Releases: FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-Aura-Effect
Releases · FG-Unofficial-Developers-Guild/FG-Aura-Effect
What's Changed
- Init Tracker Start by @rhagelstrom in #42
- Small efficiency improvement
Full Changelog: v3.3...v3.4
What's Changed
- Recalculate all auras when tokens are added by @rhagelstrom and @bmos in #38
- Preface all non-local functions in file to call by their global name by @rhagelstrom in #38
- HOTFIX: Fix faction filter by correcting typo brought about by "preface all non-local functions in file to call by their global name"
Full Changelog: v3.2...v3.3-hotfix.1
What's Changed
- Bug fixes by @rhagelstrom in #32
- Bug fixes by @rhagelstrom in #33
- Bug fixes by @rhagelstrom in #34
- Effect builder fixes (for cube)
Full Changelog: v3.1-hotfix.2...v3.2
What's Changed
- Re-add 4E support
- Fix faction inversion "!enemy" was being detected as "enemy" and such.
- HOTFIXES: Better handling of edge cases causing script errors.
- HOTFIX: Support PFRPG2-Legacy
Full Changelog: v3.0-hotfix.1...v3.1-hotfix.2
What's Changed
- Substantial rework by @rhagelstrom to enable:
- Much faster processing with less reliance on the database
- Child effects no longer use FROMAURA prefix (sorry, you're going to have to delete any that are left)
- Multiple new aura types! Please see the updated readme file.
- Removed 4E support due to breaking changes
New Contributors
- @rhagelstrom made their first contribution in #26
Full Changelog: v2.1...v3.0-hotfix.1
What's Changed
- Add "none" faction like "AURA: 5 none" to improve compatibility with other extensions.
- Small performance uplift (requires FGU v4.3.3+)
- Final release for 4E D&D (for now)
Full Changelog: v2.0-hotfix.1...v2.1
What's Changed
- Substantial code rework. Removed almost 200 lines of code and broke up the codebase into 4 scripts to handle various aspects and make finding/contributing/updating code much easier.
- Updated Effect Builder support to handle the new factions and relationships added previously.
- Substantial performance improvements.
- Better triggering of aura calculation (such as "IF: Blinded; Aura: 5; test" now recalculating when Blinded is added/removed).
- Moved "All" settings for Silent Auras option to beginning of the list
- HOTFIX: some auras were being added multiple times when a single actor had multiple auras on them targeting the same tokens around them
Notable Features Removed (I can add these again if they're still needed)
- Deferring processing until after token movement is complete.
- Limiting movement to whole squares.
Full Changelog: v1.23...v2.0-hotfix.1