files for the embedded community docker intro session
These files taken from the tutorial in the docker site:
How to install and setup docker on linux (including raspbian). Very easy.
curl -sSL | sh
sudo usermod -aG docker pi
sudo reboot
# Display Docker version and info
docker --version
docker version
docker info
# Execute Docker image
docker run hello-world
# List Docker images
docker image ls
docker images
# List Docker containers (running, all, all in quiet mode)
docker container ls
docker container ls --all
docker container ls -aq
Download and run the alpine linux
docker pull alpine
docker run -it --rm alpine /bin/ash
uname -a
Example for building, running and storing a docker app from scratch.
Get the example files from
# get all the files
mkdir docker
cd docker
git clone -o github
cd dockerIntro/demo1
Build and run the image:
# build the image
docker build -t friendlyhello .
# run the image
docker run -p 4001:80 friendlyhello
# run the image as a service
docker run -d -p 4002:80 friendlyhello
Managing the containers and images:
# List all running containers
docker container ls
# List all containers, even those not running
docker container ls -a
# Gracefully stop the specified container
docker container stop <hash>
# Force shutdown of the specified container
docker container kill <hash>
# Remove specified container from this machine
docker container rm <hash>
# List all images on this machine
docker image ls -a
# Remove specified image from this machine
docker image rm <image id>
docker rmi <image id>
Uploading an image and running it (perhaps downloading it)
# Log in this CLI session using your Docker credentials (use them)
docker login
# Tag <image> for upload to registry
docker tag <image> username/repository:tag
# Upload tagged image to registry
docker push username/repository:tag
# Run image from a registry
docker run username/repository:tag
Check the image in the docker hub:
Example that uses image created in previous example to form a swarm.
# initialize the swarm
docker swarm init
# deploy / start
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml erniswarm
# see how it's running
docker service ls
docker service ps erniswarm_web
# connect the browser or curl, check the host names
docker container ls -q
curl -4 http://localhost:4000
# rescaling : edit the file and deploy again
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml erniswarm
# turn off the swarm
docker stack rm erniswarm
docker swarm leave --force
Example that uses image created in previous example to form a swarm.
On windows, do:
docker pull cedricbl/world-cup-2018-cli-dashboard
docker run -ti -e TZ=Europe/Longyearbyen cedricbl/world-cup-2018-cli-dashboard
On the raspberry, do the same:
docker inspect world-cup-2018-cli-dashboard | grep -i Architecture
Build (takes a long time).
docker build -t world-cup-2018-cli-dashboard-rpi
#docker build -t world-cup-2018-cli-dashboard
docker pull carnicer/worldcup-rpi