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ProSnippets Geoprocessing
UmaHarano edited this page Nov 6, 2024
24 revisions
Language: C#
Subject: Geoprocessing
Contributor: ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <[email protected]>
Organization: esri, http://www.esri.com
Date: 10/22/2024
ArcGIS Pro: 3.4
Visual Studio: 2022
.NET Target Framework: .Net 8
// get the model tool's parameter syntax from the model's help
string input_roads = @"C:\data\Input.gdb\PlanA_Roads";
string buff_dist_field = "Distance"; // use values from a field
string input_vegetation = @"C:\data\Input.gdb\vegetation";
string output_data = @"C:\data\Output.gdb\ClippedFC2";
// the model name is ExtractVegetation
string tool_path = @"C:\data\MB\Models.tbx\ExtractVegetation";
var args = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(input_roads, buff_dist_field, input_vegetation, output_data);
var result = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync(tool_path, args);
var parameters = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(@"C:\data\data.gdb\HighwaysUTM11", @"C:\data\data.gdb\Highways_extent");
var ext = Geoprocessing.MakeEnvironmentArray(extent: "460532 3773964 525111 3827494");
var gp_result = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("management.CopyFeatures", parameters, ext);
string input_data = @"C:\data\data.gdb\Population";
string out_pdf = @"C:\temp\Reports.pdf";
string field_name = "INCOME";
// use defaults for other parameters - no need to pass any value
var arguments = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(input_data, out_pdf, field_name);
string toolpath = @"C:\data\WorkflowTools.tbx\MakeHistogram";
Geoprocessing.OpenToolDialog(toolpath, arguments);
// For a System toolbox, to identify the specific tool to show, use
// either:
// o "ToolboxName.ToolName" - eg "analysis.Buffer"
// o "Fullpath to Toolbox.tbx\Toolname" - eg:
// "C:\ArcGIS\Resources\ArcToolBox\Toolboxes\Analysis Tools.tbx\Buffer"
// note:
// For legacy purposes, the convention "ToolName_ToolBox" is also supported so,
// o "Buffer_analysis" would also work
// For a custom toolbox, the full path must be provided. So, for example,
// given the custom toolbox "DeepThought.tbx" containing a python script tool
// called "Answer", installed at "C:\Data\DeepThought-ProAddin\Toolboxes\toolboxes",
// the full path would be:
// o "C:\Data\DeepThought-ProAddin\Toolboxes\toolboxes\DeepThought.tbx\Answer"
//Open the Buffer Tool GP Dialog - use either the full path or just
//use "ToolboxName.ToolName"
var path = @"C:\ArcGIS\Resources\ArcToolBox\Toolboxes\Analysis Tools.tbx";
var full_tool_name = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "Buffer");
var short_tool_name = "analysis.Buffer";
var tool_name = short_tool_name;//or full_tool_name
var extent = MapView.Active.Extent;
var val_array = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var rect = GeometryEngine.Instance.Scale(extent, extent.Center, 0.25, 0.25) as Envelope;
var poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(rect, rect.SpatialReference);
var geom = new List<object>() { poly };
return Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(new object[] { geom, null, @"1000 Meters" });
//Call OpenToolDialog on the UI thread!
Geoprocessing.OpenToolDialog(tool_name, val_array, null, false);
var gpItems = CoreModule.CurrentProject.Items.OfType<GeoprocessingProjectItem>();
// go through all the available toolboxes
foreach (var gpItem in gpItems)
var itemsInsideToolBox = gpItem.GetItems();
// then for each toolbox list the tools inside
foreach (var toolItem in itemsInsideToolBox)
string newTool = String.Join(";", new string[] { toolItem.Path, toolItem.Name });
// do something with the newTool
// for example, add to a list to track or use them later
// However, settings in Pro App's Geoprocessing Options will override option set in code
// for example, in Pro App's Options > Geoprocessing dialog, if you check 'Add output datasets to an open map'
// then the output WILL BE added to history overriding settings in code
var CopyfeaturesParams = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray("C:\\data\\Input.gdb\\PlanA_Roads", "C:\\data\\Input.gdb\\Roads_copy");
IGPResult gpResult = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("management.CopyFeatures", CopyfeaturesParams, null, null, null, GPExecuteToolFlags.None);
// However, settings in Pro App's Geoprocessing Options will override option set in code
// for example, if in Options > Geoprocessing dialog, if you uncheck 'Write geoprocessing operations to Geoprocessing History'
// then the output will not be added to history.
