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Map enum values to different plain old datatypes (or string) and set and retrieve them without having to remember which parameter maps to which type.

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This is a header-only C++14 compliant library that defines a class MagicParams that maps enums to types at compile time, and allows storing and retriving of values for every enum.

Look at src/example.cpp or the tests in tests/test.cpp to see them in action.

You can use this as conan dependency with

requires = "magicparams/1.0"

in your conanfile if you want, or just include it normally.


Often one wants to map enum-keys to values that are used as parameters within bigger code projects. If all parameters are of the same type, one could just use a unorered_map<key,value> for example. It gets trickier if one needs a mapping from the same enum to multiple value types. Take for example

enum class Parameter

One clearly would need at least the types string and double (and maybe also int). You could define your mapping by hand using different maps for different types - not nice, obviously. Another approach would be to make use of boost::variant or std::variant, if available. A call to this structure (call it 'VariantParameters') would somehow involve a template parameter of the type you want to set or you want to get, such as

VariantParameter p;
int height = p.get<int>(Parameter::height);
std::string name = p.get<int>(Parameter::name);

and so on. The problem with this approach is more subtle: if you set e.g. height as int and call it later with double such as

VariantParameters p;
// ... long after you do:
double height = p.get<int>(Paremeter::height); // exception!!

you will get an exception, at runtime of course. So you have to remember which parameter was set with which valuetype, which is in the best case annoying, in the worst it can happen after days of calculation of something and the exception thrown could render all the calculatory work done useless.


MagicParams, what else. Assume we have an enum class "Param" with entries "one","two" and so on. Look:

int main()
   using namespace magicparams;
   // you can get the default values and the description of parameters at compile-time!
   constexpr auto value = MyMagicParams::getDefault<Param::two>();
   constexpr auto desc = MyMagicParams::getDescription<Param::two>();

   std::cout << "Parameter 'two' has default value " << value << " and its description is '" << desc << "'\n";
   // create runtime version
   auto myParams = MyMagicParams();
   auto valueBefore = myParams.get<Param::one>();
   // set variable for Param::one at runtime
   auto valueAfter = myParams.get<Param::one>();

   std::cout << "Parameter 'one' was set from " << valueBefore << " to " << valueAfter;

This example is provided in example.cpp. As you can see the connection between parameter and type is enforced during compiletime, otherwise the line

constexpr auto value = MyMagicParams::getDefault<Param::two>();

would not compile. How do you define such nice looking compile-time-type-safe-parameter-containers? Given an enum class such as

enum class Param
   one = 0,

you define your MagicParams such as:

using namespace magicparams;
struct MyMagicParams : MagicParams<Param, AllowedTypes<int, std::string>, MyMagicParams>
   constexpr MyMagicParams(){};

   static constexpr auto settings = create(
       Add<Param::one, int>(99,Description{"first parameter"}), 
       Add<Param::two, std::string>("Default-String", Description("second parameter")),
       Add<Param::three, bool>(true, Description{"third parameter"}));

As you can see the parameter Param::one is tied to the type int in the first Add. In parenthesis you set a default value (e.g. 99) that can be retrieved at compile time as you saw before and the second parameter "Description" is only optional. So the synopsis for the creation of map-entries is

static constexpr auto settings = create(Add<enum-value,type to map to>(default-value,Description("optional description")),

NOTE: only types T where this


compiles can be used to store values in MagicParams (the only exception to this rule are std::string's). This includes all plain old datatypes such as int,const char*,short,double,unsigned,long,char,.. and so on.

If you call the runtime-getter and setter get/set, and you did not set a parameter before calling get, the default value will be returned.

Build example and tests

Install conan and cmake, create a subfolder /build, change into it and run

conan install ..
conan build ..

and run the executables in the subfolder build/bin/ such as


Thats it!


Given that every call to the parameter-container can possibly be resolved at compile time if you only need default parameters, the resulting performance is unbeatable. When it comes to runtime calls there are certain things to consider.

  • the implementation uses unordered_maps internally with constant access time, so they should be really fast.

  • *if the parameter container is not changed during runtime, it should be even faster because in this case the constexpr default value will be returned and the only cost is to check whether a bool variable is not set.

  • everything that could be precalculated at compile-time such as the index to the unordered_map that is responsible for a certain parameter is calculated at compile time, so there should be zero overhead to an implementation that only stores one value-type of parameters.

If you want to store big amounts of strings however, you better use const char*'s as every call to a std::string-based entries will convert (and thus copy) from an underlying const char*-entry in these maps. This is for convenience and as long as the strings are short, the compiler normally uses short-string optimization (for strings haveing less than 22 characters on a 64 bit machine), so this only gets an issue if you are storing long strings and call them very often.

Implementation details

For runtime storing a


and so on is used.

The AllowedTypes-struct is designed to shrink a list of types such as <int,int,const char*,double,int,short,const char*,std::string> internally to <double,int,short,const char*> making use of template metaprogramming. It converts std::string to const char* internally. The result of this type-list is the basis for the internally used runtimeStore_, where every tuple-entry maps to a type of the AllowedTypes-list.

Possible extension

It would be nice to think about what would be possible if we can assume the enum to be a magic_enum! Up to now there is no restriction on the enum variant, also BETTER_ENUM should work out of the box (I did not test it so far). Having these tools at hand one could e.g. check if every enum has a mapping and output nicer compile-time static assert messages, if this is not the case, listing every enum that is missing.


Map enum values to different plain old datatypes (or string) and set and retrieve them without having to remember which parameter maps to which type.






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