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1426 lines (913 loc) · 64.7 KB

File metadata and controls

1426 lines (913 loc) · 64.7 KB


Represents a color class break.


Property Type Description
upperBound double The upper bound for the color class break.
label string The label for the color class break.
description string The description for the color class break.
color Color The color for the color class break.


Indicates whether modulation should be used to render the point. Low modulation values will darken the point color.


Property Type Description
field string The attribute to use as a source for the color modulation.
minValue double The minimum value to compute modulation on linear scale based on field value.
maxValue double The maximum value to compute modulation on linear scale based on field value.


Represents a color unique value.


Property Type Description
value string The class value as a string.
label string The class label.
description string The class description.
color Color The class color.
visible boolean A value indicating whether this class is visible.


Represents a contour interval scale break.


Property Type Description
upperBound double The upper bound for scale break, represented as the denominator of the scale. Values less than or equal to 0 represent infinite scale and should be used only for the final break.
contourInterval double The contour interval.


Represents a LAS dataset layer.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
attribution string The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer.
description string The description.
layerElevation CIMLayerElevationSurface The layer elevation.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane.
layer3DProperties CIM3DLayerProperties The 3D layer properties.
layerMasks [string] The URIs of the layers used as masks.
layerType enumeration MapLayerType The map layer type.
maxScale double The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
minScale double The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
layerScaleVisibilityOptions CIMLayerScaleVisibilityOptions The layer's scale visibility options.
showLegends boolean A value indicating whether or not to show legends.
transparency double The transparency of the layer.
visibility boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible.
displayCacheType enumeration DisplayCacheType The display cache type.
maxDisplayCacheAge double The maximum display cache age.
layerTemplate CIMLayerTemplate The layer template.
popupInfo CIMPopupInfo The pop-up info.
showPopups boolean A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups.
serviceLayerID long Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server.
charts [CIMChart] Identifier the layer's charts.
searchable boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search.
refreshRate double The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
refreshRateUnit enumeration esriTimeUnits The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
showMapTips boolean A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.
webMapLayerID string An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map.
blendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The blending mode for the layer.
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh boolean A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh.
rasterizeOnExport boolean A value indicating whether layer should be rasterized when exporting.
useVisibilityTimeExtent boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the visibility time extent. When true the map time must overlap the visibility time extent for the layer to be visible.
visibilityTimeExtent TimeExtent The visibility time extent.
enableLayerEffects boolean A value indicating whether to enable any type of effects on the layer.
layerEffects [CIMLayerEffect] The layer effects for the layer. This property will contain either a list of all scale-dependent layer effects, or a single layer effect.


Property Type Description
analysisToolsResolution double The analysis tool resolution.
dataConnection DataConnection The data connection to the LAS dataset.
displayField string The display field.
fileExtentSymbol CIMSymbolReference The file extent symbol.
fileNameSymbol CIMSymbolReference The file name symbol.
fullResolutionScale double The full resolution scale.
isFlattened boolean A value indicating whether this layer is flattened.
LASDatasetFilter LasFilter The LAS dataset filter.
maintainCurrentSurface boolean A value indicating whether the current surface should be maintained.
pointBudget long The point budget.
pointCountPerCentimeter long The point count per centimeter.
renderers [CIMTinRenderer] The renderers.
scaleSymbols boolean A value indicating whether to scale symbols.
showFileExtent boolean A value indicating whether to show the file extent.
showFileName boolean A value indicating whether to show the file name.
showResolution boolean A value indicating whether to show the resolution.
useFullResolutionScale boolean A value indicating whether to use the full resolution scale.
selectable boolean A value indicating whether the layer is selectable.
eyeDomeLighting CIMEyeDomeLighting Eye-dome lighting properties.
useDynamicLOD boolean A value indicating whether to use dynamic level-of-detail.


Represents a LAS point elevation renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
attributeFieldName string An attribute field name.
embeddedDataSources [long] Embedded data sources.


Property Type Description
breaks [CIMClassBreak] The class breaks.
classificationMethod enumeration ClassificationMethod The classification method.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.
cursorType enumeration TerrainDrawCursorType The cursor type.
description string The description.
heading string The heading.
label string The label.
minimumBreak double The minimum break.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format.
showClassGaps boolean A value indicating whether or not to show class gaps.
sortClassesAscending boolean A value indicating whether classes are ascending.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The base symbol.