var args2 = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray("C:\\data\\Vegetation.shp", "NewField", "TEXT");
var result2 = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("management.AddField", args2, null, null, null, GPExecuteToolFlags.AddToHistory);
//The data referenced in this snippet can be downloaded from the arcgis-pro-sdk-community-samples repo
async Task<IGPResult> CreateRings(EditingTemplate currentTemplate)
var paramsArray = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(currentTemplate.MapMember.Name,
new List<string> { "1000", "2000" }, "Meters", "Distance",
"ALL", "FULL");
IGPResult ringsResult = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("Analysis.MultipleRingBuffer", paramsArray);
var messages = string.IsNullOrEmpty(gpResult.ReturnValue)
? $@"Error in gp tool: {gpResult.ErrorMessages}"
: $@"Ok: {gpResult.ReturnValue}";
return ringsResult;
//The data referenced in this snippet can be downloaded from the arcgis-pro-sdk-community-samples repo
string in_data = @"C:\tools\data.gdb\cities";
string cities_buff = @"E:\data\data.gdb\cities_2km";
var valueArray = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(in_data, cities_buff, "2000 Meters");
// to let the GP tool run asynchronously without blocking the main thread
// use the GPThread option of GPExecuteToolFlasgs
GPExecuteToolFlags flags = GPExecuteToolFlags.GPThread; // instruct the tool run non-blocking GPThread
IGPResult bufferResult = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("Analysis.Buffer", valueArray, null, null, null, flags);
var environments = Geoprocessing.MakeEnvironmentArray(overwriteoutput: true);
string toolName = "Snap_edit"; // or use edit.Snap
// Snap tool takes multiple inputs each of which has
// Three (3) parts: a feature class or layer, a string value and a distance
// Each part is separated by a semicolon - you can get example of sytax from the tool documentation page
var snapEnv = @"'C:/SnapProject/fgdb.gdb/line_1' END '2 Meters';'C:/SnapProject/fgdb.gdb/points_1' VERTEX '1 Meters';'C:/SnapProject/fgdb.gdb/otherline_1' END '20 Meters'";
var infc = @"C:/SnapProject/fgdb.gdb/poly_1";
var snapParams = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(infc, snapEnv);
GPExecuteToolFlags tokens = GPExecuteToolFlags.RefreshProjectItems | GPExecuteToolFlags.GPThread | GPExecuteToolFlags.AddToHistory;
IGPResult snapResult = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync(toolName, parameters, environments, null, null, tokens);
//return gpResult;
string tool2 = "analysis.Buffer";
List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();
list.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0));
Multipoint multiPoint = MultipointBuilderEx.CreateMultipoint(list);
var spatial_ref = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857);
var args3 = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
return Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(multiPoint, "memory\\Buffers", "800 meters");
var env1 = Geoprocessing.MakeEnvironmentArray(outputCoordinateSystem: spatial_ref);
var messages = new List<string>(); // list to collect all output messages
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync(tool2, args3, env1, cts.Token);
string openProjectPath = @"D\DATA\IGPHistoryItemTestProject\IGPHistoryItemTestProject.aprx";
await Project.OpenAsync(openProjectPath);
MapProjectItem mapProjItem = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.Equals("Map", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
var map = await QueuedTask.Run(() => mapProjItem.GetMap());
var ftrLayer = map.Layers[0] as FeatureLayer;
string tool1 = "management.GetCount";
var args1 = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(ftrLayer);
var env = Geoprocessing.MakeEnvironmentArray(overwriteoutput: true);
GPExecuteToolFlags executeFlags = GPExecuteToolFlags.AddToHistory;
var t = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync(tool1, args1, env, null, null, executeFlags);
IEnumerable<IGPHistoryItem> hisItems = Project.Current.GetProjectItemContainer(Geoprocessing.HistoryContainerKey) as IEnumerable<IGPHistoryItem>;
String hitemID = "";
String hitemToolPath = "";
IGPResult hitemGPResult = null;
DateTime hitemTimeStamp;
foreach (var hitem in hisItems)
// common IGPHistoryItem and Item properties
hitemID = (hitem as Item).ID;
hitemToolPath = hitem.ToolPath;
hitemGPResult = hitem.GPResult;
hitemTimeStamp = hitem.TimeStamp;
ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Events.GPExecuteToolEvent.Subscribe(e =>
string id = e.ID; // Same as history ID
if (e.IsStarting == false) // Execute completed
_ = e.GPResult.ReturnValue;
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("event triggered.");
await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("management.GetCount", Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(@"c:\shape_file.shp"));
var tool_name = "analysis.Clip";
var extent = MapView.Active.Extent;
var sel_layer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
.OfType<FeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "GreatLakes");
if (sel_layer == null) return;
var gdb = Project.Current.DefaultGeodatabasePath;
var out_fc = System.IO.Path.Combine(gdb, "clipped_lakes_out");
var val_array = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var rect = GeometryEngine.Instance.Scale(extent, extent.Center, 0.5, 0.5) as Envelope;
var clip_poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(rect, rect.SpatialReference);
//Add the geometry to a list before calling MakeValueArray
//Envelope and Geometry types are supported
var geom = new List<object>() { clip_poly };
return Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(new object[] { sel_layer, geom, out_fc });
Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync(tool_name, val_array,
null, null, null, GPExecuteToolFlags.InheritGPOptions);
The field map string is a semi-colon delimited list of fields and properties that are used in tools like Export Features, Export Table, Merge, Append, Spatial Join, Join Field, and others. Each field can be constructed as one string, then the field strings joined together with a semi-colon for use in the parameter array. The first nine values in the string define an output field and are space delimited.
