-based|model-free>\run-xxx
  2. If you used the model-based command:
    1. Go to the experiment directory, you should find the saved actor.nn, env-model-x.nn and causal-graph.json.
    2. Rename any environment model to explain-env-model.nn and the causal graph to explain-causal-graph.json.
  3. Otherwise:
    1. go to the experiment directory, you should find the saved actor.nn.
    2. execute the following command using
      train-explain <your experiment direcotry> [--n-sample] [--n-step]
      to train a post-hoc model. When completed, you shall find explain-env-model.nn and explain-causal-graph.json in the experiment directory.
  4. Execute test-explain <your experiment directory> using to see examples of causal chains. This command starts an interaction cycle.


Explainable Causal Reinforcement Learning with attention







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