Interswitch cordova payment plugin allows you to accept payments from customers within your cordova mobile application.
Please Note: The current supported currency is naira (NGN), support for other currencies would be added later
The first step to ​using the plugin is to register as a merchant. This is described [here] (
- Create a new cordova project. To do so refer to the documentation here
cd to the directory of your cordova project.
Add the cordova-payment-plugin from CLI, using this command
cordova plugin add --variable CLIENT_ID=clientId --variable CLIENT_SECRET=clientSecret
- Add
platform. Make sure to add the platform after adding the plugin.
cordova platform add android
- NOTE: To use the inapp change your manifest theme to android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light"
Please Note: Ensure your cordova.js file is the first Javascript file to be included in your index.html
You'll need to have Xcode 7.3 or later installed.
cd to the directory of your cordova project.
Add cordova payment plugin Replace clientId and clientSecret in the code below with your clientId and clientSecret
cordova plugin add
- Add
platform. Make sure to add the platform after adding the plugin.
cordova platform add ios
, go to the YourCordovaApp/platforms/ios directory. Open the .xcodeproj file in XCode. A dialog may appear asking: Convert to latest Swift Syntax? Click the Cancel button. -
, go to the/platforms/ios/<NameOfApp>/Plugins/com.interswitchng.sdk.payment
directory. You should see a PaymentSDK.framework file. -
Drag the ​ PaymentSDK.framework file from
to XCode's Embedded Binaries section for your app's TARGETS settings. -
In the dialog that appears, make sure
Copy items if needed
is unchecked. -
Important: With
still open, click the project to view its settings. Under the info tab find the Configurations section and change all the values forDebug
to None. You can change it back once our setups are done.
The PaymentSDK.framework needs some Cocoapods dependencies so we'll need to install them.
Close Xcode. cd into
directory -
pod init
- Open the Podfile created and replace
commented parts with the following.
source ''
platform :ios, "8.0"
- Add the following to the Podfile, inside the first
pod 'CryptoSwift'
pod 'Alamofire', :git => ''
pod 'SwiftyJSON', :git => ''
pod 'OpenSSL'
- Now run:
pod install
- After the pods are installed successfully you can go to the directory
and open the<NameOfApp>.xcworkspace
file in XCode.
During development of your app, you should use the Plugin in sandbox mode to enable testing. Different Client Id and Client Secret are provided for Production and Sandbox mode. The procedure to use the Plugin on sandbox mode is just as easy:
- Use Sandbox Client Id and Client Secret got from the Sandbox Tab of the Developer Console after signup (usually you have to wait for 5 minutes after signup for you to see the Sandbox details) everywhere you are required to supply Client Id and Client Secret in the remainder of this documentation
- In your code, override the api base as follows
function init(){
var userDetails = {
environment:"test", // or sandbox
settlement : [
accountIdentifier:"Babajide Apata",
accountIdentifier:"Ayodeji Agboola",
accountIdentifier:"Akinyem Akindele",
// Settlement information is only applicable to split transactions
var initial = PaymentPlugin.init(userDetails);
- Follow the remaining steps in the documentation.
- call the init function inside the onDeviceReady function of your cordova app
- NOTE: When going into Production mode, use the Client Id and the Client Secret got from the Production Tab of Developer Console instead.
- To allow for Payment with Card or Wallet
- Create a Pay button
- In the onclick event of the Pay button, use this code
- Set up payment request like this:
var payRequest = {
amount : 100, // Amount in Naira
customerId : 1234567890, // Optional email, mobile no, BVN etc to uniquely identify the customer.
currency : "NGN", // ISO Currency code
description : "Purchase Phone" // Description of product to purchase
- Create a button to make payment and use this code in the onclick event of the button
var paySuccess = function(response) {
var purchaseResponse = JSON.parse(response); // transaction success reponse
var payFail = function(response) {
alert(response); // transaction failure reponse
}, paySuccess, payFail);
- To allow for Payment with Card only
- Create a Pay button and set the payment request *Set up payment request like this:
var payWithCardRequest = {
amount : 100, // Amount in Naira
customerId : 1234567890, // Optional email, mobile no, BVN etc to uniquely identify the customer.
