Smartly Assembly your Project
Email : [email protected]
Simply put 'Smart Assembler' folder in Editor folder in Unity. Open Smart Assembler window (Electronic Brain > Smart Library > Smart Assembler)
We already added all common file extensions, if something is missing, please add Folder Name and Extension to assembly.
If you want assemble prefab by Component, please your Folder Name as before for that certain prefab and add Identity. Identity is simply your component name without a space. Rather, you can open up your prefab in any text editor and search for that component that's attached to your Prefab.
This project is free to use. You can make changes and make it better. Your name will be added to Credit. But, Reproduction is strictly prohibated.
SmartDLL is a collection of neccessary managed plugin that we need to develop our desired project. But sometimes, some thing is so deep or complex that has never done before or rarely but not available for everyone. Electronic Brain will develop those rare things from community's feedback. So your feedback and contribution is so helpful for us. Your donation will effect our development speed. We will be able to focus on Programming. Donation information has given below.
Electronic brain is a Game Studio based on Bangladesh. Currently, we have 2 Programmers and a Doctor who actually give us creative idea to work on. We're always looking forward to working with a Creative Person. Please notify us if you want to Join us,
- Assemble Project
We will develop the following tasks. If any features need to be added, please mail to [email protected] .
Srejon Khan
Game Programmer, Electronic Brain
Using Unity over 4 years. Use C# and PHP,MySQL for backend. Worked on various client project and games. Worked as Assistant programmer in DR.Paedi and Lead Programmer in Last Breath.
Ashikur Rahman
Game Programmer, Electronic Brain
Using Unity over 3 years. Use C# and PHP,MySQL for backend.Worked on various client project and games. Successfull Lead Programmer in DR.Paedi and Assistant Programmer in Last Breath.
Donate us for developing any project without any trouble. We need more Programmers and Artists to work on various project and gifting something better to everyone. (All the money you donate is spent for Developing and Electronic Brain and not for any personal uses.)
Support Us at Patreon:
Have a Nice Day.