Property Type Description
modulateIntensity boolean A value indicating whether to modulate intensity.
pointSplatter CIMLASPointSplatter The point splatter properties.
useSplat boolean A value indicating whether to use the splat technique.
colorModulation CIMColorModulationInfo Color modulation.


Represents a LAS point splatter.


Property Type Description
splatMinimumSize double Splat minimum size.
splatScale double Splat scale.
useSplatHighlight boolean A value indicating whether to use splat highlighting.

Enumeration: LASStretchAttribute

LAS stretch attributes.

Property Value Description
Elevation 0 Elevation.
Red 2 Red.
Green 3 Green.
Blue 4 Blue.
NearInfrared 5 Near infrared.
Intensity 6 Intensity.
ScanAngle 7 Scan angle.
GPSTime 8 GPS time.
None 9 None.


Represents a LAS stretch class.


Property Type Description
label string The class label.
value double The class value.

Enumeration: LASStretchDrawingType

LAS stretch drawing type.

Property Value Description
Symbol 0 Symbol.
Splat 1 Splat.
SymbolTint 2 Symbol tint.


Represents LAS stretch input.


Property Type Description
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.
stretchMax double The stretch max.
stretchMin double The stretch min.
gammaValue double The gamma value.
invert boolean A value indicating whether to invert the stretch.
lookup [long] The lookup values.
maxPercent double The maximum percent.
minPercent double The minimum percent.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format.
standardDeviationParam double The standard deviation parameter.
statsType enumeration LASStretchStatsType The LAS stats type.
stretchAttribute enumeration LASStretchAttribute The LAS stretch attribute.
stretchClasses [CIMLASStretchClass] The stretch classes.
stretchStats StatsHistogram The stretch statistics.
stretchType enumeration LASStretchType The stretch type.
useCustomStretchMinMax boolean A value indicating whether to use custom stretch minimum maximum.
useGammaStretch boolean A value indicating whether to use gamma stretch.


Represents a LAS stretch renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
attributeFieldName string An attribute field name.
embeddedDataSources [long] Embedded data sources.


Property Type Description
modulationInput CIMLASStretchInput The modulation input.
modulationWeight double The modulation weight.
pointSplatter CIMLASPointSplatter The point splatter.
stretchDrawingType enumeration LASStretchDrawingType The stretch drawing type.
stretchSourceInput CIMLASStretchInput The stretch source input.
tintSymbol CIMSymbolReference The tint symbol.
useModulation boolean A value indicating whether to use modulation.
useSplat boolean A value indicating whether to use the splat technique.
colorModulation CIMColorModulationInfo Color modulation.
heading string The heading.

Enumeration: LASStretchStatsType

LAS stretch statistic types.

Property Value Description
AreaOfView 0 Area of view.
Dataset 1 Entire dataset.
GlobalStats 2 Global statistics.

Enumeration: LASStretchType

LAS stretch types.

Property Value Description
DefaultFromSource 0 Default from source.
Custom 1 Custom.
MinimumMaximum 2 Minimum Maximum.
StandardDeviations 3 Standard deviations.
Histogram 4 Histogram.
PercentMinMax 5 Percent minimum maximum.


Represents a LAS unique value renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
attributeFieldName string An attribute field name.
embeddedDataSources [long] Embedded data sources.


Property Type Description
colorScheme string The color ramp name.
description string The description.
groups [CIMUniqueValueGroup] The unique value groups.
heading string The heading.
label string The label.
lookupStyleset string The lookup styleset.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol.
useDefaultSymbol boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the default symbol.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.


Property Type Description
attribute long The attribute index.
modulateIntensity boolean A value indicating whether or not to modulate intensity.
pointSplatter CIMLASPointSplatter Point splatter properties.
useSplat boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the splat technique.
colorModulation CIMColorModulationInfo Color modulation.


Represents a point cloud bit field filter. Filters based on the bit-wise representation of the provided field. For a point to be retained, its attribute field bits must match BitsToSet and BitsToClear. Bits which are not explicitly clear nor set, are ignored.


Property Type Description
field string The field used for the filter.


Property Type Description
requiredSetBits [long] An array of bit numbers set. Bit 0 is the least significant bit.
requiredClearBits [long] An array of bit numbers cleared. Bit 0 is the least significant bit.


Represents a point cloud class breaks renderer.


Property Type Description
pointShape enumeration PointCloudShapeType The symbol type.
pointSizeAlgorithm CIMPointCloudAlgorithm The algorithm used to determine the symbol size.
colorModulation CIMColorModulationInfo The filter used to filter the points being drawn.
fieldTransformType enumeration PointCloudFieldTransformType The field transform type.
field string The field used to render the points.


