raw sources from 2019 version + hardware sprites bugfix + Win/MacOS/Linux compatibility
this software is designed to run with colorful images, avoid conversion from Atari/Amiga
USAGE: splitsdl.exe picture.png (or bmp files)
input file must be PNG with 384 pixels width (mode 1 ratio) and from 16 to 273 pixels height if the picture does not fit required size, a crappy resize will be done, AVOID THIS!
- click in the picture to add an hardware sprite
- click&move an hardware sprite in the picture to move it
- left-click and draw in the magnified sprite to enable/disable transparency
- right-click to fill or unfill transparency on the very same color
- G generate files and save settings
- L lock screen in order to edit pixels
- B toggle between Floyd Steinberg dithering and Bayer Matrix dithering
- ESC press twice to quit
- keypad 0 or . to select current pencil (like OCP)
- cursor to move current pixel position
- shift or ctrl + cursor to move current pixel position faster
- space to put pixel in the background OR the hardware sprite
- B to put a background pixel on a hardware sprite (will enable transparency)
- U unlock screen and goes back to quantization mode (all modifications will be lost)
- G generate files and save settings
- ESC press twice to quit