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Enumeration: esriTimeUnits

Time units.

Property Value Description
esriTimeUnitsUnknown 0 Unknown.
esriTimeUnitsMilliseconds 1 Milliseconds.
esriTimeUnitsSeconds 2 Seconds.
esriTimeUnitsMinutes 3 Minutes.
esriTimeUnitsHours 4 Hours.
esriTimeUnitsDays 5 Days.
esriTimeUnitsWeeks 6 Weeks.
esriTimeUnitsMonths 7 Months.
esriTimeUnitsYears 8 Years.
esriTimeUnitsDecades 9 Decades.
esriTimeUnitsCenturies 10 Centuries

Enumeration: esriNumericAlignmentEnum

Number format alignment options.

Property Value Description
esriAlignRight 0 Right-justify formatted numbers within the AlignmentWidth.
esriAlignLeft 1 Left-justify formatted numbers.

Enumeration: esriRoundingOptionEnum

Number format rounding options.

Property Value Description
esriRoundNumberOfDecimals 0 Specify the number of decimal places.
esriRoundNumberOfSignificantDigits 1 Specify the number of significant digits.

Enumeration: esriGeometryType

The available kinds of geometry objects.

Property Value Description
esriGeometryNull 0 A geometry of unknown type.
esriGeometryPoint 1 A single zero dimensional geometry.
esriGeometryMultipoint 2 An ordered collection of points.
esriGeometryPolyline 3 An ordered collection of paths.
esriGeometryPolygon 4 A collection of rings ordered by their containment relationship.
esriGeometryEnvelope 5 A rectangle indicating the spatial extent of another geometry.
esriGeometryPath 6 A connected sequence of segments.
esriGeometryAny 7 Any of the geometry types.
esriGeometryMultiPatch 9 A collection of surface patches.
esriGeometryRing 11 An area bounded by one closed path.
esriGeometryLine 13 A straight line segment between two points.
esriGeometryCircularArc 14 A portion of the boundary of a circle.
esriGeometryBezier3Curve 15 A third degree bezier curve (four control points).
esriGeometryEllipticArc 16 A portion of the boundary of an ellipse.
esriGeometryBag 17 A collection of geometries of arbitrary type.
esriGeometryTriangleStrip 18 A surface patch of triangles defined by three consecutive points.
esriGeometryTriangleFan 19 A surface patch of triangles defined by the first point and two consecutive points.
esriGeometryRay 20 An infinite, one-directional line extending from an origin point.
esriGeometrySphere 21 A complete 3 dimensional sphere.
esriGeometryTriangles 22 A surface patch of triangles defined by non-overlapping sets of three consecutive points each.

Enumeration: esriDatasetType

Dataset type constants.

Property Value Description
esriDTAny 0 Any Dataset.
esriDTContainer 1 Any Container Dataset.
esriDTGeo 2 Any Geo Dataset.
esriDTFeatureDataset 3 Feature Dataset.
esriDTFeatureClass 4 Feature Class.
esriDTPlanarGraph 5 Planar Graph.
esriDTGeometricNetwork 6 Geometric Network.
esriDTText 7 Text Dataset.
esriDTTable 8 Table Dataset.
esriDTRelationshipClass 9 Relationship Class.
esriDTRasterDataset 10 Raster Dataset.
esriDTRasterBand 11 Raster Band.
esriDTTin 12 Tin Dataset.
esriDTCadDrawing 13 CadDrawing Dataset.
esriDTRasterCatalog 14 Raster Catalog.
esriDTTopology 15 Topology.
esriDTToolbox 16 Toolbox.
esriDTTool 17 Tool.
esriDTNetworkDataset 18 Network Dataset.
esriDTTerrain 19 Terrain dataset.
esriDTRepresentationClass 20 Feature Class Representation.
esriDTCadastralFabric 21 Cadastral Fabric.
esriDTSchematicDataset 22 Schematic Dataset.
esriDTLocator 23 Address Locator.
esriDTMap 24 Map.
esriDTLayer 25 Layer.
esriDTStyle 26 Style.
esriDTMosaicDataset 27 Mosaic Dataset.
esriDTLasDataset 28 Las Dataset.
esriDTLayout 29 Layout.
esriDTStandaloneTable 30 Standalone Table.
esriDTUtilityNetwork 31 Utility Network.
esriDTDiagramDataset 32 Diagram Dataset.
esriDTDiagramFolder 33 Diagram Folder.
esriDTNetworkDiagram 34 Network Diagram.
esriDTParcelDataset 35 Parcel Dataset.
esriDTStandaloneVideo 36 Standalone Video.
esriDTReport 37 Report.