Property Type Description
breaks [CIMColorClassBreak] The color class breaks of the renderer.

Enumeration: PointCloudFieldTransformType

Point cloud field transform types.

Property Value Description
None 0 Do not transform field values.
LowFourBit 1 Apply 0xF mask to field values.
HighFourBit 2 Bitwise shift field values to the right by 4.
AbsoluteValue 3 Apply abs() to field values.
ModuloTen 4 Modulate field values by 10.


Represents a point cloud fixed size algorithm.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
useRealWorldSymbolSizes boolean A value indicating whether to use real world symbols sizes (meters) vs. points. This value should always be in sync with the UseRealWorldSymbolSizes property at the symbol level.
size double The size of the symbols.


Represents a point cloud layer.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
attribution string The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer.
description string The description.
layerElevation CIMLayerElevationSurface The layer elevation.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane.
layer3DProperties CIM3DLayerProperties The 3D layer properties.
layerMasks [string] The URIs of the layers used as masks.
layerType enumeration MapLayerType The map layer type.
maxScale double The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
minScale double The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
layerScaleVisibilityOptions CIMLayerScaleVisibilityOptions The layer's scale visibility options.
showLegends boolean A value indicating whether or not to show legends.
transparency double The transparency of the layer.
visibility boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible.
displayCacheType enumeration DisplayCacheType The display cache type.
maxDisplayCacheAge double The maximum display cache age.
layerTemplate CIMLayerTemplate The layer template.
popupInfo CIMPopupInfo The pop-up info.
showPopups boolean A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups.
serviceLayerID long Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server.
charts [CIMChart] Identifier the layer's charts.
searchable boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search.
refreshRate double The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
refreshRateUnit enumeration esriTimeUnits The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
showMapTips boolean A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.
webMapLayerID string An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map.
blendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The blending mode for the layer.
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh boolean A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh.
rasterizeOnExport boolean A value indicating whether layer should be rasterized when exporting.
useVisibilityTimeExtent boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the visibility time extent. When true the map time must overlap the visibility time extent for the layer to be visible.
visibilityTimeExtent TimeExtent The visibility time extent.
enableLayerEffects boolean A value indicating whether to enable any type of effects on the layer.
layerEffects [CIMLayerEffect] The layer effects for the layer. This property will contain either a list of all scale-dependent layer effects, or a single layer effect.


Property Type Description
renderer PointCloudRenderer The symbol renderer.
dataConnection CIMSceneDataConnection The data connection.
pointsPerInch double The double value that determines the number of points to draw per display inch.
pointsBudget long The double value to determine the upper limit on the number of points drawn.
filters [CIMPointCloudFilter] The filter used to filter the points being drawn.
snappable boolean A value indicating whether this layer participates in snapping in the editor.
eyeDomeLighting CIMEyeDomeLighting Eye-dome lighting properties.


Represents a point cloud RGB renderer.


Property Type Description
pointShape enumeration PointCloudShapeType The symbol type.
pointSizeAlgorithm CIMPointCloudAlgorithm The algorithm used to determine the symbol size.
colorModulation CIMColorModulationInfo The filter used to filter the points being drawn.
fieldTransformType enumeration PointCloudFieldTransformType The field transform type.
field string The field used to render the points.


Property Type Description


Represents a point cloud return filter.


Property Type Description
field string The field used for the filter.


Property Type Description
includedReturnsBitmask long The binary combination of PointCouldReturnType enumeration flags.

Enumeration: PointCloudReturnType

Point cloud return types.

Property Value Description
Last 1 Show last return only.
FirstOfMany 2 Show first return of multi-return only.
LastOfMany 4 Show last return of multi-return only.
Single 8 Show single return only.
All -1 No return filtering.

Enumeration: PointCloudShapeType

Point cloud shape types.

Property Value Description
DiskFlat 0 Disk shaped symbol with no shading.
DiskShaded 1 Disk shaped symbol with shading.


Represents a point cloud splat algorithm.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
scaleFactor double The scale factor used to compute the point size.
minSize double The minimum point size.


Represents a point cloud stretch renderer.


Property Type Description
pointShape enumeration PointCloudShapeType The symbol type.
pointSizeAlgorithm CIMPointCloudAlgorithm The algorithm used to determine the symbol size.
colorModulation CIMColorModulationInfo The filter used to filter the points being drawn.
fieldTransformType enumeration PointCloudFieldTransformType The field transform type.
field string The field used to render the points.