currency : "NGN", // ISO Currency code
description : "Purchase Phone", // Description of product to purchase
isRecurrent: true // If transaction is recurrent
- In the onclick event of the Pay button, use this code.
var payWithCardSuccess = function(response) {
var purchaseResponse = JSON.parse(response); // transaction success reponse
var payWithCardFail = function(response) {
alert(response); // transaction failure reponse
PaymentPlugin.payWithCard(payWithCardRequest, payWithCardSuccess, payWithCardFail);
- To allow for Payment with Wallet only
- Create a Pay button and set the payment request
- Set up payment request like this:
var payWithWalletRequest = {
amount : 100, // Amount in Naira
customerId : 1234567890, // Optional email, mobile no, BVN etc to uniquely identify the customer.
currency : "NGN", // ISO Currency code
description : "Purchase Phone" // Description of product to purchase
- In the onclick event of the Pay button, use this code.
var payWithWalletSuccess = function(response) {
var purchaseResponse = JSON.parse(response); // transaction success reponse
var payWithWalletFail = function(response) {
alert(response); // transaction failure reponse
PaymentPlugin.payWithWallet(payWithWalletRequest, payWithWalletSuccess, payWithWalletFail);
- Validate card is used to check if a card is a valid card, it returns the card balance and token
- Set up payment request like this:
var validateCardRequest = {
customerId : 1234567890 // Optional email, mobile no, BVN etc to uniquely identify the customer
isRecurrent: true // If transaction is recurrent.
- To call validate card, use this code.
var validatePaymentCardSuccess = function(response) {
var validateCardResponse = JSON.parse(resposne);
var token = validateCardResponse.token;
var tokenExpiryDate = validateCardResponse.tokenExpiryDate;
var balance = validateCardResponse.balance;
var panLast4Digits = validateCardResponse.panLast4Digits;
var cardType = validateCardResponse.cardType;
alert("Validating your card was successful");
var validatePaymentCardFail = function(response) {
alert(response); // transaction failure reponse
PaymentPlugin.validatePaymentCard(validateCardRequest, validatePaymentCardSuccess, validatePaymentCardFail);
- To allow for Payment with Token only
- Create a Pay button
- Set up payment request like this:
var payWithTokenRequest = {
pan : 5123459987670669364, //Token
amount : 100, // Amount in Naira
currency : "NGN", // ISO Currency code
cardtype : "Verve", // Card Type
expiryDate : 2004, // Card or Token expiry date in YYMM format
customerId : 1234567890, // Optional email, mobile no, BVN etc to uniquely identify the customer.
panLast4Digits : 7499, //Last 4digit of the pan card
description : "Pay for gown"
- In the onclick event of the Pay button, use this code.
var payWithTokenSuccess = function(response) {
var purchaseResponse = JSON.parse(response); // transaction success reponse
var payWithTokenFail = function(response) {
alert(response); // transaction failure reponse
PaymentPlugin.payWithToken(payWithTokenRequest, payWithTokenSuccess, payWithTokenFail);
- To allow for Payment with Card or Token
- Create a UI to collect amount and card details
- Create a Pay button
- Set up payment request like this:
var purchaseRequest = {
pan:5060990580000217499, //Card No or Token
amount : 100, // Amount in Naira
cvv : 111, // Card CVV
pin : 1111, // Optional Card PIN for card payment
currency : "NGN", // ISO Currency code
expiryDate : 2004, // Card or Token expiry date in YYMM format
customerId : 1234567890 // Optional email, mobile no, BVN etc to uniquely identify the customer.
