Enecuum Node Framework allows to build network actors and blockchain protocols, console applications, work with KV database and cryptography. Current features include:
- Framework to build stateful multithreaded applications
- Config management tools
- Testing environment
- TCP, UDP, JSON-RPC for client and server side
- Parallel network requests processing
- Concurrent state based on Software Transactional Memory
- Parallel computations and processes
- Concurrent in-memory data graph of arbitrary structure
- KV-database support
- Embeddable console client to build interactable CLIs
- Basic cryptography and random numbers generation
- Logging
- Time, file system, and other possibilities
The Node project contains:
- Enecuum Node Framework
- Sample nodes with configs
- Testing environment
- Tests (functional, integration)
- Source code located in ./src/
- Configs for sample nodes located in ./configs/
- Test code located in ./test/
The framework represents a set of embedded monadic languages organized hierarchically. The languages are divided to core languages responsible for common subsystems and framework languages responsible for network and actors behavior.
- HGraphL - Working with generic any structure graph (concurrently).
- StateL - Working with concurrent state variables. Represents a wrapper around native STM.
- DatabaseL - Raw KV database interface. RocksDB is the implementation currently.
- LoggerL - Logging possibilities.
- FileSystemL - Working with file system.
- RandomL - Random generation and crypto methods.
- CryptoL - Subset to work with crypto methods.
- TimeL - Getting current time.
- ControlFlowL - Controlling the flow of the evaluation.
- NodeDefinitionL - Language to define servers, APIs for node, command line methods. Provides methods for parallel process forking (forkIO essentially).
- NodeL - Allows to work with connections (TCP, UDP), create graphs and databases, evaluate scripts in core languages. Also, has methods to evaluate database and state scripts.
- Install Haskell stack
curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh
- If needed, add the path to your profile
sudo nano ~/.profile
and append export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin
at the end.
sudo apt update && sudo apt install librocksdb-dev libgd-dev libtinfo-dev -y
- Clone repo:
git clone https://github.com/Enecuum/Node.git && cd Node
- Build & install
stack build
- Run tests (optional)
Run all tests:
stack test
Run fast tests:
stack build --test --test-arguments "-m Fast"
Run slow and unreliable tests:
stack build --test --test-arguments "-m Slow"
is a single executable for sample nodes.
GraphNode Transmitter
- Controllable from the Client node.
- Accepts K-blocks and microblocks.
- Works with blockchain graph and ledger.
- Answers for balance requests.
- Has a wide API, can answer to many different requests.
stack exec enq-test-node-haskell singlenode ./configs/tst_graph_node_transmitter.json
GraphNode Receiver
- Works with blockchain graph and ledger.
- Polls the Transmitter node to synchronize with it. Implements a basic synchronisation scenario.
stack exec enq-test-node-haskell singlenode ./configs/tst_graph_node_receiver.json
Gen PoW
- Controllable from the Client node.
- By the command from Client, generates KBlocks organized in a chain, but without hash complexity (does not do any mining).
- Sends KBlocks to GraphNode Transmitter.
stack exec enq-test-node-haskell singlenode ./configs/tst_gen_pow.json
Gen PoA
- Polls the Transmitter and generates a microblock for an empty KBlock found.
- Fills the microblock by random transactions for random wallets (5 wallets are hardcoded).
stack exec enq-test-node-haskell singlenode ./configs/tst_gen_poa.json
Console client
- Has console API.
- Allows to create wallets, send transactions, ask balance.
- Sends commands to nodes.
stack exec enq-test-node-haskell singlenode ./configs/tst_client.json
- Server logic: Enecuum.Samples.Assets.Nodes.TstNodes.PingPong.PingServer
- Client logic: Enecuum.Samples.Assets.Nodes.TstNodes.PingPong.PongClient
- Configs:
In this sample, two nodes interact via network sending UDP messages.
