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Merge pull request #80 from Lenopis/DeepDungeonDex
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Orthos Floor 90 Boss Complete
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LTS-FFXIV authored May 12, 2024
2 parents d7c1bbe + a2da69b commit 044f9b7
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
namespace BossMod.Endwalker.DeepDungeon.EurekaOrthos.DD90Administrator;

public enum OID : uint
Boss = 0x3D23, // R5.950, x1
EggInterceptor = 0x3D24, // R2.300, x?
SquareInterceptor = 0x3D25, // R2.300, x?
OrbInterceptor = 0x3D26, // R2.300, x?
Helper = 0x233C, // R0.500, x12, 523 type

public enum AID : uint
AetherochemicalLaserCone = 31451, // EggInterceptor->self, 6.0s cast, range 50 120-degree cone | Conal from Egg // Done
AetherochemicalLaserDonut = 31453, // OrbInterceptor->self, 6.0s cast, range ?-40 donut // Done
AetherochemicalLaserLine = 31452, // SquareInterceptor->self, 6.0s cast, range 40 width 5 rect // Done

AetherochemicalLaserCone2 = 32832, // EggInterceptor->self, 8.0s cast, range 50 120-degree cone | Cone from Egg, Paired w/ AID 32833 // Done
AetherochemicalLaserLine2 = 32833, // SquareInterceptor->self, 8.0s cast, range 40 width 5 rect | Paired w/ Aid 32832 // Done

AutoAttack = 31457, // Boss->player, no cast, single-target
CrossLaser = 31448, // Boss->self, 6.0s cast, range 60 width 10 cross | Cross AOE After LC helpers happen (2/2 he can do at the end). // Done
PeripheralLasers = 31447, // Boss->self, 6.0s cast, range ?-60 donut | Donut on the boss after LC helpers happen (1 of 2 he can do at the end). Video looks like it's ~3.5r? It's smaller than boss's hitbox. // Need testing

HomingLaser = 31461, // Helper->location, 3.0s cast, range 6 circle | Targeted circles, attacks x5

Laserstream = 31456, // Boss->self, 4.0s cast, range 60 circle | Roomwide AOE
ParallelExecution = 31454, // Boss->self, 3.0s cast, range 60 circle | Skill that preps the line of cubes + 5 puddles underneath the feet

SalvoScript = 31455, // Boss->self, 3.0s cast, range 60 circle | Activating the cubes/Egg's for cast (tiny safe spot in corner) // Could be used for a hint here?
SupportSystems = 31449, // Boss->self, 3.0s cast, single-target | Cast to summon Intercepters around the arena // Could be used for hints
HomingLaserBoss = 31460, // Boss->self, no cast, single-target | Instacast animation, effect to simulate helper actually doing puddles
InterceptionSequence = 31450, // Boss->self, 3.0s cast, range 60 circle | Used to prep the Egg/Orb/Cube/Square for order of firing

Weaponskill_Unknown = 31458, // Boss->self, no cast, single-target
Weaponskill_Unknown2 = 31459, // Boss->self, no cast, single-target

class AetherLaserCone(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.AetherochemicalLaserCone), new AOEShapeCone(50, 60.Degrees()));
class AetherLaserDonut(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.AetherochemicalLaserDonut), new AOEShapeDonut(4f, 60));
class AetherLaserLine(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.AetherochemicalLaserLine), new AOEShapeRect(40, 2.5f))
public override IEnumerable<AOEInstance> ActiveAOEs(int slot, Actor actor)
// Attempting to offput the lines going off here... since not all the time they go off at the same time (phase 2/3 of this boss)
// There's only 2 of them going off at similar times (one N<->S, one E<->W)
// Need to go back and test this a bit more to make sure it looks/feels good
var timeLimit = Casters.FirstOrDefault()?.CastInfo?.NPCFinishAt.AddSeconds(1.5f) ?? new();
return Casters.TakeWhile(c => c.CastInfo!.NPCFinishAt <= timeLimit).Select(c => new AOEInstance(Shape, c.Position, c.CastInfo!.Rotation, c.CastInfo!.NPCFinishAt));

class AetherLaserLine2(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.AetherochemicalLaserLine2), new AOEShapeRect(40, 2.5f));
class AetherLaserCone2(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.AetherochemicalLaserCone2), new AOEShapeCone(50, 60.Degrees()));

class CrossLasers(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.CrossLaser), new AOEShapeCross(60, 5));
class PeripheralLasers(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.PeripheralLasers), new AOEShapeDonut(4.5f, 60));

class HomingLasers(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.HomingLaser), 6f, "Get out of the puddle, avoid the lines");

class DD90AdministratorStates : StateMachineBuilder
public DD90AdministratorStates(BossModule module) : base(module)

[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "legendoficeman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 903, NameID = 12102)]
public class DD90Administrator(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsSquare(20));

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