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ExtendedXmlSerializer's GitHub Action Automation Agent edited this page Dec 3, 2019 · 5 revisions

12/03/2019 10:09:25 UTC


Every major release has one. 😅 This minor patch fixing release is basically ironing out identified issues found during the deployment process of version 3.0.0.

Other Changes

  • Fixed deployment issues #334 @Mike-EEE

12/03/2019 07:15:01 UTC


This is our first release that makes use of NextRelease (

As such, starting with this release we aim to incorporate better release notes, as well as adhere to Semantic Versioning in a more disciplined manner. Unfortunately, we incorporated NextRelease after work began on this release, so we're missing some issues generated by NextRelease in this copy, so we'll make mention of them here in this summary.

The first being that we have some breaking changes with this release, which you can see in this issue:

Secondly, I'm happy to announce that we have a bunch of documentation now! I've been spending the past few weeks slogging through the necessary (and painful 😅) brain dump required to get the information stored in my noggin over this project into words that can be digested by others.

To start, we have all the publicly-exposed API members documented in XML format throughout the project. #189

We also have our wiki nicely rounded out, complete with examples and API overview:

But that's not all. 😁 We now have a documentation site that is deployed on every release, generated by DocFX:

It also contains API reference (generated by our XML documentation in source):

And conceptual documentation (which is a mirror of our wiki):

Third (and finally!), it is worth mentioning that we have a new home and URL as you can see in the provided links throughout the summary and can be found here:

Please update any git references you have to our new location on the GitHubs.

Before closing out, I would like to personally thank @WojciechNagorski for being so gracious in passing off the keys to his baby to me (@Mike-EEE). It has enabled us to take the next step here with ExtendedXmlSerializer, and to round out a few of the missing pieces as described above. @WojciechNagorski will still be involved, but we both decided that it would be best if I take over the reigns to this project, as it basically has been mine since v2 began. Needless to say, it's been a well-accepted learning lesson for us both.

With that, I would like to sign off on this release and send a BIG thank you to everyone who has supported and uses ExtendedXmlSerializer!

💥 Breaking Changes 😱

  • Upgraded minimum .NET version to 4.5.2 #331 @Mike-EEE

Other Changes

  • Incorporated workflow and GitHub Actions work from NextRelease Repo #314 @Mike-EEE
  • Updated links to /home/ and improved Nuget package information. #316 @Mike-EEE
  • Updated documentation site's theme and style. #317 @Mike-EEE
  • Fixed link to CHANGELOG in Nuget Packaging #320 @Mike-EEE
  • Updated README and fixed lists in documentation. #321 @Mike-EEE
  • Added Passing Tests for Documentation Examples #322 @Mike-EEE
  • Added tests demonstrating extension scenario for documentation. #323 @Mike-EEE
  • Providing a monitor example for documentation. #325 @Mike-EEE
  • Provided code used for README. #326 @Mike-EEE
  • Added tests for demonstrating configuration profiles in documentation. #327 @Mike-EEE
  • Added code/documentation example for converters. #329 @Mike-EEE
  • Updated submodule reference. #330 @Mike-EEE
  • Modified Build Solution to Include Other Projects #332 @Mike-EEE
  • Removed dependency to System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight. #319 @Mike-EEE