Please don't come for me to add me on discord for help with decrypting this game I can only encourage you to look up how to do it yourself or study it yourself
everything written here was originally written by QualiArts and as such they have every right to request a take down (All I did was simplify most of their functions)
You'll also need to use any Stencil shaders (like alphaeye) and have it support the hair's alphamap for stencils with eyebrows and eyes
obviously a way to decrypt/rip the game
models exported with minmode's PMX noesis script
PS: I'm not adding support for models exported with blender and/or whatever other means, telling the user to bake 2 textures (rgb and alpha) from the vertex color channel then telling the shader to use those instead is really unnessecary
some brain power
Albiet basic rules please follow them
Please credit me as either Chips, Chi, Chizukimo (don't care they're all me)
Please do not use anything here for commercial profit
You are allowed to modify this shader to your hearts content
You may distribute the edited Material.fx file for convenience but if you didn't edit the main shader (shader.fxh/sub folder) Please link to here instead
I am not responsible for the damage one may cause with this shader
Finally Please do not use this for R-18 related content
(like please they're all minors and one of them is dead)
Set your Def texture in the Spheremap slot and your Sdw in the Toon slot
Now set your Materials (in PMXE) as such
SubTex for anything that isn't a Face mesh and you can do Add or Multi for anything that is a face (leaving it disabled will make mmd ignore it entirely)
use photoshop with nvidia tools to make any Cubemaps you might need (you can also use any external programs I haven't really tested much)
then just duplicate Material.fx and just give it the proper names
if you want self shadow load HgShadow (I'm not using mmd's default shadowmap)
that should be it really just report any bugs/errors I've made
Errors related to normals are being looked into (but cannot garentee a 100% fix)
HariganeP for HgShadow_ObjHeader
This game uses tangents as previously stated however due to limitations that MMD has, So I can't possibly fix EVERY error that might of arrised from this at this time. Please understand!
(if you're interested)to rip them you'll need to study a bit and use unity to import the assets directly as AssetRipper (or any similar tool) will toss a unity version error or wont support tangents
However this is completely optional (As of right now)
Any and all error reports should be made in Issues or you can contact me in Discord: cbtdwg
Though do consider reading the usage again before making the report and accidentally sending an honest mistake rather than an actual error report