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jonwright committed Jul 18, 2018
1 parent ba03fb8 commit 3cdffad
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Showing 3 changed files with 123 additions and 129 deletions.
207 changes: 79 additions & 128 deletions sandbox/
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@

from __future__ import print_function, division
from ImageD11 import columnfile, parameters, transform
from ImageD11 import columnfile, parameters, transform, cImageD11

import numpy as np
import sys, time
Expand All @@ -21,19 +21,18 @@ def __init__(self, ar, nbins=255 ):
cs = np.cumsum( self.bc )
self.bin_inds = np.concatenate( ([0,], cs) )

def bin(self, x):
"""Assign x values into bins """
return np.round( (x - self.low) / self.step ).astype( int )

def absanglediff( a1 , a2 ):
ra1 = np.radians( a1 )
ra2 = np.radians( a2 )
er = np.arctan2( np.sin( ra1 - ra2 ), np.cos( ra1 - ra2 ) )
return abs(np.degrees( er ))

def findpairs_2d( cf, dangle, omestep, fac = 1.5):
Search for Friedel pairs (and harmonics) as parallel (or nearly)
Expand All @@ -50,18 +49,20 @@ def findpairs_2d( cf, dangle, omestep, fac = 1.5):
dangle is the twotheta and eta precision
omestep is the omega step
# Normalise the g-vectors to direction cosines
nve = ( np.array((cf.gx,, cf.gz)) / cf.ds )
# We cut on y > 0 (could equally be x... )
cf.sortby( "ds" ) # sort on mod_g for later peak groupings
# Normalise the g-vectors to give direction cosines
nve = np.array((cf.gx,, cf.gz)) / cf.ds
# cut on y > 0 (could equally be x... )
nve = np.where( nve[1] > 0, nve, -nve )
# World map geometry ...
# angle to z-axis n.z = |n||z|cos( latitude )
az = np.degrees( np.arccos( nve[2] ) )
# angle to xy-axis x/y = tan( longitude )
ay = np.degrees( np.arctan2( nve[0], nve[1]) )
ay = np.degrees( np.arctan2( nve[0], nve[1] ) )
# Make bins reflect the estimated precision (not ideal for now)
# ... guess latitude error is also eta error, make bins accordingly
nz = int( 180/(dangle*fac) )
nz = int( 180.0/(dangle*fac) )
zstep = 180.0/nz
zedges = np.arange( az.min() - zstep/2, az.max() + zstep, zstep )
# ... and longitude errors is roughly omega error
Expand All @@ -85,7 +86,8 @@ def findpairs_2d( cf, dangle, omestep, fac = 1.5):
assert (yHedges == yedges).all()
# v - minbin
# Find which bin the sqpots are in
assert (iz == np.digitize( az, zedges )-1).all(),(iz,np.digitize( az, zedges ))
assert (iz == np.digitize( az, zedges )-1).all(),(
iz,np.digitize( az, zedges ))
assert (iy == np.digitize( ay, yedges )-1).all()
# H is ordered as H.shape[0] H.shape[1]
#print(H.shape ,zedges.shape, yedges.shape )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,6 +127,7 @@ def findpairs_2d( cf, dangle, omestep, fac = 1.5):
assert len(np.unique(order)) == cf.nrows
assert order.min() == 0
assert order.max() == cf.nrows-1
start = time.time()
allpointers = np.concatenate( ( [0,], pointers ) )
pimage = np.reshape( pointers, H.shape )
# Now the peaks are sorted according to which direction they have
Expand All @@ -137,34 +140,27 @@ def findpairs_2d( cf, dangle, omestep, fac = 1.5):
for iiy, iiz in zip( iyimage[mask], izimage[mask] ) :
# print("Pixel",iiy, iiz)
# In the y direction we will wrap around
iys = (iiy-1)%NY , iiy, (iiy+1)%NY
# On the z direction we do not wrap as this is a pole (fable geometry)
if iiz > 0:
if iiz < H.shape[0]-2: # can do iz - 1
izs = iiz - 1, iiz, iiz + 1
izs = iiz - 1, iiz
izs = iiz, iiz + 1
npk = 0
newhits = []
for this_z in izs:
for this_y in iys:
npk += H[this_z, this_y]
newhits = []
if iiz <= 1 or iiz > H.shape[0]-2: # skip edges
for this_y in (iiy-1)%NY , iiy, (iiy+1)%NY:
# On the z direction we do not wrap as this is a pole
# (fable geometry)
for this_z in iiz - 1, iiz, iiz + 1:
pkhere = H[this_z, this_y]
if pkhere == 0:
# location of these peaks is:
plo = allpointers[ this_z * NY + this_y ]
phi = allpointers[ this_z * NY + this_y + 1]
newhits += range(plo, phi )
# print(" ", this_z, this_y, H[this_z, this_y])
# for k in range(plo, phi):
# print(" ",k,cf.ds[k],[k], cf.eta[k], cf.gx[k],[k], cf.gz[k] )
if len(newhits)>1:
print(len(hits), "hits, %.5f s"%(time.time()-start))
if __debug__:
# assert order is a permutation ...
assert len( np.unique(order) ) == cf.nrows, (len( np.unique(order) ), cf.nrows)
assert len( np.unique(order) ) == cf.nrows, (
len( np.unique(order) ), cf.nrows)
assert order.min() == 0
assert order.max() == cf.nrows-1
if 0:
Expand All @@ -178,14 +174,49 @@ def findpairs_2d( cf, dangle, omestep, fac = 1.5):
pl.plot( ay, az, "+")
start = time.time()
for h in hits:
clusterpeaks( cf, h, dangle )
# convert dangle error to error in ds
# ... Bragg : w = 2*d*sin(theta) w = wvln, d=d-spacing
# ds = 2*sin(theta)/w theta = Bragg angle
# ds = 1/d = dstar
# d(ds)/d(theta) = 2*cos(theta)/w since d(sin) = d
# d(ds) = 2*cos(theta)*d(theta)/w
# d(ds) = 2*cos(theta)*(d(2theta)/2)/w
# d(ds) = cos(theta)*d(2theta)/w
# take cos(theta) == 1
w = cf.parameters.get('wavelength')
d_ds = np.radians(dangle) / w
print("Converting dangle",dangle, "degrees to",d_ds, "ds_tol")
for p,h in enumerate(hits):
clusterpeaks( cf, h, d_ds )
if p % 100 == 0:
print("%8d %.2f"%( p, 100*p/len(hits)) , end="\r" )
if __debug__:
print( "Time clustering",time.time()-start )

