yarn start
Frontend: http://localhost:3000
Msw Mock Backend: http://localhost:3000/api
yarn test
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
yarn build
Builds the app for production to the build
yarn server
Json Server Mock Backend: http://localhost:3003
yarn seed
Seeding ./__json_server_mock__/db.json
echo "foo: some message" # fails
echo "fix: some message" # passes
The build
type (formerly known as chore
) is used to identify development changes related to the build system (involving scripts, configurations or tools) and package dependencies.
The ci
type is used to identify development changes related to the continuous integration and deployment system - involving scripts, configurations or tools.
The docs
type is used to identify documentation changes related to the project - whether intended externally for the end users (in case of a library) or internally for the developers.
The feat
type is used to identify production changes related to new backward-compatible abilities or functionality.
The fix
type is used to identify production changes related to backward-compatible bug fixes.
The perf
type is used to identify production changes related to backward-compatible performance improvements.
The refactor
type is used to identify development changes related to modifying the codebase, which neither adds a feature nor fixes a bug - such as removing redundant code, simplifying the code, renaming variables, etc.
The style
type is used to identify development changes related to styling the codebase, regardless of the meaning - such as indentations, semi-colons, quotes, trailing commas and so on.
The test
type is used to identify development changes related to tests - such as refactoring existing tests or adding new tests.