Enumeration: esriBGLAntialiasingMode

Antialiasing modes.

Property Value Description
esriBGLAntialiasingNone 0 No antialiasing.
esriBGLAntialiasingFastest 1 Fastest antialiasing.
esriBGLAntialiasingFast 3 Fast antialiasing.
esriBGLAntialiasingNormal 6 Normal antialiasing.
esriBGLAntialiasingBest 8 Best antialiasing.

Enumeration: esriBGLTextAAlias

Text antialiasing modes.

Property Value Description
esriBGLTextAAliasNone 0 No text antialiasing.
esriBGLTextAAliasDefault 1 Default antialiasing.
esriBGLTextAAliasForce 2 Forced antialiasing.
esriBGLTextAAliasForceForTransformed 3 Forced antialiasing for rotated and curved text.

Enumeration: esriAnimationTransitionMode

Define the type of algorithm used to calculate transitions between animation camera keyframes.

Property Value Description
esriAnimationTransitionModeAuto 0 Calculate the path between camera keyframes using a geodesic algorithm in global scene views and a cartesian algorithm in all other views.
esriAnimationTransitionModeCartesian 1 Calculate the path between camera keyframes using a cartesian algorithm.
esriAnimationTransitionModeGeodesic 2 Calculate the path between camera keyframes using a geodesic algorithm.

Enumeration: esriTimeRelation

Time relation types.

Property Value Description
esriTimeRelationOverlaps 0 Overlaps.
esriTimeRelationOverlapsStartWithinEnd 1 Overlaps start within end.
esriTimeRelationAfterStartOverlapsEnd 2 After start, overlaps end.
esriTimeRelationWithin 3 After start, within end.

Enumeration: esriSpatialRelEnum

Queryable spatial relationships.

Property Value Description
esriSpatialRelUndefined 0 No Defined Spatial Relationship.
esriSpatialRelIntersects 1 Query Geometry Intersects Target Geometry.
esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects 2 Envelope of Query Geometry Intersects Envelope of Target Geometry.
esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects 3 Query Geometry Intersects Index entry for Target Geometry (Primary Index Filter).
esriSpatialRelTouches 4 Query Geometry Touches Target Geometry.
esriSpatialRelOverlaps 5 Query Geometry Overlaps Target Geometry.
esriSpatialRelCrosses 6 Query Geometry Crosses Target Geometry.
esriSpatialRelWithin 7 Query Geometry is Within Target Geometry.
esriSpatialRelContains 8 Query Geometry Contains Target Geometry.
esriSpatialRelRelation 9 Query geometry IBE(Interior-Boundary-Exterior) relationship with target geometry.

Enumeration: esriJoinType

Join types.

Property Value Description
esriLeftOuterJoin 0 Left outer join.
esriLeftInnerJoin 1 Left inner join.

Enumeration: esriDiagramDatasetFeatureClass

Diagram feature class types.

Property Value Description
esriDiagramEdgeFeatureClass 0 Edge feature class.
esriDiagramJunctionFeatureClass 1 Junction feature class.
esriDiagramContainerFeatureClass 2 Container feature class.
esriTemporaryDiagramEdgeFeatureClass 3 Temporary Edge feature class.
esriTemporaryDiagramJunctionFeatureClass 4 Temporary Junction feature class.
esriTemporaryDiagramContainerFeatureClass 5 Temporary Container feature class.
esriNetworkDiagramFeatureClass 6 Diagram feature class.

Enumeration: esriImageFormat

Image formats.

Property Value Description
esriImageNone -1 None.
esriImageBMP 0 BMP.
esriImageJPG 1 JPEG.
esriImageDIB 2 DIB.
esriImageTIFF 3 TIFF.
esriImagePNG 4 PNG.
esriImagePNG24 5 PNG24.
esriImageEMF 6 Windows Enhanced Metafile.
esriImagePS 7 PostScript.
esriImagePDF 8 PDF.
esriImageAI 9 Adobe Illustrator.
esriImageGIF 10 GIF.
esriImageSVG 11 SVG.
esriImageSVGZ 12 Compressed SVG.
esriImagePNG32 13 PNG32.
esriImageJPGPNG 14 JPEG or PNG if containing transparent pixels.
esriImageOptimalPNG 15 Optimal PNG bit depth based on content.
esriImageLERC 16 Limted error raster compression.
esriImageRaw 17 Raw.
esriImageBSQ 18 Band sequential.
esriImageBIP 19 Band interleaved by pixel.