Property Type Description
rangeMin double The minimum value used to compute the linear mapping of the renderer.
rangeMax double The maximum value used to compute the linear mapping of the renderer.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp of the renderer.


Represents a point cloud unique value renderer.


Property Type Description
pointShape enumeration PointCloudShapeType The symbol type.
pointSizeAlgorithm CIMPointCloudAlgorithm The algorithm used to determine the symbol size.
colorModulation CIMColorModulationInfo The filter used to filter the points being drawn.
fieldTransformType enumeration PointCloudFieldTransformType The field transform type.
field string The field used to render the points.


Property Type Description
classes [CIMColorUniqueValue] The unique color classes of the renderer.


Represents a point cloud value filter. Filter points based on the value of an specified attribute.


Property Type Description
field string The field used for the filter.


Property Type Description
values [double] The values used as exclude or include list.
mode enumeration PointCloudValueFilterMode The mode that determines if the ValueList is an include list or an exclude list.

Enumeration: PointCloudValueFilterMode

Point cloud value filter modes.

Property Value Description
Exclude 0 List of values in the exclude list
Include 1 List of values in the include list


Represents a scene data connection.


Property Type Description


Property Type Description
customParameters [CIMStringMap] Vendor specific parameters.


Property Type Description
URI string The URI.


Represents a terrain dirty area renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
description string The description.
label string The label.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol.

Enumeration: TerrainDrawCursorType

Terrain draw cursor types.

Property Value Description
Composite 0 Composite.
NodeSimple 1 Simple node.
NodeValue 2 Value node.
NodeElevation 3 Elevation node.
EdgeSimple 4 Simple edge.
EdgeType 5 Edge type.
FaceSimple 6 Simple face.
FaceElevation 7 Elevation face.
FaceSlope 8 Slope face.
FaceAspect 9 Aspect face.
FaceValue 10 Value face.
TerrainPointElevation 11 Terrain point elevation.
TerrainPointAttributeGraduated 12 Terrain point graduated attribute.
TerrainPointAttributeUnique 13 Terrain point unique attribute.
TerrainDirtyArea 14 Terrain dirty area.


Represents a terrain layer. A terrain layer draws a terrain dataset. A terrain dataset is a specialized data structure in the geodatabase that represents terrain surfaces based on vector measurements.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
attribution string The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer.
description string The description.
layerElevation CIMLayerElevationSurface The layer elevation.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane.
layer3DProperties CIM3DLayerProperties The 3D layer properties.
layerMasks [string] The URIs of the layers used as masks.
layerType enumeration MapLayerType The map layer type.
maxScale double The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
minScale double The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
layerScaleVisibilityOptions CIMLayerScaleVisibilityOptions The layer's scale visibility options.
showLegends boolean A value indicating whether or not to show legends.
transparency double The transparency of the layer.
visibility boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible.
displayCacheType enumeration DisplayCacheType The display cache type.
maxDisplayCacheAge double The maximum display cache age.
layerTemplate CIMLayerTemplate The layer template.
popupInfo CIMPopupInfo The pop-up info.
showPopups boolean A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups.
serviceLayerID long Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server.
charts [CIMChart] Identifier the layer's charts.
searchable boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search.
refreshRate double The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
refreshRateUnit enumeration esriTimeUnits The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
showMapTips boolean A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.
webMapLayerID string An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map.
blendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The blending mode for the layer.
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh boolean A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh.
rasterizeOnExport boolean A value indicating whether layer should be rasterized when exporting.
useVisibilityTimeExtent boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the visibility time extent. When true the map time must overlap the visibility time extent for the layer to be visible.
visibilityTimeExtent TimeExtent The visibility time extent.
enableLayerEffects boolean A value indicating whether to enable any type of effects on the layer.
layerEffects [CIMLayerEffect] The layer effects for the layer. This property will contain either a list of all scale-dependent layer effects, or a single layer effect.


Property Type Description
analysisToolsResolution double The resolution use by analysis tools.
autoLOR boolean A value indicating whether or not LOR should be updated when scale changes.
currentResolution double The current resolution.
dataConnection DataConnection The data connection.
displayField string The display field.
lockCurrentSurface boolean A value indicating whether the current surface should be updated based on scale change.
pointBudget long The point budget.
pyramidHonored boolean A value indicating whether the current surface resolution honors the scale/resolution relationship in the pyramid definition.
scaleSymbols boolean A value indicating whether symbols should be scaled.
showResolution boolean A value indicating whether the resolution should be shown in the contents pane.
renderers [CIMTinRenderer] The renderers.
targetResolution double The target resolution.
useOverviewTerrain boolean A value indicating whether the terrain overview should be used.
usePointBudget boolean A value indicating whether the point budget should be used.


