# CRISPOR - a CRISPR/Cas9 assistant
CRISPOR predicts off-targets in the genome, ranks guides, highlights problematic guides, designs primers and helps with cloning. Try it on http://crispr.org
CRISPOR uses BWA, a few tools from the UCSC Genome Browser (twoBitToFa, bedClip), various R packages and a huge collection of external packages and source code files from published articles, see the file crisporEffScores.py for the exact references.
Installation of the package:
make crispor_env
source crispor_env/bin/activate
make devbuild
Install required R libraries:
sudo Rscript -e 'install.packages(c("e1071"), repos="http://cran.rstudio.com/")' sudo Rscript -e 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R"); biocLite(c("limma"));'
Now in a python console type this:
from crispor_cli import crispor
- Description for args and options is given below:
- args=[<genome_name>,<input_fasta>,<output_file>]
- Here args is a list containing org,fastaInFile and guideOutFile in this order:
- Example args -
- args=['sacCer3','/input/guide_yeast.fasta','/output/yo_guide.tsv']
- And options is a dictionary containing all the extra options permitted by crispor.
- Example options -
- options = {'offtargetFname':'/output/yo_off.tsv','pam':'NGG','debug':True,'skipAlign':True}
Here are the keys that can be added to options dictionary-
- Options:
debug - show debug messages, do not delete temp directory test - run internal tests pam - PAM-motif to use, default NGG. TTTN triggers special
Cpf1 behavior: no scores anymore + the PAM is assumed to be 5' of the guide. Common PAMs are: NGG,TTTN,NGA,NGCG,NNAGAA,NGGNG,NNGRRT,NNNNGMTT,NNNNACA
- offtargetFname -
- write offtarget info to this filename
- maxOcc -
- MAXOCC parameter, guides with more matches are excluded
- mismatches-
- maximum number of mismatches, default 4
- skipAlign -
- do not align the input sequence. The on-target will be a random match with 0 mismatches.
- noEffScores -
- do not calculate the efficiency scores
- minAltPamScore -
- minimum MIT off-target score for alternative PAMs, default 1.0
- genomeDir-
- directory with genomes, default ./genomes
# Licenses
Included software:
- BWA is under GPL3
- libSVM: under copyright by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin see http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/COPYRIGHT
- svmlight: free for non-commercial use, see http://svmlight.joachims.org/
- SSC: no license specified
- primer3: GPL2.
- Fusi/Doench score: see LICENSE.txt, (c) by Microsoft Research
- crispor.py and crisporEffScores.py themselves are released under GPLv3, see LICENSE.txt