For this course hasn't ended until the summer 2017. To prevent being copied by other lazy student, I will push it later. Thanks for your understanding.
This project is Zonglin's final project of Computer Architecture and Structure of Tonji University, Shanghai, P.R.China, whose class ID is 10101602 and its corresponding experiment ID is 10012502. These courses are given in the spring semester. Students can learn about the core of computer design in one semester through several projects and homework. Those who want to join this course are strongly recommended to have learned Digital Logic and Verilog and FPGA Design. The website of this course is The total credits of this course is 5.5.
- Prof. Lisheng WANG
- Prof. Yongsheng CHEN
- Prof. Yongtao HAO
- Prof. Dongdong ZHNAG
- PC
- if_id(Instruction_Fetch & Instruction_decoding)
- id(Instruction_decoding)
- regfile(register file)
- id_ex(Instruction_decoding & execution)
- ex(execution)
- div
- ex_mem(execution & memory)
- mem_wb(memory & write back)
- hilo_reg(high & low)
- ctrl(control signal)
- LLbit(LLbit)
- cp0
- inst_rom
- data_ram
PS: Bolded elements are driven by clock.
The instructions I have successfully constructed are:
- ori rt, rs, immediate
- and rd, rs, rt
ori rt, rs, immediate => rt <- rs OR immediate
and rd, rs, rt => rd <- rs AND rt
This is the initial version of my CPU. I only finished the most simple ori instruction. And the plot is the simulation wave of the following MIPS code.
ori $1, $0, 0x1100 # $1 = $0 | 0x1100 = 0x1100
ori $2, $0, 0x0020 # $2 = $0 | 0x0020 = 0x0020
ori $3, $0, 0xff00 # $3 = $0 | 0xff00 = 0xff00
ori $4, $0, 0xffff # $4 = $0 | 0xffff = 0xffff
In this verison, I didn't add more instructions. I just corrected one bug. Try to consider the result of the following MIPS code. And we can get the simulation wave.
ori $1, $0, 0x1100 # $1 = $0 | 0x1100 = 0x1100
ori $1, $1, 0x0020 # $1 = $1 | 0x0020 = 0x1120
ori $1, $1, 0x4400 # $1 = $1 | 0x4400 = 0x5520
ori $1, $1, 0x0044 # $1 = $1 | 0x0044 = 0x5564
We can find the simulation plot is wrong because the $1 register will wait for several periods to write the real number back into the General Register Group. So we should handle this problem in this version. The solution is that We add several codes in the id.v file.
///Handle the problem at the executation process
input ex_reg_write_en_i,
input[31:0] ex_data_write_i,
input[4:0] ex_addr_write_i,
///Handle the problem at the process from ALU to Memory
input mem_reg_write_en_i,
input[31:0] mem_data_write_i,
input[4:0] mem_addr_write_i,
And we connect the corresponding modules together.
And the right simulation plot is
In this version, we added more instructions to extent our quantity of instruction number to 14. The 8 logical operation instructions are:
- and
- andi
- or
- ori
- xor
- xori
- nor
- lui
I use the following code to check my CPU in this stage.
lui $1, 0x0101 # $1 = 0x0101_0000
ori $1, $1, 0x0101 # $1 = $1 | 0x0101 = 0x0101_0101
ori $2, $1, 0x1100 # $2 = $1 | 0x1100 = 0x0101_1101
or $2, $1, $2 # $1 = $1 | $2 = 0x0101_1101
andi $3, $1, 0x00fe # $3 = $1 & 0x00fe = 0x0000_0000
and $1, $3, $1 # $4 = $3 & $1 = 0x0000_0000
xori $4, $1, 0xff00 # $4 = $1 ^ 0xff00 = 0x0000_ff00
xor $1, $4, $1 # $1 = $4 ^ $1 = 0x0000_ff00
nor $1, $4, $1 # $1 = $4 ~^ $1 = 0xffff_00ff
The 6 shift operation instructions are:
- sll
- sllv
- sra
- srav
- srl
- srlv
I use the following code to check my CPU in this version.
lui $2, 0x0404 # $2 = 0x04040000
ori $2, $2, 0x4040 # $2 = 0x04040000 | 0x0404 = 0x04040404
ori $7, $0, 0x7 # $7 = 7
ori $5, $0, 0x5 # $5 = 5
ori $8, $0, 0x8 # $8 = 8
sll $2, $2, 8 # $2 = 0x40404040 sll 8 = 0x04040400
sllv $2, $2, $7 # $2 = 0x04040400 sll 7 = 0x02020000
srl $2, $2, 8 # $2 = 0x02020000 srl 8 = 0x00020200
srlv $2, $2, $5 # $2 = 0x00020200 srl 5 = 0x00001010
sll $2, $2, 19 # $2 = 0x00001010 sll 19 =0x80800000
sra $2, $2, 16 # $2 = 0x80800000 sra 16 =0xffff8080
srav $2, $2, $8 # $2 = 0xffff8080 sra 8 = 0xffffff80
In this version, we are coming to the next version soon. The details are presented in the next version description.