Ping server node
- Listens UDP port for
messages. - Sends
message back to the client. - Manages a concurrent internal state (counter of pings).
stack exec enq-test-node-haskell singlenode ./configs/tst_ping_server.json
- Listens UDP port for
Pong client node
- Sends
messages to the server periodically. - Accepts
messages from the server.
stack exec enq-test-node-haskell singlenode ./configs/tst_pong_client1.json
stack exec enq-test-node-haskell singlenode ./configs/tst_pong_client2.json
- Sends
-- Messages
newtype Ping = Ping Text deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
newtype Pong = Pong Int deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
-- Ping server node unique tag.
data PingServerNode = PingServerNode
-- Ping server node config.
data instance NodeConfig PingServerNode = PingServerNodeConfig
{ stopOnPing :: Int
, servingPort :: PortNumber
-- Ping server node definition type.
instance Node PingServerNode where
data NodeScenario PingServerNode = PingServer
getNodeScript PingServer = pingServerNode
getNodeTag _ = PingServerNode
-- Handling Ping messages.
:: D.StateVar D.NodeStatus
-> D.StateVar Int
-> Int
-> Ping
-> D.Connection D.Udp
-> L.NodeL ()
acceptPing status pingsCount threshold (Ping clientName) conn = do
pings <- L.atomically $ do
L.modifyVar pingsCount (+1)
L.readVar pingsCount
let done = pings + 1 >= threshold
when done $ do
L.close conn
L.writeVarIO status D.NodeFinished
L.logInfo $ "Pings threshold reached: " +|| threshold ||+ ". Finishing."
unless done $ do
L.send conn (Pong pings)
L.logInfo $ "Ping #" +|| pings ||+ " accepted from " +|| clientName ||+ "."
-- Ping server definition node.
pingServerNode :: NodeConfig PingServerNode -> L.NodeDefinitionL ()
pingServerNode cfg = do
let threshold = _stopOnPing cfg
let port = _servingPort cfg
pingsCount <- L.newVarIO 0
status <- L.newVarIO D.NodeActing
-- Starting a separate process for serving on UDP port.
L.serving D.Udp port $
L.handler $ acceptPing status pingsCount threshold
L.awaitNodeFinished' status
-- Pong client node unique tag.
data PongClientNode = PongClientNode
deriving (Show, Generic)
-- Pong client node config.
data instance NodeConfig PongClientNode = PongClientNodeConfig
{ _clientName :: Text
, _pingDelay :: Int
, _pingServerAddress :: D.Address
deriving (Show, Generic)
-- Pong client node definition type.
instance Node PongClientNode where
data NodeScenario PongClientNode = PongClient
deriving (Show, Generic)
getNodeScript _ = pongClientNode'
getNodeTag _ = PongClientNode
-- Accepting pong responses from the server.
acceptPong :: Pong -> connection -> L.NodeL ()
acceptPong (Pong pingsCount) _ =
L.logInfo $ "Pong accepted from server. Pings count: " <> show pingsCount
-- Sending pings to the server.
pingSending :: D.StateVar D.NodeStatus -> NodeConfig PongClientNode -> D.Connection D.Udp -> L.NodeL ()
pingSending status cfg conn = do
L.delay $ _pingDelay cfg
L.logInfo "Sending Ping to the server."
eSent <- L.send conn (Ping $ _clientName cfg)
case eSent of
Right () -> pingSending status cfg conn
Left _ -> do
L.logInfo "Server is gone."
L.close conn
L.writeVarIO status D.NodeFinished
-- Pong client definition node.
pongClientNode :: NodeConfig PongClientNode -> L.NodeDefinitionL ()
pongClientNode cfg = do
status <- L.newVarIO D.NodeActing
-- Connecting to the server.
mbConn <- L.open D.Udp (_pingServerAddress cfg) $
L.handler acceptPong
case mbConn of
Nothing -> L.logError "Ping Server not found"
Just conn -> do
-- Forking separate process of periodical pings.
L.process (pingSending status cfg conn)
-- Waiting when the node is finished.
L.awaitNodeFinished' status