*NOTE: This code is not currently in development. Instead, see EngLang on github.com/vontell. ##Introduction EngLang is a syntax-lenient programming language that essentially takes human text and parses it into executable code. For example, the sentence:
You should create a text file in /users/me/docs with the contents 'I love chicken'
Will create a file in the directory /users/me/docs
with the filename chicken.txt
and the contents I love chicken.
However, it is possible to create even more complex sentences that do some spectcular things.
Let's count to five, saying each number aloud as we go, and send the result to http://mywebsite.com/api/count as 'mycount'
This statement is equivalent to creating a variable, running through a loop 5 times that increments the number and prints it to the console, and then makes a POST
call to http://mywebsite.com/api/count
with JSON content {mycount: 5}
Fancy right? Well using our goal of super-abstraction, you can even write code that is very minimal but outputs complex results, such as the following:
Take the population of the US and create an ascii bar graph showing the change over time.
Using resources such as the Wolfram|Alpha API and Wikipedia, this method with gather the population information and show the desired graph in the console.
Impressed yet? Let's get started.
Want to contribute to the project? Feel free to check out our wiki, issues, and list of tasks on Trello. Fix a bug or implement a feature and submit a merge request!
Trello: https://trello.com/b/YNJBR43k/englang
Wiki: https://github.com/vontell/EngLang/wiki
Issues: https://github.com/vontell/EngLang/issues
##Key Terminology There are some key terms used within the documentation of EngLang that is considered unconventional. Therefore, below is a list of terminology that may be helpful:
- Sentence -
- Verb -
- Subject -
- Parameter -
- Chapter -
- Paragraph -
- Alias -