Represents a terrain point attribute graduated renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
attributeFieldName string An attribute field name.
embeddedDataSources [long] Embedded data sources.


Property Type Description
breaks [CIMClassBreak] The class breaks.
classificationMethod enumeration ClassificationMethod The classification method.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.
cursorType enumeration TerrainDrawCursorType The cursor type.
description string The description.
heading string The heading.
label string The label.
minimumBreak double The minimum break.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format.
showClassGaps boolean A value indicating whether or not to show class gaps.
sortClassesAscending boolean A value indicating whether classes are ascending.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The base symbol.


Represents a terrain point attribute unique renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
attributeFieldName string An attribute field name.
embeddedDataSources [long] Embedded data sources.


Property Type Description
colorScheme string The color ramp name.
description string The description.
groups [CIMUniqueValueGroup] The unique value groups.
heading string The heading.
label string The label.
lookupStyleset string The lookup styleset.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol.
useDefaultSymbol boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the default symbol.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.


Represents a terrain point elevation renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
attributeFieldName string An attribute field name.
embeddedDataSources [long] Embedded data sources.


Property Type Description
breaks [CIMClassBreak] The class breaks.
classificationMethod enumeration ClassificationMethod The classification method.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.
cursorType enumeration TerrainDrawCursorType The cursor type.
description string The description.
heading string The heading.
label string The label.
minimumBreak double The minimum break.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format.
showClassGaps boolean A value indicating whether or not to show class gaps.
sortClassesAscending boolean A value indicating whether classes are ascending.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The base symbol.


Represents a TIN breakline renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
attributeFieldName string An attribute field name.
embeddedDataSources [long] Embedded data sources.


Property Type Description
colorScheme string The color ramp name.
description string The description.
groups [CIMUniqueValueGroup] The unique value groups.
heading string The heading.
label string The label.
lookupStyleset string The lookup styleset.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol.
useDefaultSymbol boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the default symbol.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.


Represents a TIN contour renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
contourDescription string The contour description.
contourInterval double The contour interval.
contourLabel string The contour label.
contourSymbol CIMSymbolReference The contour symbol.
indexContourDescription string The index contour description.
indexContourFactor long The index contour factor.
indexContourLabel string The index contour label.
indexContourSymbol CIMSymbolReference The index contour symbol.
referenceContourHeight double The reference contour height.
useIntervalScaleBreaks boolean A value indicating whether scale-dependent intervals are used. If true, is used at all scales.
contourIntervalScaleBreaks [CIMContourIntervalScaleBreak] The contour interval scale breaks. The scale breaks should be ordered from the smallest scale to the largest. The last scale break's upper bound will always be treated as 0, indicating no upper bound.


Represents a TIN edge renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
description string The description.
label string The label.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol.


Represents a TIN face class breaks renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
attributeFieldName string An attribute field name.
embeddedDataSources [long] Embedded data sources.


Property Type Description
breaks [CIMClassBreak] The class breaks.
classificationMethod enumeration ClassificationMethod The classification method.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.
cursorType enumeration TerrainDrawCursorType The cursor type.
description string The description.
heading string The heading.
label string The label.
minimumBreak double The minimum break.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format.
showClassGaps boolean A value indicating whether or not to show class gaps.
sortClassesAscending boolean A value indicating whether classes are ascending.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The base symbol.


Represents a TIN face renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
description string The description.
label string The label.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol.


Represents a TIN face value renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
attributeFieldName string An attribute field name.
embeddedDataSources [long] Embedded data sources.


Property Type Description
colorScheme string The color ramp name.
description string The description.
groups [CIMUniqueValueGroup] The unique value groups.
heading string The heading.
label string The label.
lookupStyleset string The lookup styleset.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol.
useDefaultSymbol boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the default symbol.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.


Represents a TIN layer which displays TIN data sources, a data structure that represents terrain data as a triangulated irregular network.