def cluster1d( ar, tol ):
try to figure out what goes together
ar = 1d array
tol = order of magnitude to say things are the same
def clusterpeaks( cf, pks, dangle ):
returns array of cluster indices:
[ 0,0, 2,2, 5,5, 1, 2,2, 0,0] etc
idx = [[0,]]
for i,v in enumerate(ar[1:]):
new_item = True
for j in range(len(idx)):
if abs(v - ar[idx[j][0]]) < tol:
idx[j].append( i+1 )
new_item = False
if new_item:
idx.append([ i+1,] )
return idx

def clusterpeaks( cf, pks, d_ds ):
Cases :
1) Identical peaks (tth, eta, omega) with different dty
Expand All @@ -198,104 +229,27 @@ def clusterpeaks( cf, pks, dangle ):
... |g2| / |g1| == integer and direction(g1)==direction(g2)
assert len(pks) > 1
ome =[ pks ]
ome_order = np.argsort( ome )
# sorted_omega
somega = ome[ome_order]
# For the most part, we expect harmonics to be on different omega steps
# so this sorting ought to be enough to separate them
inds = np.take( pks, ome_order )
ds = cf.ds[ inds]
eta = cf.eta[inds]
# better to sort on ds and start with the smallest first ?
ds = cf.ds[ pks]
order = np.argsort( ds ).astype( np.intc )
ids = np.zeros( len(pks), np.intc )
avgs = np.zeros( len(pks), np.float )
nclusters = cImageD11.cluster1d( ds , order, d_ds, ids, avgs)
# print(ds)
# print( nclusters, ids, avgs )
if 0:
print("# npks",len(pks),end=" ")
print("Average d spacings",avgs[:nclusters])

# now identify "equivalence" or "gaps" in omega
# ... then identify if they are harmonics

# START HERE : what is the output from this process....
# averaged_peak (sc, fc, etc) ... identical peaks (dty), list of contributors
# averaged_peak (sc, fc, etc) ... identical peaks (dty),
# list of contributors
# harmonics... m=1, m=2 etc

def findpairs( cf, dangle, omestep, fac = 1.5 ):
cf = columnfile
dangle = average angle error on detector (from sample size)
omestep = acceptable omega error
cf.sortby( 'ds' )
allinds = np.arange( cf.nrows, )
paired = allinds < 0
allpairs = []

dang = dangle * fac
dome = omestep * fac

omega = * cf.parameters.get( "omegasign" )

