Releases: EndIris/2001-Planets
2001 Planet Pack v1.2.0
- Edits to cloud textures and configs
Some textures taken from RSS-Textures and modified. I don't know their original sources.
Many textures I exported from KittopiaTech, so I assume its fine to publish them.
Licensed under GPL 3.0
2001 Planet Pack v1.1.0
- Added compatibility for the stock planets and GPP
- Some small heightmap and PQS color map changes for RSS
Some textures taken from RSS-Textures and modified. I don't know their original sources.
Many textures I exported from KittopiaTech, so I assume its fine to publish them.
Licensed under GPL 3.0
2001 Planet Pack v1.0.1
- Changed some stuff on Europa. Check Changelog
- Requires RSS and all of its dependencies
Some textures taken from RSS-Textures and modified. I don't know their original sources.
Many textures I exported from KittopiaTech, so I assume its fine to publish them.
Licensed under GPL 3.0
2001 Planets v1.0.0
- Fixed a bunch of stuff. Check the changelog.
- Requires RSS and all its dependencies
Some textures taken from RSS-Textures and modified. I don't know their original sources.
Many textures I exported from KittopiaTech, so I assume its fine to publish them.
Licensed under GPL 3.0
Initial Beta Release
Directly from my PC to GitHub. No idea if it works, no testing done yet. Don't download unless you want to test.