In this version, we added some move instructions in our instruction set. They are
- movn
- movz
- mthi
- mtlo
- mfhi
- mflo
We use the following codes to check our instruction.
lui $1, 0x0000 # $1 = 0x0000_0000
lui $2, 0xffff # $2 = 0xffff_0000
lui $3, 0x0505 # $3 = 0x0505_0000
lui $4, 0x0000 # $4 = 0x0000_0000
movz $4, $2, $1 # $4 = 0xffff_0000
movn $4, $3, $1 # $4 = 0xffff_0000
movz $4, $3, $2 # $4 = 0x0505_0000
mthi $0 # hi = 0x0000_0000
mthi $2 # h1 = 0xffff_0000
mthi $3 # hi = 0x0505_0000
mfhi $4 # $4 = 0x0505_0000
mtlo $3 # lo = 0x0505_0000
mtlo $2 # lo = 0xffff_0000
mtlo $1 # lo = 0x0000_0000
mflo $4 # $4 = 0x0000_0000
In this version, we added another several calculation instructions into our instruction set.They are:
- add
- addu
- sub
- subu
- addi
- addiu
- slt
- sltu
- sltiu
- clo
- clz
- mul
- mult
- multu
We used the following instruction to test the CPU
ori $1, $0, 0x8000 # $1 = 0x0000_8000
sll $1, $1, 16 # $1 = 0x8000_0000
ori $1, $1, 0x0010 # $1 = 0x8000_0010
ori $2, $0, 0x8000 # $2 = 0x0000_8000
sll $2, $2, 16 # $2 = 0x8000_0000
ori $2, $2, 0x0001 # $2 = 0x8000_0001
ori $3, $0, 0x0000 # $3 = 0x0000_0000
addu $3, $2, $1 # $3 = 0x0000_0011
ori $3, $0, 0x0000 # $3 = 0x0000_0000
add $3, $2, $1 # $3 = 0x0000_0000 (overflow_flag = 1)
sub $3, $1, $3 # $3 = 0x8000_0010
subu $3, $3, $2 # $3 = 0x0000_000f
addi $3, $3, 2 # $3 = 0x0000_0011
ori $3, $0, 0x0000 # $3 = 0x0000_0000
addiu $3, $3, 0x8000 # $3 = 0xffff_8000
or $1, $0, 0xffff # $1 = 0x0000_ffff
sll $1, $1, 16 # $1 = 0xffff_0000
slt $2, $1, $0 # $2 = 1
sltu $2, $1, $0 # $2 = 0
slti $2, $1, 0x8000 # $2 = 1
sltiu $2, $1, 0x8000 # $2 = 1
lui $1, 0x0000 # $1 = 0x0000_0000
clo $2, $1 # $2 = 0x0000_0000
clz $2, $1 # $2 = 0x0000_0020
lui $1, 0xffff # $1 = 0xffff_0000
ori $1, $1, 0xffff # $1 = 0xffff_ffff
clz $2, $1 # $2 = 0x0000_0000
clo $2, $1 # $2 = 0x0000_0020
lui $1, 0xa100 # $1 = 0xa100_0000
clz $2, $1 # $2 = 0x0000_0000
clo $2, $1 # $2 = 0x0000_0001
lui $1, 0x1100 # $1 = 0x1100_0000
clz $2, $1 # $2 = 0x0000_0003
clo $2, $1 # $2 = 0x0000_0000
ori $1, $0, 0xffff
sll $1, $1, 16
ori $1, $1, 0xfffb # $1 = -5
ori $2, $0, 6 # $2 = 6
mul $3, $1, $2 # $3 = -30 = 0xffff_ffe2
mult $1, $2 # HI = 0xffff_ffff
# LO = 0xffff_ffe2
multu $1, $2 # HI = 0x5
# LO = 0xffff_ffe2
In this version, I successfully added 4 instructions into my instruction set and I completed the pause method in CPU, which is useful in DIVIDE especially.
The testing codes are:
ori $1,$0,0xffff
sll $1,$1,16
ori $1,$1,0xfffb # $1 = -5
ori $2,$0,6 # $2 = 6
mult $1,$2 # hi = 0xffffffff
# lo = 0xffffffe2
madd $1,$2 # hi = 0xffffffff
# lo = 0xffffffc4
maddu $1,$2 # hi = 0x5
# lo = 0xffffffa6
msub $1,$2 # hi = 0x5
# lo = 0xffffffc4
msubu $1,$2 # hi = 0xffffffff
# lo = 0xffffffe2
I have successfully finished the jump instructions
The simulation wave is
- Vivado & Verilog: Zijian WANG (CS Junior from Tongji University)
- Vivado, Top Test Module & VGA: Hongwei ZHANG (CS Junior from Tongji University)
- Exception Instruction Handling: Kun 5.00 (CS Junior from Tongji University)
- Audio Suggestion: Jiaqi FAN (CS Junior from Tongji University)
- Help and useful advice: Tianchen LIU (CS Junior from Tongji University)
- Silei LEI, Write CPU By Yourself 1st version, Sept. 2014, Publishing House Of Electronics History
This is still a lot to modify and I will add them step by step.
All Rights Reserved. If you want to use in another project, please refer to GPL-3.0 for more information.
March 13, 2018 in Tongji University