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Releases: EricTheToon/Fortlatro


27 Feb 05:36
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6 new Jokers

Typhoon Blade - Rare - Sell this card to instantly win a non-boss blind and gain 3 free rerolls in the next shop

Fletcher Kane - Uncommon - Retrigger all Gold cards

Dill Bit - Uncommon - Gain mult equal to the sell value of all owned jokers and consumables

Vulture Boon - Common - Each discarded card has a 1/3 chance to gain +10 chips

Cassidy Quinn - Uncommon - When blind selected create a random Heart or Spade card

Thermite - Common - Each discarded card has a 1/3 chance to be destroyed instead granting +10 chips

1 new Enhancement

Storm Surge - +10 Mult +100 Chips per Ante

Bug Fixes

Crash with Hatsune Miku fixed
Hatsune Miku now properly applies the x1.39 per scoring 3 and 9 card


15 Feb 03:39
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3 new Jokers

Fortnite Festival - Uncommon - Gains a charge when the condition is met At 2 charges gives X3 Mult condition changes every round

Kinetic Blade - Uncommon - Gains a charge when a hand is played At 3 charges gives X3 Mult

Kado Thorne's Time Machine - Rare - Sell this card to randomize the ante between -2 and +2

3 new seals

Storm Seal - Creates an LTM Card when discarded (must have room)

Glitched Seal - Does something random when played and unscoring

Boogie Seal - If played hand contains this seal 1/4 chance not to consume a hand

Bug Fixes

Malfunctioning Vending Machine now properly grants $5 on newcalc instead of $10
Vbucks now properly grants $10 on newcalc instead of $20
Emily now does something on newcalc (still can't get her effect to work properly on newcalc yet but atleast she does something)


09 Feb 08:41
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4 new Jokers

Thanos - Rare - 1/8 Chance to destroy half of everything and create a legendary Joker when blind is selected

Rocket Racing - Uncommon - +200 Chips lose 10 for each hand played at 0 chips gain an extra Joker slot

50v50 - Common - 1/2 Chance to give +50 Chips else give +50 Mult

Double Pump - Uncommon - Retriggers every scoring played card takes 2 Joker slots instead of 1

Bug Fixes

Eating Pizza no longer allows you to continue playing the blind after you beat the blind (Pizza now properly ends the round)
Pizza can now ONLY be used in a round
Slap Juice can now ONLY be used in a round

Config tab added

you can also set New Calc or Old Calc


03 Feb 09:38
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5 new Jokers

Hatsune Miku - Rare - X1.39 Mult for every 3 and 9 played

Upgrade Bench - Common - Upgrade 1 random card into a random enhanced card when blind is selected

The Nothing - Common - Destroy 1 random card when blind is selected and gain +2 mult

The Flip - Uncommon - Gain X0.2 Mult for each flipped card held in hand

Malfunctioning Vending Machine - Rare - Gain $5 every time you purchase something

Bug Fixes

Boombox being scammer fixed - cards destroyed by boombox now actually count as destroyed for jokers like canio

pot of greed Launchpad nerfed - you now have to actually have cards in your hand and deck to draw cards (before you could just use it at any time and draw cards even in the shop

Junk Rift - the same fix as launchpad

Config.sfx now effects Pizza, Pizza box, Junk Rift, and Both chests properly

Pizza now has a config for Ceres compatibility since for some reason it does not properly end the round without Ceres


28 Jan 09:29
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3 new Jokers

MagmaReef - Rare - Destroy every LTM card when blind is selected +50 chips for each destroyed LTM card

Durr Burger - Common - having cards of the same rank in the first and last slot gives +10 mult

Aces Wild - Rare - Played Aces and Wild cards retrigger and give X1.5 Mult

5 new consumables

Pizza Slice - Gives 25% of current blind requirement as Chips

Pizza Party - Gives 2 Pizza Slices

Rift to Go - Select up to 3 cards and discard them without using a discard

Chest - Create 1 random low tier Joker (must have room)

Rare Chest - Create 1 random high tier Joker (must have room)

2 new tags

Ship It! - Gives a free LTM Pack

Ship It Express! - Gives a free MEGA LTM Pack


23 Jan 20:56
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Config added min dependencies version no longer necessary!

Sound Effects, Crac Sound Effects, Cryptid compat, Ortalab compat, and Enhancements can be toggled now in config.lua

4 new Jokers

Bluglo - Uncommon - Every used LTM consumable adds +4 to mult instantly gives 2 negative LTM consumables

Reboot Card - Rare - Prevents death once and grants $10

Oscar's Medallion - Common - +20 Mult destroy this if playing a flush

Montague's Medallion - Uncommon - Diamond cards retrigger give 0.5x mult for each scoring diamond in hand destroyed if hand contains 2 aces

3 new Consumables

Slap Juice - Gives 1 Hand and 1 Discard

Boombox - Select 3 cards and destroy them 3 other cards in your deck recieve random enhancements

Junk Rift - Create 3 new cards cards created in this way have a chance for editions enhancements and seals

V1.0.4 Minimum Dependencies

20 Jan 17:36
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Just 1.0.4 but with everything that references other mods removed it SHOULD be stable but id prefer if you used the main version if you can

V1.0.4 Release

20 Jan 17:54
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added more sounds

Added 1 new Joker

Reality Augment - all probabilities are guaranteed

Added 2 new Packs

LTM Pack - choose 1 of 3 LTM Cards

MEGA LTM Pack - choose 2 of 5 LTM Cards

Added 1 new blind

Zero Build - Wood Brick and Metal are debuffed

V1.0.3 Minimum Dependencies

17 Jan 21:06
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Just 1.0.3 but with everything that references other mods removed it SHOULD be stable but id prefer if you used the main version if you can

V1.0.3 Release

17 Jan 13:57
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Added 4 new Jokers and sounds

Chug Jug - Uncommon - Copies total hands at the start of the round if you run out of hands reset hands back to however many you had at the start of round and self destructs

Big Pot - Common - Copies half of hands at the start of the round if you run out of hands reset hands back to half of however many you had at the start of round and self destructs

Mini Shield - Common - Copies a fourth of hands at the start of the round if you run out of hands reset hands back to a forth of however many you had at the start of round and self destructs

Vbucks - Uncommon - 1/3 Chance to gain $10 when blind starts