Enumeration: esriSearchOrder

Spatial Filter Search Order.

Property Value Description
esriSearchOrderSpatial 0 Spatial query is applied first.
esriSearchOrderAttribute 1 Attribute query is applied first.

Enumeration: esriRelCardinality

Relationship Cardinality.

Property Value Description
esriRelCardinalityOneToOne 0 One To One.
esriRelCardinalityOneToMany 1 One To Many.
esriRelCardinalityManyToMany 2 Many To Many.



Defines the JSON formats of the point and spatial reference objects.

Property Type Description
m double M coordinate which contains measures used for linear referencing.
spatialReference SpatialReference The spatial reference can be defined using a well-known ID (WKID) or well-known text (WKT).
x double X coordinate which is measured along the east/west axis.
Must be one of the following values:
  • Number
  • Null
  • String
y double Y coordinate which is measured along the north/south axis.
z double Z coordinate which measures height or elevation.


A Multipoint is a collection of Points. A multipoint is a one-dimensional geometry object. Multipoints can be used to store a collection of Point-based information where the order and individual identity of each point is not an essential characteristic of the Point set. Functions that return multiple point results simultaneously return the result as a single Multipoint.

Property Type Description
hasM boolean Indicates whether the geometry contains M coordinate values.
hasZ boolean Indicates whether the geometry contains Z coordinate values.
points [Point] Array of Points
spatialReference SpatialReference The spatial reference can be defined using a well-known ID (WKID) or well-known text (WKT).


Property Type Description
hasM boolean Indicates whether the geometry contains M coordinate values.
hasZ boolean Indicates whether the geometry contains Z coordinate values.
spatialReference SpatialReference The spatial reference can be defined using a well-known ID (WKID) or well-known text (WKT).
binaryPatches string Contains a zip-compressed and base64 encoded ESRI shape without materials.
materials [Material] This is an ordered Array contains MultiPatch materials and must have exactly same number of materials as the MultiPatch encoded in the binaryPatches.


Property Type Description
name string Name that identifies the material.
color Color Color of the material.
shininess short Shininess of the material ranging from 0 to 255 inclusive.
transparency double Transparency of the material ranging from 0 and 100 inclusive.
cull boolean Indicates the
edgeColor Color Edge color.
edgeWidth short Width of the edge ranging from 0 and 255 inclusive.
texture string base64 encoded texture image.
textureUrl string URL of texture image.
sharedTexture string Name of the material that contains the actual texture.


A polyline contains an array of paths or curvePaths and a spatialReference. For polylines with curvePaths, see the sections on JSON curve object and Polyline with curve. Each path is represented as an array of points, and each point in the path is represented as an array of numbers. A polyline can also have valued hasM and hasZ as boolean fields.

See the description of multipoints for details on how the point arrays are interpreted.

An empty polyline is represented with an empty array for the paths field. Nulls and/or NaNs embedded in an otherwise defined coordinate stream for polylines/polygons is a syntax error.

Property Type Description
hasM boolean Indicates whether the geometry contains M coordinate values.
hasZ boolean Indicates whether the geometry contains Z coordinate values.
paths [path] Ordered array of paths. Each path represented as ordered array of Points
curvePaths [CurvePath] Ordered array of curved paths. Each curve path is ordered array of Points and Curves
spatialReference SpatialReference The spatial reference can be defined using a well-known ID (WKID) or well-known text (WKT).


A polygon contains an array of rings or curveRings and a spatialReference. For polygons with curveRings, see the sections on JSON curve object and Polygon with curve. Each ring is represented as an array of points. The first point of each ring is always the same as the last point. Each point in the ring is represented as an array of numbers. A polygon can also have Boolean-valued hasM and hasZ fields.

See the description of multipoints for details on how the point arrays are interpreted.

An empty polygon is represented with an empty array for the rings field. Nulls and/or NaNs embedded in an otherwise defined coordinate stream for polylines/polygons is a syntax error.

Polygons should be topologically simple. Exterior rings are oriented clockwise, while holes are oriented counter-clockwise. Rings can touch at a vertex or self-touch at a vertex, but there should be no other intersections. Polygons returned by services are topologically simple.

When drawing a polygon, use the even-odd fill rule. The even-odd fill rule will guarantee that the polygon will draw correctly even if the ring orientation is not as described above.