var makePaymentSuccess = function(response) {
var responseObject ={};
if(response.responseCode !== undefined){
responseObject = response;
}else if (response.responseCode === undefined){
responseObject = JSON.parse(response);
if(responseObject.responseCode) {
if (responseObject.responseCode === "T0") {
function(otp) {
responseObject.method = "makePayment";
responseObject.otpValue = otp;
else {
if(responseObject.detailMessage !== undefined && responseObject.detailMessage !== null ){
//var responseObject = JSON.parse(response);
//the response object here contains amount, message, transactionIdentifier and transactionRef
var makePaymentFail = function(response) {
PaymentPlugin.makePayment(purchaseRequest, makePaymentSuccess, makePaymentFail);
- To allow for Payment with Wallet only
- Create a UI to collect amount, CVV, expiry date and PIN and to display user's Payment Method(s). Use the code below to load the Payment Method(s)
var loadWalletSuccess = function(response) {
alert("Wallet loaded successfully");
var responseObject = JSON.parse(response);
// The responseObject here contains cardProduct, panLast4Digits and token, the token is used for making payment
// Load the cardProduct on a dropdown list and use the token in making payment with wallet
for(var i = 0; i < response.length; i++){
var loadWalletFail = function(response) {
PaymentPlugin.loadWallet(null, loadWalletSuccess, loadWalletFail);
- Create a Pay button
- Set up payment request like this:
var walletRequest = {
pan:ADA4C1FFE6DE40C584ABD3CBAFDA0D08, //Token from the wallet
amount : 100, // Amount in Naira
cvv : 111, // Card CVV
pin : 1111, // Optional Card PIN for card payment
currency : "NGN", // ISO Currency code
expiryDate : 2004, // Card or Token expiry date in YYMM format
requestorId : 1234567890,
customerId : 1234567890 // Optional email, mobile no, BVN etc to uniquely identify the customer.
- In the onclick event of the Pay button, use this code.
var payWithWalletSuccess = function(response) {
var responseObject = JSON.parse(response);
// handle OTP
} else {
alert("Payment success\n" + responseObject.message);
var payWithWalletFail = function(response) {
PaymentPlugin.payWithWalletSDK(walletRequest, payWithWalletSuccess, payWithWalletFail);
- To check if a card is valid and get a token
- Create a UI to collect card details
- Create a Validate/Add Card button
- Set up validate card request using this code
var validateCardRequest = {
pan : 5060990580000217499, //Token from the wallet
cvv : 111, // Card CVV
pin : 1111, // Optional Card PIN for card payment
expiryDate : 2004, // Card or Token expiry date in YYMM format
customerId : 1234567890 // Optional email, mobile no, BVN etc to uniquely identify the customer.
- In the onclick event of the Validate/Add Card button, use this code.
var validateCardSuccess = function(response) {
//var validateCardResponse = JSON.parse(response); // transaction success response
// The response object contains fields transactionIdentifier, transactionRef,
// message, balance, token, tokenExpiryDate, panLast4Digits and cardType.
if(response.responseCode) {
if (response.responseCode === "T0") {
function(otp) {
response.method = "validateCard";
response.otpValue = otp;
} else {
var responseObject = JSON.parse(response);
if(responseObject.message !== undefined){
// Save the token, tokenExpiryDate, cardType and panLast4Digits
// in order to pay with the token in the future.
alert("Card Validation was successful");
var validateCardFail = function(response) {
alert(response);// transaction failure response
PaymentPlugin.validateCard(validateCardRequest, validateCardSuccess, validateCardFail);
- To authorize transaction with OTP
- Create a UI to collect OTP
- Create authorize otp button
- Set up otp request using this code
var authorizeRequest = {
otp : results.otpValue, // Accept OTP from user
paymentId: results.paymentId, // Set the OTP identifier for the request
transactionRef: results.transactionRef, // Set the unique transaction reference.
authData: results.authData // Set request authData.
- In the onclick event of the authorize otp button, use this code.
var authorizeSuccess = function(response) {
var responseObject = JSON.parse(response);
var theTransactionRef = responseObject.transactionRef;
alert(theTransactionRef); // transaction success response
var authorizeFail = function(response) {
alert(response); // transaction failure response
if(results.method ==="makePayment"){
PaymentPlugin.authorizePurchase(authorizeRequest, authorizeSuccess, authorizeFail);
else if (results.method ==="validateCard"){
PaymentPlugin.authorizeCard(authorizeRequest, authorizeSuccess, authorizeFail);
- To check payment status
- Create a UI to collect transaction identifier
- Create payment status button
- Set up payment status request using this code
var paymentStatusRequest = {
transactionRef : 117499114589, // The transaction unique reference.
amount : 100 // The transaction amount
- To check the status of a payment made, use the code below
var paymentStatusSuccess = function(response) {
var responseObject = JSON.parse(response);
var paymentStatusFail = function(response) {
PaymentPlugin.paymentStatus(paymentStatusRequest, paymentStatusSuccess, paymentStatusFail);