Property Type Description
name string The name.
URI string The URI of the definition. Typically set by the system and used as an identifier.
sourceURI string The source URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.
sourceModifiedTime TimeInstant The time the source was last modified, as of the last sync. Used to detect when another sync is needed.
metadataURI string The metadata URI.
useSourceMetadata boolean A value indicating whether the CIM definition accesses metadata from its data source (the default behavior), or if it has its own metadata stored in the project.
sourcePortalUrl string The source portal URI of the item. Set if sourced from an external item such as an item on a portal.


Property Type Description
attribution string The attribution text that appears on a map that draws this layer.
description string The description.
layerElevation CIMLayerElevationSurface The layer elevation.
expanded boolean A value indicating whether this layer is expanded in the contents pane.
layer3DProperties CIM3DLayerProperties The 3D layer properties.
layerMasks [string] The URIs of the layers used as masks.
layerType enumeration MapLayerType The map layer type.
maxScale double The maximum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
minScale double The minimum scale for layer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction).
layerScaleVisibilityOptions CIMLayerScaleVisibilityOptions The layer's scale visibility options.
showLegends boolean A value indicating whether or not to show legends.
transparency double The transparency of the layer.
visibility boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer is visible.
displayCacheType enumeration DisplayCacheType The display cache type.
maxDisplayCacheAge double The maximum display cache age.
layerTemplate CIMLayerTemplate The layer template.
popupInfo CIMPopupInfo The pop-up info.
showPopups boolean A value indicating whether or not to show pop-ups.
serviceLayerID long Identifier that will be used to identify the layer in server.
charts [CIMChart] Identifier the layer's charts.
searchable boolean A value indicating whether or not this layer should be included in the search. This property is honored only by layers that support search.
refreshRate double The amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
refreshRateUnit enumeration esriTimeUnits The units for the amount of time to wait between refreshing the layer.
showMapTips boolean A value indicating whether or not the display value is shown when hovering over a layer in the view.
customProperties [CIMStringMap] The custom properties of the layer. Custom properties are limited to key / value pairs of strings and developers are fully responsible for stored content.
webMapLayerID string An identifier that will be used to identify the layer in a web map. This value is present if the layer originated in a web map and facilitates matching the layer back to its origin when updating the web map.
blendingMode enumeration BlendingMode The blending mode for the layer.
allowDrapingOnIntegratedMesh boolean A value indicating whether layer can be draped on integrated mesh.
rasterizeOnExport boolean A value indicating whether layer should be rasterized when exporting.
useVisibilityTimeExtent boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the visibility time extent. When true the map time must overlap the visibility time extent for the layer to be visible.
visibilityTimeExtent TimeExtent The visibility time extent.
enableLayerEffects boolean A value indicating whether to enable any type of effects on the layer.
layerEffects [CIMLayerEffect] The layer effects for the layer. This property will contain either a list of all scale-dependent layer effects, or a single layer effect.


Property Type Description
dataConnection DataConnection The data connection.
displayField string The display field.
renderers [CIMTinRenderer] The renderers.
scaleSymbols boolean A value indicating whether or not to scale symbols.


Represents a TIN node elevation renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
attributeFieldName string An attribute field name.
embeddedDataSources [long] Embedded data sources.


Property Type Description
breaks [CIMClassBreak] The class breaks.
classificationMethod enumeration ClassificationMethod The classification method.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.
cursorType enumeration TerrainDrawCursorType The cursor type.
description string The description.
heading string The heading.
label string The label.
minimumBreak double The minimum break.
numberFormat NumberFormat The number format.
showClassGaps boolean A value indicating whether or not to show class gaps.
sortClassesAscending boolean A value indicating whether classes are ascending.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The base symbol.


Represents a TIN node renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
description string The description.
label string The label.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol.


Represents a TIN node value renderer.


Property Type Description
illuminate boolean A value indicating whether or not to illuminate.
maxScale double The maximum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no maximum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale above the minimum.
minScale double The minimum scale for renderer draw (set as the denominator of the scale's representative fraction). Values less than or equal to 0 indicate there is no minimum scale and the renderer will draw at any scale below the maximum.


Property Type Description
attributeFieldName string An attribute field name.
embeddedDataSources [long] Embedded data sources.


Property Type Description
colorScheme string The color ramp name.
description string The description.
groups [CIMUniqueValueGroup] The unique value groups.
heading string The heading.
label string The label.
lookupStyleset string The lookup styleset.
symbol CIMSymbolReference The symbol.
useDefaultSymbol boolean A value indicating whether or not to use the default symbol.
colorRamp ColorRamp The color ramp.