Controller based on STM32F103 for:
- coaxial rotor(duplicate signal for both motors)
- actuators
- libuavcan preparing:
- install px4 toolchain for windows (on cygwin)
download from:
- build uavcan protocol sources by dsdl-compiler
run /PX4/run-console.bat
go to repo parent folder
libuavcan/libuavcan/dsdl_compiler/libuavcan_dsdlc /cygdrive/*path to parent folder*/libuavcan/dsdl/uavcan -Odsdlc_g -vvv
- Environment preparing
- install Visual Studio
- install VisualGDB 5.3r8
- open Header files/Startup/Config.hpp in Solution Explorer or uavcan_node\uavcan_node\Inc\Confog.hpp in explorer
- set value to CONTROLLER from Controller info region
- set value to deviceId from Servos/ESC info region
- build project
- click Debug->Program and start without debugging