How to propose changes to the website
The website uses Github Pages to serve its content using the files within this repository.
Github Pages itself uses Jekyll to generate static website content from simple "markdown" formatted files. Making changes to pages on the site is as easy as editing one of this repository's ".md" files. Accepted changes will be automatically built and served to the website.
You can edit files within this repository directly via Github or follow the steps below if you prefer to work on and preview your changes locally.
If you are not comfortable doing this then please raise any changes you would like to propose as an issue here and use the "suggested content change" label.
You can run the website locally to preview any changes you want to make before submitting a Pull Request.
If you are using Linux you can follow the steps below. If you are not using Linux please follow the instructions at after cloning this repository to your local machine.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install ruby, ruby-dev and build-essential packages:
sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev build-essential
It is best to avoid installing Ruby Gems as the root user. If you have not already set up a gem installation directory for your user account, execute the following commands to add the required environment variables to your ~/.bashrc file. This will configure the gem installation path:
echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export GEM_HOME=$HOME/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Install the Jekyll and bundler gems:
gem install jekyll bundler
Move into the site's directory:
Install the dependencies required by the website's Gemfile:
bundle install
Build the site and start the local server:
bundle exec jekyll serve
View the site by browsing to:
Note: changes you make to the .md files will be automatically rebuilt and there is no need to restart the server to view the changes. If you make any changes to the "_config.yml" file however, you will need to stop the server using Ctrl+C and start it again using the "bundle exec jekyll serve" command.
The content pages served by can be found within the content directories of this repository, such as "elements-code-tutorial" and "how-it-works". These content pages use markdown and will be output and served as static html pages by Github's Jekyll service.
If you are making changes to the content you see within the site you only need to edit the content (".md") pages themselves. When changes are accepted into this repository Jekyll will build static page content from them and they will appear on the website within a few minutes.
For example: to make a change to the code tutorial's "Installing Elements" page you would fork this repository, edit the "elements-code-tutorial/" file and make a pull request for your change. If the pull request is accepted, the changes will be automatically built and served by Jekyll and will appear on the live site within a few minutes.
The website uses the minima theme as a base style and layout template. This content is served by Github Pages which includes content from that repository when serving static pages for the website. The theme's source is included using the "theme" property within the "_config.yml" file. The files within the minima source repository are used to serve style and layout content unless they are explicitly overridden on a file-by-file basis within this repository. To override any files served by the minima theme they must be copied into the relevant directory within this site. As an example: this site overrides minima's default "_includes/footer.html" file as it contains a copy of that file, taken from the minia source, and included and amended as "_includes/footer.html" here.
Any style changes from the base theme should be added to this site's "assets/main.scss" file.
Any images should be added to this repository's "images" directory.
The "_layouts" directory includes files that form the templates of the pages served by Jekyll. For example: the content pages (such as "elements-code-tutorial/") are inserted into the "content" tag within "_layouts/page.html" as they are served.
You can create your own site variables by adding them to "_config.yml".
If you want to add Javascript to a page please refer to _include/header.html to see how this is done.