Property Type Description
hasM boolean Indicates whether the geometry contains M coordinate values.
hasZ boolean Indicates whether the geometry contains Z coordinate values.
rings [Ring] Ordered array of rings. Each ring is an array of points.
curveRings [CurveRing] Ordered array of curved rings. Each curve ring is ordered array of Points and Curves
spatialReference SpatialReference The spatial reference can be defined using a well-known ID (WKID) or well-known text (WKT).


An envelope is a rectangle defined by a range of values for each coordinate and attribute. It also has a spatialReference field. The fields for the z and m ranges are optional. An empty envelope has no location in space and is defined by the presence of an xmin field, a null value, or a "NaN" string.

Property Type Description
mmax double The maximum measure value in the area of the envelope.
mmin double The minimum measure value in the area of the envelope.
spatialReference SpatialReference The spatial reference can be defined using a well-known ID (wkid) or well-known text (wkt)
xmax double The maximum X value in the area of the envelope.
xmin number or string ("NaN") The minimum X value in the area of the envelope.
ymax double The maximum Y value in the area of the envelope.
ymin double The minimum Y value in the area of the envelope.
zmax double The maximum Z value in the area of the envelope.
zmin double The minimum Z value in the area of the envelope.


A GeometryBag is a heterogeneous collection of references to geometry objects.

When adding elements to a GeometryBag, keep in mind that the elements acquire the spatial reference of the bag. If the spatial reference of the bag is null, for example, and the element references a well-defined spatial reference, then the element will lose that reference when it is added to the bag.

Property Type Description
hasM boolean Indicates whether the geometry contains M coordinate values.
hasZ boolean Indicates whether the geometry contains Z coordinate values.
points [Geometry] Array of Geometry
spatialReference SpatialReference The spatial reference can be defined using a well-known ID (WKID) or well-known text (WKT).


Area represents the type of geometries that have area. It can be one of these:


A path is a sequence of connected segments represented by an array of points.

Property Type Description
- [point] Ordered array of points


A curve path is a sequence of connected segments represented by an array of points and curves.

Property Type Description
- [point] Ordered array of points


A ring is an area bounded by one, closed sequence of connected segments represented by array of points.

Property Type Description
- [point] Ordered array of points


A curve ring is an area bounded by one, closed sequence of connected segments represented by array of points and curves.

Property Type Description
- [point] Ordered array of points


A curve object is a segment in a polyline or polygon. It cannot be used as a stand-alone object.

A curve object is given in a compact "curve to" manner with the first element representing the "to" point or end point. The "from" point is derived from the previous segment or curve object.

The supported curve objects are as follows:


A Circular Arc is an object that describes any portion of a circle. A CircularArc differs from an EllipticArc in that every point along the CircularArc must be a fixed distance (the Radius) from the center.

Circular Arc is defined by an end point and an interior point. It is identified by the member "c" and can be represented in JSON as {"c": [[x, y, <z>, <m>],[interior_x, interior_y]]}

Property Type Description
c [Point] In the array, first element represents end point and the second element represents interior point

Alternatively, a Circular Arc may be defined as a special case of the Elliptic Arc notation without rotation, axis, or ratio specified: {"a": [[x, y, <z>, <m>],[center_x, center_y],minor, clockwise]}


An Elliptic Arc is an object that describes any portion of an ellipse.

Elliptic Arc is defined by end point, center point, axis, arc orientation, angle from major axis in radians, length of semi major axis and ratio of the minor axis to the major axis and can be represented in JSON as follows: {"a": [[x, y, <z>, <m>],[center_x, center_y], minor, clockwise, rotation, axis, ratio]}

Property Type Description
a [Point (end point), Point (center point), number(minor), number(clockwise), number(rotation), number(axis), number(ratio)]
Array elements should be in the following order :
  • End point
  • Center Point
  • minor (0: arc is major, 1: arc is minor - less than 180 degrees)
  • clockwise(0: counter clockwise, 1: clockwise)
  • rotation: angle of rotation of major axis in radians with a positive value being counterclockwise
  • axis: length of the semi-major axis
  • ratio: ratio of the minor axis to major axis

If rotation, axis, and ratio are not specified with the Elliptic Arc, the object is a special case of Elliptic Arc that is a Circular Arc.


A cubic Bézier Curve is a non-linear Segment defined by four control points. The Bézier curve starts at control point 0 and ends at control point 3. Control points 0 and 1 define the tangent at the from point and control points 2 and 3 define the tangent at the to point. The length of these tangent lines and position of the control points determines the shape of the created bézier curve.