- The name of the output field.
- The alias of the output field.
- Whether the output field is editable (true or false).
- Whether the output field supports nulls (true or false).
- Whether the output field is required (true or false).
- The length of the output field (text fields only).
- The field type of the output field.
- The precision of the output field (float and double fields only).
- The scale of the output field (float and double fields only).
The remaining values define the field map characteristics and are comma delimited.
- The field map merge rule.
- The concatenator to join values.
- The path to the input table.
- The field name from the input table.
- The start position of an input text value.
- The end position of an input text value.
var in_feature = @"C:\Data\FeatureTest\FeatureTest.gdb\TestPoints";
var output = @"C:\Data\FeatureTest\FeatureTest.gdb\TestPoints_export";
var fields = new string[] {
@"TheDate ""TheDate"" true true false 8 Date 0 0,First,#,TestPoints,TheDate,-1,-1",
@"CodePoint ""CodePoint"" true true false 4 Long 0 0,First,#,TestPoints,CodePoint,-1,-1",
@"TheString ""TheString"" true true false 255 Text 0 0,First,#,TestPoints,TheString,0,255",
@"TheInteger ""TheInteger"" true true false 4 Long 0 0,First,#,TestPoints,TheInteger,-1,-1",
@"TheDouble ""TheDouble"" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,TestPoints,TheDouble,-1,-1",
@"NewString ""NewString"" true true false 255 Text 0 0,First,#,TestPoints,TheString,0,255'" };
var fieldMap = string.Join (";", fields);
var toolParameters = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(in_feature, output, null, null, fieldMap, null);
IGPResult gpResult = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("conversion.ExportFeatures", toolParameters);
Geoprocessing.ShowMessageBox(gpResult.Messages, "GP Messages", gpResult.IsFailed ? GPMessageBoxStyle.Error : GPMessageBoxStyle.Default);
//These options are for behavior of interactive GP tools _only_.
var overwrite_gp = ApplicationOptions.GeoprocessingOptions.OverwriteExistingDatasets;
var remove_gp = ApplicationOptions.GeoprocessingOptions.RemoveOverwrittenLayers;
var addoutput_gp = ApplicationOptions.GeoprocessingOptions.AddOutputDatasetsToOpenMap;
var history_gp = ApplicationOptions.GeoprocessingOptions.WriteGPOperationsToHistory;
//Note: changing these options modifies behavior of interactive GP tools _only_.
//Use the ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Geoprocessing.GPExecuteToolFlags enum parameter
//to modify the behavior of Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync(...)
//Note: setting GeoprocessingOptions requires the QueuedTask
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
Home | API Reference | Requirements | Download | Samples
Execute a Model tool
Set Geoprocessing extent environment
Open a script tool dialog in Geoprocessing pane
Open the Geoprocessing Tool Pane for a specific Tool
Get Geoprocessing project items
Stop a feature class created with GP from automatically adding to the map
GPExecuteToolFlags.AddToHistory will add the execution messages to History
Multi Ring Buffer
Non-blocking execution of a Geoprocessing tool
Pass parameter with multiple or complex input values
Pass native objects as parameter values to run geoprocessing tool
Access Geoprocessing History
Use Geoprocessing public event