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Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Oct 28, 2021 · 2 revisions


Kitto default language is english, but it allows you to localize applications in any language.

In order to Localize an application you have to localize both the standard Kitto interface (i.e. messages), and your application interface (i.e. all fields'captions).

Kitto Interface Localization

folder ...\Kitto\Home\Locale must contain a subfolder for each language. Italian has been already provided. copy the folder for you language and edit the file Kitto.po. You can use a tool like [poedit] (

Application Interface Localization

folder ...{App}\Home\Locale must contain a subfolder for each language. See the example [HelloKitto] (HelloKitto) and [Taskitto] (Taskitto).

How to write code

If you intend to write an application ready for localization you have to invoke the _ function any time you write strings, messages and so on , both in Delphi either in .yalm files. The correct syntax is _(xxx)

file .yalm

For example: here is the Doll Model in [HelloKitto] (HelloKitto). Pay attention to DisplayLabel, AllowedValues and Hint nodes:

ModelName: Doll
ImageName: Doll
  Doll_Id: String(32) not null primary key
    IsVisible: False
    DefaultValue: %COMPACT_GUID%
  Doll_Name: String(40) not null
    DisplayLabel: _(Name)
      SubType: alpha_space
  Date_Bought: Date
    DisplayLabel: _(Birth Date)
    DefaultValue: {date}
  Hair: Reference(Hair)
  Dress_Size: String(4)
    DisplayWidth: 8
      XS: _(Extra Small)
      S: _(Small)
      M: _(Medium)
      L: _(Large)
      XL: _(Extra Large)
  Mom: Reference(Girl) not null
  Aspect: Memo
    DisplayWidth: 40
      MaxLength: 1024
  Picture: Blob
    DisplayLabel: _(Photo)
    Hint: _(Select a picture)
    MaxUploadSize: 100KB
    .DefaultFileName: test.gif
    IsPicture: True
        Width: 150
        Height: 150


For a Delhi example refer to Rules.pas in [HelloKitto] (HelloKitto):

procedure TCheckDuplicateInvitations.BeforeAdd(const ARecord: TKRecord);
  if ARecord.Store.Count('INVITEE_ID', ARecord.FieldByName('INVITEE_ID').Value) > 1 then
    RaiseError(_('Cannot invite the same girl twice.'));

The LanguageforSession parameter

It is possible to have multi-languages applications. To allow any user to select his own language at login time, just set the node LanguagePerSession in Config.yalm

LanguagePerSession: True

and this is the result:


The login page language dependes on the default language choosen for the application (LanguageId node in Config.yalm file). In this case the node was setted to en:

LanguageId: en
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