Property Type Description
b [Point(end point), Point(control point), Point(control point)]
Array elements should be in the following order :
  • End point
  • Control Point
  • Control Point


Represents a linear unit or angular unit of measure.

Property Type Description
uwkid long Well-known identifier representing the specific unit type.


Represents a linear unit of measure.

Property Type Description
uwkid long Well-known identifier representing the specific unit. Refer to the list of units for well-known IDs and conversion values for Linear Units.


Represents a angular unit of measure.

Property Type Description
uwkid long Well-known identifier representing the specific unit. Refer to the list of units for well-known IDs and conversion values for angular Units.


A spatial reference is the georeferencing and coordinate system assigned to any geographic data.

Property Type Description
wkid long Well-known identifier representing the specific geographic or projected coordinate system. Refer to the list for well known identifiers:
latestWkid long Represents is an more resent version of an identifier for a wkid. when this value is different from wkid, wkid is considered the originally introduced identifier and latestWkid is the more resent one that should be preferred.
vcsWkid long Well-known identifier representing the specific geographic or projected coordinate system. Refer to the list for well known identifiers:
latestVcsWkid long Represents is an more resent version of an identifier for a wkid. when this value is different from wkid, wkid is considered the originally introduced identifier and latestWkid is the more resent one that should be preferred.


Geographic transformations translate coordinates from one geographic coordinate system to another. A geographic transformation can be a single transformation with properties as described below or a CompositeGeoTransformation object.

Property Type Description
wkid long Well-known identifier representing the specific transformation. Refer to the list for well known identifiers:
latestWkid long Represents is an more resent version of an identifier for a wkid. when this value is different from wkid, wkid is considered the originally introduced identifier and latestWkid is the more resent one that should be preferred.
transformForward boolean The direction (forward/reverse) of a geographic transformation.
name string Name of the geographic transformation.


A composite geotransformation allows you to create a 'chain' of existing or custom transformations. Each transformation in the set must have its transformForward properly.

Property Type Description
geoTransforms [GeoTransformation] Ordererd array of the geographic transformation.


A raster statistics and histogram used for statistics-based rendering of raster layers

Property Type Description
min double The minimum value of the histogram.
max double The maximum value of the histogram.
mean double The mean value of the histogram.
stddev double The standard deviation of the histogram.
limitMin double The minimum limit of the range.
limitMax double The maximum limit of the range.
histogram [double] The histogram values of the statistics.
nsamples double The number of samples.
resolution double The resolution.
nBands long The number of bands.
covariances [double] The covariances.


A container for a colormap used to display a raster band.

Property Type Description
Values [long] An array of values of the colormap.
Colors [long] An array of colors corresponding to the values. Colors are represented as RGB stored as a long integer.


The Time Reference contains information about time zone and daylight savings time rules. It is used to integrate different data sets that have time stamps from different time zones, or using different daylight savings time rules.

Property Type Description
timeZone string The time zone for this time reference.
respectsDaylightSaving boolean A boolean which indicates whether the time reference respects daylight saving time.
respectsDynamicAdjustmentRules boolean Aboolean which indicates whether the time reference respects dynamic adjustment rules.


TimeValue represents either a instance of time or an extent of time. It can either be a TimeInstant or a TimeExtent

Property Type Description
TimeReference TimeReference The time reference for the time value.


A TimeValue object that represents a time-referenced range of time with a beginning and end.


Property Type Description
type string The value for this will always be "TimeExtent"
start double The time extent's start time.
end double The time extent's end time.
empty boolean A boolean indicating whether the time extent is empty.
TimeReference TimeReference The time reference for the time value.


An TimeValue object that represents a time-referenced instant of time.


Property Type Description
type string The value for this will always be "TimeInstant"
start double The time value of the time instant.
TimeReference TimeReference The time reference for the time value.


An object defining LAS filtering

Property Type Description
type string The value for this will always be "LasFilter"
areaOfInterest geometry The area of interest.
classCodes [long] An array of class codes each number ranging from 0-255.
classFlags long The number that is the bitwise OR of several values indicating. the class flags. Here are the values:
  • 0x00000001 - None
  • 0x00000002 - LAS synthetic-point flag.
  • 0x00000004 - LAS key-point flag.
  • 0x00000002 - LAS synthetic-point flag.
  • 0x00000008 - LAS withheld-point flag.
  • 0x000000010 - LAS overlap-point flag.
Returns [long] An arrayof LAS return numbers.
SurfaceConstraints [string] The array of surface constraints.