# Find eta/omega for friedel pairs, and self ?
gve = np.array( (cf.gx,,cf.gz))
tth, (fe1, fe2), (fo1, fo2) = transform.uncompute_g_vectors(
wedge = cf.parameters.get("wedge"),
chi = cf.parameters.get("chi") )
tth, (se1, se2), (so1, so2) = transform.uncompute_g_vectors(
wedge = cf.parameters.get("wedge"),
chi = cf.parameters.get("chi") )

cf.sortby( "tth" )
# Outer loop on tth
itth = binned_array( cf.tth, 1000 )

lo_tth_bin = np.clip( itth.bin( cf.tth - dang ) , 1, itth.nbins )
hi_tth_bin = np.clip( itth.bin( cf.tth + dang ) + 1, 0, itth.nbins )
for i in range(cf.nrows):
lc = itth.bin_inds[lo_tth_bin[i]]
hc = itth.bin_inds[hi_tth_bin[i]]
if (hc - lc) > 0:
# check against eta and omega
e = cf.eta[lc:hc]
o = omega[lc:hc]
m1 = (absanglediff( e, fe1[i]) < dang ) & \
(absanglediff( o, fo1[i]) < dome )
m2 = (absanglediff( e, fe2[i]) < dang ) & \
(absanglediff( o, fo2[i]) < dome )
s1 = (absanglediff( e, se1[i]) < dang ) & \
(absanglediff( o, so1[i]) < dome )
s2 = (absanglediff( e, se2[i]) < dang ) & \
(absanglediff( o, so2[i]) < dome )
#print( (absanglediff( o, so1[i]) < dome) & (absanglediff( e, se1[i]) < dang ))
#print( m1 | m2 | s1 | s2 )
pairs = allinds[lc:hc][ m1 | m2 | s1 | s2 ]
if len(pairs) < 1:
raise Exception("Missing self!")
if len(pairs) == 1:
print("#",i,lc,hc,hc - lc,len(pairs),list(pairs))
allpairs.append( tuple( [i,]+list(pairs) ) )

print("%-6d % 9.4f % 7.2f % 7.2f %9d %9d"%(
i,cf.tth[i], cf.eta[i],[i],
cf.sum_intensity[i], cf.IMax_int[i]),
cf.s_raw[i], cf.f_raw[i])

for k in pairs:
print(" %-6d % 9.4f % 7.2f % 7.2f %9d %9d"%(
k, cf.tth[k],cf.eta[k],[k],
cf.sum_intensity[k], cf.IMax_int[k]),
cf.s_raw[k], cf.f_raw[k])
sol, _, _ = fitpair( cf, (i, k), cf.parameters )
origin, vec, w = fitpair( cf, (i, k), cf.parameters, sol0=sol )
print(" ( % 6.2f % 6.2f % 6.2f ) +/- ( % 6.2f % 6.2f % 6.2f )"%(
origin[0], origin[1], origin[2],
vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]), w )
# A pair is two peaks and has an origin and direction vector


def unit(vec):
return vec/np.sqrt(,vec))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -438,9 +392,6 @@ def main():
"and sample size ",radius)

findpairs_2d( colf, dangle, omegastep )

findpairs( colf, dangle , omestep=omegastep )

if __name__=="__main__":
Expand Down
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion src/cImageD11.pyf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -250,6 +250,17 @@ python module cImageD11
end subroutine compute_xlylzl
end interface

subroutine cluster1d( ar, n, order, tol, nclusters, ids, avgs)
intent(c) cluster1d
double precision, intent(c, in) :: ar(n)
integer, intent(c, hide), depend( ar ) :: n
integer, intent(c, in) :: order(n)
double precision, intent(c, in) :: tol
integer, intent(out) :: nclusters
integer, intent(c,inout) :: ids(n)
double precision, intent(c, inout) :: avgs(n)
end subroutine cluster1d
end interface

end python module cImageD11
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions src/closest.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -393,3 +393,35 @@ void put_incr(float data[], size_t ind[], float vals[], int boundscheck,

void cluster1d( double ar[], int n, int order[], double tol, // IN
int *nclusters, int ids[], double avgs[]){ // OUT
int i, ncl;
double dv;
// order is the order of the peaks to get them sorted
avgs[0] = ar[order[0]];
ncl = 1; // number in this cluster
ids[0] = 0; // cluster assignments ( in order )
for( i=1 ; i<n; i++){
dv = ar[order[i]] - ar[order[i-1]]; // difference in values
if( dv > tol ){ // make a new cluster
if( ncl > 1 ) { // make avg for the last one
avgs[ ids[i-1] ] = avgs[ids[i-1]] / ncl;
ids[i] = ids[i-1] + 1; // increment id
ncl = 1; // pks in this cluster
avgs[ ids[i] ] = ar[order[i]]; // store value for avg
} else {
ids[i] = ids[i-1]; // copy last id
ncl = ncl + 1;
avgs[ids[i]] = avgs[ids[i]] + ar[order[i]]; // sum on for avg
} // end for(i ...
// make the last average if necessary
if( ncl > 1 ) {
avgs[ ids[i-1] ] /= ncl;
*nclusters = ids[n-1]+1;

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